Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 55


                                             KDDI Awards 5G Network Upgrade  Contracts  to

        Finnish equipment maker Nokia has been   enhanced  Machine Type Communication   network and launching 5G for consumers
        selected  by  Japanese mobile  operator   (eMTC [also  known as LTE-M])  enabling   and industries.’ In  a  related press
        KDDI (branded au) to upgrade its 4G LTE   multiple new applications and  services   announcement, Ericsson of Sweden says it
        network to  5G  using its  AirScale radio   for industries in the 5G era,’ it confirmed.   will supply KDDI with radio access network
        access solution  – which supports  both   Moreover, the network architecture –   (RAN) gear to support the cellco’s planned
        technologies.  The launch of AirScale in   which supports  both the cmWave and   commercial launch in March 2020. By that
        2020 will enable KDDI to modernize its 4G   mmWave 5G frequency bands – will also   date,  KDDI  expects  the  first  commercial
        network and meet the growing consumer   be transformed to enable 5G Ultra Reliable   live  fifth-generation  services  to  be
        and industrial demands for 5G, it confirmed   Low  Latency  Connectivity  (URLLC).  available, with more than 93% coverage of
        in a press release, adding that the contract   Commenting,  John  Harrington, Head of   5G base station areas specified by Japan’s
        for 5G  radio ‘re-enforces the  strong   Nokia  Japan, said: ‘This deal will  allow   telecom  regulation  body – the Ministry
        relationship  between the two companies,   KDDI to get  ready for the  5G era and we   of Internal Affairs and Communications
        which  dates back over two decades’.   are  honored and  excited to  continue our   (MIC) – by  31  March 2025.  Under the
        On  completion,  the nationwide  network   long-term relationship. As an  end-to-  contract,  Ericsson  will supply  KDDI with
        upgrade  will  deliver  ‘enhanced  Mobile   end supplier of  multiple technologies to   RAN equipment, including  products  and
        Broadband  (eMBB)  to  consumers  and   KDDI, we look forward to transforming the   solutions from the Ericsson Radio System
                                                                                 portfolio,  allowing  the  Japanese  firm  ‘to
                                                                                 maximize its spectrum assets and enable
                                                                                 the service provider to roll out commercial
                                                                                 5G services  in several parts of Japan
                                                                                 on [its]  sub-6GHz  and 28GHz  bands  for
                                                                                 5G  New  Radio (NR)’.  KDDI’s  selection of
                                                                                 Ericsson as a 5G vendor follows nearly four
                                                                                 years of close collaboration on 5G between
                                                                                 the companies. The pair have carried out
                                                                                 a series of joint tests across a wide range
                                                                                 of 5G use cases on the 4.5GHz and 28GHz
                                                                                 frequency bands, including interoperability
                                                                                 between 5G and LTE.

        Nokia Showcases Its End-to-End 5G Leadership with New Future X Lab in

        Nokia  has  opened  a  5G  Future  X  Lab  at   of Nokia technologies and innovations. In   This new state-of-the-art  facility  is  an
        its global headquarters in Espoo, Finland,   addition to serving Nokia’s 5G customers,   extension  of  our  Future  X  Lab  in  Murray
        enabling customers to experience Nokia’s   the Espoo Lab  will  also  provide an   Hill, NJ, and will enable us to better serve
        full end-to-end portfolio of 5G equipment,   innovation  platform for internal  Nokia   European customers and innovate with key
        software and services. The  Lab will   research,  prototype  development  and   industrial verticals.  “We  look  forward  to
        enable communications service providers,   testing, as  well  as  enable engagement   hosting customers from around the world
        enterprises  and  infrastructure providers   with the wider research and innovation   at either Lab to experience network slicing
        to learn and understand  the techno-  ecosystem.  Marcus  Weldon, Nokia’s   and learn firsthand how our 5G end-to-end
        economic  power  of a 5G end-to-end   Corporate  Chief  Technology  Officer  and   network architecture will help them create
        network to better serve their customers   President  of  Nokia  Bell  Labs,  said:  “The   new economic  value.” Nokia  last  year
        and unleash new value. The  Lab  will   Future  X  Lab  is  an  extensive  build-out   outlined its Future X network architecture
        showcase the strength of Nokia’s 5G end-  of a  5G end-to-end  network, enabling   for 5G, which includes  products  such  as
        to-end capabilities  with  live  hardware,   customers  to explore how a  dynamically   high-capacity 5G New Radio, core and SDN-
        software and full network slicing, all under   reconfigurable  and  automated  network   controlled  ‘Anyhaul’ transport, becoming
        seamless digital  operations  control.  The   can increase network performance in areas   the only 5G vendor with a truly end-to-end
        Lab will also include an “Experience Zone”   of latency, capacity, reliability and security   portfolio available globally. More than half
        where customers will see demonstrations   while reducing  total  cost of ownership.   of Nokia’s  48  commercial 5G contracts

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