Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 46


                                              Huawei Unveils the Industry’s  First Fully

                                              Containerized 5G Core Network

                                                                                 cross-DC  deployment,  A/B  test,  and
                                                                                 other innovative technologies.  Huawei
                                                                                 also  unveiled  the  world’s  first  5G  core
                                                                                 network based on microservice-centric
                                                                                 architecture (MCA) at  MWC  2019.  This
                                                                                 industry-first  fully  containerized  5G  core
                                                                                 network,  supports  2G/3G/4G/5G NSA/5G
                                                                                 SA network  access. It  helps  carriers
                                                                                 build  more  agile,  flexible,  and  efficient
                                                                                 5G  networks  to  meet  diversified  industry
                                                                                 requirements  and  achieve  business
        The first 5G Core Summit was held in Madrid,   business agility. 3GPP introduces service   success. Huawei spearheads development
        Spain. At  this  summit, Huawei  unveiled   based  architecture  (SBA)  to  the  5G  core   of 5G chips, products, and networking, and
        the  industry’s  first  fully  containerized   network to flexibly customize and combine   is  the only communications  enterprise  in
        5G  core  network.  This 5G  core network   NFs on demand. Huawei further splits NFs   the world that can provide end-to-end 5G
        applies container technology  to  all  NFs   in to microservices to make version release   commercial solutions. Huawei has signed
        to make network  deployment more agile   faster,  deployment more  lightweight,   more than 50 5G commercial contracts
        and service rollout faster, helping carriers   and  service orchestration more  flexible.   worldwide  and helps  carriers  gain a
        empower  new business  and operations   Container technology is the best choice for   head start for 5G deployment and deliver
        for all  industries and enabling digital   a microservice architecture. It meets ever-  ultimate  user experience.  The 5G  Core
        transformation of industries. To  cater for   changing service needs by making the 5G   Summit is hosted by InformaTech, a well-
        differentiated  requirements  of industry   network more agile and flexible, maximizing   known exhibition company, and co-hosted
        applications  in the  5G era, networks   resource utilization, and enabling quick   by Huawei.  It  is the only professional
        must  support  fast  software iteration and   location of faults and self-healing. Huawei   summit in the industry which focuses on
        upgrade  to accelerate service innovation,   has adopted  Cloud  Native in NFV-based   the core network field.
        reduce  trial  and error costs, and achieve   core networks to realize stateless design,

        Huawei Mulls Radical Plan to Sell 5G Assets

        Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei revealed the vendor would   of its 5G equipment. Over the last two years, Huawei’s formerly
        consider  selling  access to  its  5G  technologies  to  a  company   rarely-interviewed CEO  has  increased his  media presence  and
        based outside Asia, with the buyer free to modify key elements   conducted a number of sessions with international news outlets.
        and block access to products created, The Economist reported.   In various interviews, he has talked-up his company’s prospects
        In an interview with the business  magazine, the executive said   in the face of the US ban, highlighted measures being taken to
        for a  one-off  payment a  buyer would be given access to  the   minimize the impact and defended the business from the various
        company’s  existing portfolio of 5G patents, licenses,  code,   accusations.
        technical blueprints and production expertise. Both parties would
        then be free to change elements of the source code for their own
        individual products. The potential  cost to a  prospective buyer
        was not disclosed. It was also unclear whether any sale would
        be targeted at existing companies with similar propositions or a
        newly-created entity. However, The Economist reported any sale
        would be to a company based in “the West”. While Huawei has
        been successful in a number of Western markets, as the trade war
        between the US and China escalated it has found itself in the firing
        line, with the US not only imposing its own sanctions on Huawei
        but pressing other nations to follow suit. The US opened a number
        of  investigations  into the company covering everything from
        accusations of IP theft to allegations related to national security.
        Huawei  has  strenuously denied  all  allegations made by  the US
        and other countries, including  those  questioning  the security

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