Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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part and parcel of Omantel’s ICT offerings Group, Omantel launched Smart Video TASIL has been enabling Omantel’s
and have grown in importance since early Surveillance as a service trial powered enterprise clients to attract customers
2020 with the pandemic’s outbreak. These by its 5G network and offered high speed with map-enabled precise location filters
solutions have improved productivity internet service for ships anchoring at and real-time marketing campaigns with
& boosted the efficiency through asset the Drydock. Also, Omantel and Huawei measurable and meaningful reports.
tracking, patient tracking, virtual health entered a tri-party Proof of Concept While registration is free, TASIL offers
clinics etc. It has partnered with Siemens (POC) Memorandum of Understanding flexible pay as you go payment option
to bring new e-health solutions to Oman’s (MoU) with Hutchison Ports Sohar for and competitive tariffs through different
healthcare sector. To help organizations showcasing successful utilizations of communications channels like SMS &
overcome health and safety vulnerabilities, the telecom giant’s 5G infrastructure in Whatsapp. Another managed solution for
Omantel has developed technologies boosting communication services and SMEs is the is Omantel’s “Office Out of
that are essential to mitigate COVID-19 improving operational efficiency, accuracy, the Box” which is covering fixed business
risks by providing a powerful workplace time management and security, among internet broadband, mobile packages
intervention using the latest technologies other services. Education as a Service and ICT services in one monthly bundle.
that are capable to easily transform how we Omantel is collaborating with OMREN Omantel continues to briskly march ahead
work and interact. Some of these solutions (Oman Research and Education Network, on its path as an important economic
includes temperature & face mask an initiative by The Research Council) to driver effectively handling challenges
detection and people count; AI enabled establish a national ecosystem and hurdles like risks to society from
chatbots for customer service, contactless that supports Oman’s Research and information overload, monitoring and
biometrics and e-signature solutions that Education community and connects it with infrastructural needs to name a few, using
electronically prepare, sign and manage international community. Other Managed proactive, focused and positive approaches
documents and agreements. The latest Services Innovation is the foundation that include infrastructure expansion,
implementation of Omantel’s ICT solutions for all Omantel’s ICT solutions. TASIL acquisitions, strategic partnerships with
has been at the Duqm Special Economic epitomizes this emphasis. An innovative, leading ICT product providers, network
Zone. Here, in association with the ASYAD real-time online advertising platform, services and technical knowhow.
Zain Launches Online Campaign to Reinforce
Environmental Awareness
Zain, the leading digital service provider any efforts that serve sustainability and
in Kuwait, launched #ActivateYourRole, environmental goals, as we believe this is
an online awareness campaign on its a crucial topic that affects everyone. Zain’s
official social media platforms that aims at social message seeks to tackle the most
raising public awareness towards climate important issues and reinforce the role of
change, sustainability, and preserving individual efforts like preserving natural
natural resources. Commenting on the resources, decreasing consumption,
new campaign launch, Zain Kuwait’s recycling, and other concepts that will
Chief Corporate Communications and contribute to reducing the impacts of
Relations Officer Waleed Al-Khashti said: climate change.” Khashti continued:
“We launched #ActivateYourRole as “Through this campaign, we use our social
part of our corporate sustainability and media platforms to spread facts that many
social responsibility strategy towards people might not have heard of before.
the environment. Through this strategy, These facts show the shocking impacts
we are committed to building climate of climate change on our health and on
change scenarios that are aligned with the environment around us. We hope this
the Paris Agreement (2015) to reduce message encourages positive change and
carbon emissions and mitigate physical brings more efforts towards achieving
and environmental risks.” Khashti added: sustainable goals in Kuwait.” Khashti
“Zain is well aware of the urgent need to concluded: “Our part does not stop at raising
tackle the climate crisis the world is facing awareness and supporting environmental
today. To achieve sustainable growth, programs, but also extends to reducing
we must protect the environment and our own footprint. Zain continues to
preserve its resources.” Khashti further exert more efforts into reducing the
explained: “We are keen on supporting environmental footprint of its operations,