Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 37


        AT&T and American Tower Sign New Agreement

        AT&T  and  American  Tower  Corporation   network builds. It ultimately helps us better   “We look forward to this new phase of our
        signed  a  new  long-term  agreement   serve our customers and first responders   long-standing  relationship  with  AT&T,”
        structured for mutual growth through  a   nationwide.”   The new agreement aligns   said Steve Vondran, President - U.S. Tower
        simplified  leasing  process  and  expanded   with  AT&T’s  commitment  to  provide  its   Division, American Tower Corporation.
        site  development  services.  The new   customers, including FirstNet public safety   “This agreement provides for an extended
        agreement  streamlines wireless  network   subscribers, with better speeds, reliability   mutually rewarding strategic relationship,
        deployments on American  Tower’s U.S.   and overall  performance. This includes  a   and we’re excited to help AT&T deliver the
        sites,  enhancing  AT&T’s  deployment  of   focus on keeping up with booming mobile   next  generation of wireless  technology
        5G  and other next generation  technology   data  usage while improving  capacity   to  consumers,  businesses  and  first
        across the U.S., including  FirstNet,   and coverage across  the entire  country,   responders quickly and efficiently.”
        public  safety’s  dedicated,  nationwide   especially in underserved rural  areas.
        communications    platform.   “This
        comprehensive  agreement  is  expected  to
        drive mutual value  and growth through  a
        simplified leasing process designed to drive
        efficiency  and  flexibility  improvements
        directly benefitting our speed in deploying
        the latest technologies,”  said JR Wilson,
        Vice President  of Tower Strategy and
        Roaming,  AT&T.  “This  is  essential  for
        executing  on both our 5G and FirstNet

        AT&T Says Virtualization Provides ‘Stunning’ Cost Savings

        AT&T  CEO  Randall  Stephenson  said  that   relevant for FierceTelecom  readers as  he   Donovan chose  to retire at this time. It’s
        the  company’s efforts to virtualize its   led the charge on network virtualization   possible that he felt he was not the “heir
        network have provided  “stunning”  cost   for  AT&T  and  helped  the  telecom  opera-  apparent” to Stephenson. The two men are
        savings. Speaking at the Goldman Sachs   tor break away from the dreaded “vendor   actually about the same age (in their late
        Communacopia  conference  this morning   lock in.” Donovan has worked closely with   fifties).  Shortly  after  Donovan  announced
        in New York, Stephenson said the biggest   open source groups to  completely  trans-  his retirement, AT&T said that John Stan-
        cost AT&T has is the cost to run its net-  form telco networking. Stephenson today   key  would assume Donovan’s  role along
        work and its IT shop. “That’s our biggest   credited  Donovan for this work.  “This is   with his existing responsibilities leading
        element in our P&L,” he said. And he cred-  a  big deal because when you  virtualize   AT&T’s WarnerMedia unit. At the Goldman
        ited the company’s  efforts  to  virtualize   these functions and then you create oper-  Sachs conference today, Stephenson  de-
        75% of its core network functions as pay-  ating systems that manage them and you   fended  AT&T’s  choice  of  Stankey  as  the
        ing off in big cost savings. “What it’s done   put  those operating systems in the  open   company’s president  and chief operating
        to  our cost takeout has  been  stunning,”   source community, that’s what we’ve been   officer. Stankey will also continue to head
        he said. “We are now roughly 17 quarters   leading, that’s what John Donovan and his   up AT&T’s WarnerMedia unit. Stephenson
        where the cost of this has been  going   team  have been  leading.” He  added  that   said today that he’s “been asked a thou-
        down year-over-year 7% to 8%.  That’s  a   open source and virtualization “inoculates”   sand times” if Stankey is his heir apparent.
        stunning  development.”  Stephenson  also   a telco from problems that could arise with   “First of all, the board hasn’t informed me
        gave  a  shout-out  to  AT&T  Communica-  a  Chinese  vendor  or Chinese  competitor   I’m retiring yet,” joked Stephenson. “But I
        tions CEO  John  Donovan, who recently   who may try to dominate the global supply   will say if Stankey is successful at running
        announced  his retirement  effective Octo-  chain. He said, “I think the global telecom   this play over the next year, he’s in a pretty
        ber 1. Donovan has been a very public face   community owes [Donovan] a thank you for   good position.”
        for the company and has been particularly   what he has led here.” It’s not known why

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