Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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        pricing. Etisalat  recently  invested in  a   security services including firewall, online   Europe  and Asia resulted  in growing  the
        state-of-the-art messaging platform with   portal  with  a  dashboard  and other tools,   wholesale  application-to-person  (A2P)
        a number of advanced features to ensure   and application programming  interfaces   customer  base  to  EMEA  &  Asia  regions,
        a  best  in  class  quality  service,  efficient   (APIs) interconnection capability. Etisalat’s   getting closer to end customers.
        cost routing,  mobile  number  portability,   regional sales presence in the Middle East,

        Etisalat Highlights Rapid Growth of SmartHub Data Centers

                                                                                  recognizes an entity with a unique service
                                                                                  or an initiative that demonstrates  the
                                                                                  most effective and new service or solution
                                                                                  and  can  illustrate  the  business  benefits
                                                                                  derived from it. Commenting on the award,
                                                                                  Amiri  said:  “Through  our  commitment
                                                                                  to  excellence  and  innovation,  Etisalat’s
                                                                                  SmartHub  became  one  of  the  fastest-
                                                                                  growing wholesale data hubs in the regions
                                                                                  it serves including the Middle East, Africa
                                                                                  and  Europe.  SmartHub  is  a  key  element
                                                                                  of the digital infrastructure in the region,
                                                                                  and will  continue  to  offer its  customers
                                                                                  a world-class  service that meets their
                                                                                  evolving requirements.” Etisalat SmartHub
                                                                                  is a multiservice carrier-grade  wholesale
                                                                                  data  center  in  Fujairah,  The  SmartHub
        Etisalat’s   SmartHub   community   of   delivery  networks,  financial  services,   ecosystem  currently has three facilities,
        customers is witnessing a massive growth,   and gaming platforms. It  also has direct   namely  SmartHub  Fujairah  1,  SmartHub
        mainly  due to  its  diverse and  complete   access to multiple independent subsea   Fujairah  2,  and  SmartHub  Dubai.  Etisalat
        ecosystem  offering an ideal environment   cable system,  interconnecting  Europe,   is  currently  building  a  fourth  SmartHub
        for  interconnecting  and  its  proximity  to   US, Asia,  Middle East  and Africa, which   facility  in  the  UAE,  which  is  expected  to
        regional  end  users,  said  Ali  Amiri,  Group   makes it capable of serving more than   enter  service  in  the  first  quarter  of  2022.
        Chief Carrier and Wholesale Officer, Etisalat   two  billion  people  within  30  milliseconds   The new facility is set to increase Etisalat’s
        “As one of the biggest neutral carrier hotels,   latency to guarantee a superior customer   capabilities and global capacity to  meet
        Etisalat’s  SmartHub  data  centers  will  be   experience.  SmartHub  is  the  largest  hub   its international clients’ growing needs for
        an ICT bridge between continents always   of submarine cable landing  station in   infrastructure across Asia, Africa, Europe,
        supporting critical  business  activities   the  region,  allowing access  to a list of   Middle East  and  the Americas.  With  the
        of global customers. We at Etisalat   wholesale  services including  data,  voice,   expansion, Etisalat’s Carrier and Wholesale
        are  committed  to  making  ‘SmartHub’   mobile,  and satellite  teleport services  as   Services has set a benchmark in the region,
        a preferred  location for carriers,  cloud   well  as  Internet  and  IPX  Exchange  and   and  is  a  testimony  to  the  company’s
        service providers, Internet exchanges and   offers flexible services and pricing models.   strategy to ‘Drive the digital future to
        companies looking for a carrier grade data   Recently, Etisalat was recognized as ‘Best   empower societies’. It is also in line with
        centers,” Amiri said. SmartHub is a trusted   Regional Data Centre Operator’ at the fifth   UAE leadership’s vision to continue leading
        digital enabler  for global customers   annual  Carrier  Community  (CC)  Global   as  an  ICT  and  data  hub  for  the  region
        from various industry  verticals  including,   Awards  ceremony  in  Berlin.  The  ‘Best   addressing the diverse requirements of
        telcos,  OTTs,  cloud  players,  content   Regional  Data  Centre  Operator’  award   global telecom infrastructure.

        Etisalat Group  Secures Required Approvals for Increasing The Foreign
        Ownership Limit in its Share Capital to 49%

        Further  to  the  Company’s  announcement   of Federal  Decree by  Law  No.  1  of 2021   the  Company's  capital  to  49%.  Moreover,
        dated  20th  January  2021  concerning   concerning  the  amendment  of some   all the necessary approvals for amending
        increasing  the   foreign  (non-UAE  provisions of Federal  Decree by  Law   the  Company’s  Articles  of  Association
        nationals) ownership  limit  in  Emirates   No. 1 of 1991 concerning  Emirates   have  been  secured.  Based  on  the  above,
        Telecommunications   Group   Company   Telecommunications  Group  Company,   increasing the foreign  ownership limit  in
        (Etisalat  Group)  PJSC  share  capital  to   whereby Article 7 thereof was amended to   the  Company’s  share  capital  has  come
        49%,  please  be  informed  of  the  issuance   increase the foreign shareholding limit in   into effect.
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