Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 47


        Huawei Demonstrates Its 5G Vision for Connecting an Intelligent World at

        ITU Telecom World 2019

                                                                                 antenna  integration,  energy  efficiency,
                                                                                 zero footprint, and indoor coverage – the
                                                                                 ultra-lean 5G sites help operators reduce
                                                                                 CAPEX  and  OPEX  during  site  evolution
                                                                                 to enable faster 5G deployment and
                                                                                 achieve business success. Geng Fei, Vice
                                                                                 President of Huawei’s Wireless and Cloud
                                                                                 Core Network Marketing  Solution Sales
                                                                                 Department, said: “Owing  to  continuous
                                                                                 breakthroughs  and innovations, Huawei
                                                                                 offers simplified, green, and evolvable 5G
                                                                                 site solutions. The latest breakthroughs in
                                                                                 overcoming  the  five  limits  of  experience,
                                                                                 antenna  integration,  energy  efficiency,
                                                                                 zero-footprint  deployment,  and indoor
                                                                                 coverage  will prove an essential catalyst
                                                                                 for empowering mobile network operators
                                                                                 to simplify site structure, reduce site TCO,
                                                                                 and protect  investment. They will  enable
                                                                                 the creation of  a  robust foundation  for
        During the ITU  Telecom  World 2019   the 5G commercial process, 5G innovative   the successful commercial adoption
        held  in  Budapest,  Hungary,  Huawei-  a   applications emerge in an endless stream,   of 5G networks.” Huawei works with
        leading global provider of information   including  enhanced  mobile  broadband,   government  regulators, global  operators,
        and communications technology (ICT)   media-based  entertainment,  industrial   industry leaders, ecosystem partners, and
        is  participating  under  the “Ubiquitous   manufacturing,  intelligent  transportation,   industry  analysts  to exchange  ideas and
        Gigabit Connectivity & Intelligent Society”.   etc. The 5G network can provide users   experiences  on  leading  business models
        Huawei is appearing full force with a host   with  Gigabit network, ultimate  network   and applications of 5G+gigabit and discuss
        of forums and demonstrations, such as   performance and user experience. Huawei   its commercial deployment strategy from
        the 5G+Gigabit,  Connecting  an Intelligent   also hosted an in-depth session on fixed   the perspectives  of industry  policy and
        Future forum and the 5G is On demo truck.   wireless access (FWA) on the proactive role   regulation,  industry applications, service
        At  the event, Yang Chaobin,  President   of wireless broadband access technology   development,  simplified  5G  sites,  and
        of Huawei 5G product  line, released   in national broadband  development.   network deployment.  Over the  past  10
        the “5G Applications  Position  Paper” at   Huawei  also  showcased its  latest  WTTx   years, Huawei has invested a total of US$4
        “5G+Gigabit:  Connecting  an Intelligent   solution that enables households as well   billion in 5G, making it a leader in 5G chips,
        Future “ Forum.  The forum was  opened   as  small  and medium-sized enterprises   products,  and networks. Huawei is  the
        by Mr. Houlin Zhao, the Secretary General   to  access high-speed  Internet  services   only telecoms company in the world that
        of International Telecom  Union  (ITU)   without  optical  fibers  and  narrows  the   is able to provide end-to-end commercial
        and Mr.  László  Palkovics, the Minister of   digital divide  between  urban  and rural   5G  solutions. The company has  signed
        Innovation and Technology of Hungary. The   areas.  It  is  also key  to implementing   commercial contracts with over 50
        position  paper  highlights  5G application   national broadband  plans. At the event,   operators  worldwide and shipped  over
        scenarios  in the areas of enhancing   Huawei also released  the  5G Ultra-Lean   200,000 5G Massive MIMO  AAUs to help
        broadband,  media and entertainment,   Site White Paper which emphasizes the   operators gain first-mover advantages and
        industrial manufacturing,  and intelligent   deployment strategy for 5G sites. With the   ensure premium user experience in 5G.
        transportation.  With  the advancement  of   aim of breaking five barriers – experience,

        Mattel Inks Deal with Huawei

        Mauritanian  cellular  operator  Mattel  has   saying: ‘The realization  of  this  project, in   not  disclosed.  Mattel, which  is backed
        signed  a  cooperation  agreement with   partnership  with  Huawei, will  contribute   by  Tunisie  Telecom, is  the smallest  of
        Chinese  equipment vendor  Huawei for   to the growth of the sector and will allow   Mauritania’s three cellcos, claiming around
        the upgrade of its  networks. A report   Mattel to consolidate its growth potential   23% of the mobile market as of mid-2019.
        from   Agence   Ecofin   cites   Mattel’s   in the  Mauritanian telecommunications
        Managing  Director,  Elyes  Ben  Sassi,  as   market.’  Full details  of the contract  were

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