Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                                             PCCW Global Collaborates with DE-CIX to Extend

                                             Global Reach

        PCCW    Global   and   DE-CIX   have   additional 120 data centers in key markets   across the Console Connect platform and
        collaborated  to  extend  the reach of DE-  throughout  Europe,  Asia, the Middle   provision,  upgrade  and monitor  services
        CIX’s  cloud  and  data  center  offerings  via   East,  Africa,  and  North  America.  DE-CIX   on-demand. The collaboration will enable
        the  Console  Connect  SDI® platform by   provides premium network interconnection   DE-CIX  customers  who  are  using  the
        PCCW Global. The  collaboration will also   services and operates 18 carrier and data   Console Connect SDI® platform globally to
        provide Console Connect customers direct   center-neutral  Internet  Exchanges  in   instantly provision services from any data
        on-demand access to the DE-CIX platform   Europe,  the Middle East,  North America,   center  directly  into  the  DE-CIX  platform.
        via  the self-provisioning  platform. The   and India. Mr. Ivo Ivanov, Chief Executive   Mr. Michael Glynn, Vice President of Digital
        Console  Connect  SDI® platform, the   Officer  of  DE-CIX  International,  said,  “It   Automated Innovation, PCCW Global, said,
        world’s first global platform for Software-  has  always  been  DE-CIX’s  ambition  to   “We are pleased that this collaboration will
        Defined  Interconnection®,  offers  DE-CIX   make interconnection as easy as possible   be the first IX interconnect platform to be
        customers  a real time self-provisioning,   anywhere our customers  need  our   integrated with our global SDI® platform,
        pay-as-you-go  ecosystem  that  delivers   services on the planet. This collaboration   enabling  our wholesale and enterprise
        on-demand  virtual connections among   with PCCW Global is  just the right step   customers  to instantly provision virtual
        37  countries,  together  with  instant   to getting interconnection  even closer  to   circuits across our SDI® platform to access
        provisioning to key  cloud  partners such   the edge. We are thrilled to be the first IX   multi  DE-CIX  on-ramp  locations.  It  also
        as  AWS,  IBM  Cloud,  Tencent  Cloud,   globally to join the Console Connect SDI®   enables  DE-CIX  customers  to  purchase
        Alibaba Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud,   platform.”  DE-CIX  customers  will  be  able   on-demand services via our platform from
        and direct,  private connectivity  to an   to run private, secure virtual connections   key  cloud  partners  around the world and
                                                                                 extend  their  IX  platform  to  over  120  on-
                                                                                 net data  centers  in 37  countries.  This is
                                                                                 another step in assuring SDI® platform for
                                                                                 carriers,  SD-WAN  providers,  IX  platforms,
                                                                                 and other SDN  operators,  helping them
                                                                                 extend  their  reach  and interconnect
                                                                                 together  via  traditional  Network-to-
                                                                                 Network Interconnection  using  our self-
                                                                                 provisioning  portal,  or integrating via  API
                                                                                 at any of our access points.” The Console
                                                                                 Connect   SDI®  platform  overarches
                                                                                 the  worldwide  PCCW Global  network
                                                                                 – spanning  over 160  countries and
                                                                                 3,000 cities – offering  an  uncontended,
                                                                                 redundant,  core  network with  multiple
                                                                                 diverse paths between countries.

        PCCW Global, Orange and PEACE Cable International Team Up to Deploy

        PEACE Cable

        PCCW Global, the international  operating   East  Africa Connecting  Europe (PEACE)   in November 2018  in London.  In  terms
        division of HKT,  Hong Kong’s  premier   submarine cable system, with a 12,000km   of the cooperation, Orange will  supply
        telecommunications  service  provider,  ultra-low latency high-speed cable system   and operate the  cable landing  station in
        Orange, the leading telecommunications   that will relieve critical congestion  on   Marseille, as  well as  linking the system
        operator  in France and a  major  investor   one of  the busiest  data  routes  in  the   to one  of the city’s major data centers  -
        in over 40 submarine cables in the world,   world.  This trilateral  agreement  among   creating  a connectivity  gateway across
        and PEACE  Cable International,  a  leading   PCCW  Global, Orange, and PEACE  Cable   Europe  and on  to the  Americas through
        international submarine cable  operator,   International  follows the signature of a   existing transatlantic networks. PEACE is a
        today  signed  an agreement  during  the   memorandum  of  understanding  that  was   privately owned cable system connecting
        Submarine  Networks World  event  in   announced  during the Capacity Europe   three of the largest and most  populous
        Singapore to  deploy  the Pakistan  and   international  telecommunications event   continents in the world - Asia, Africa and

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