Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 45


        UAE’s ICT Spending Estimated to Reach US$23 Billion by 2024

        Cescent  Enterprises  CEO  Badr  Jafar,  has
        underlined  the  importance  of addressing
        global  challenges by adopting  innovative
        investment  models conducive to ensur-
        ing digital inclusion. He made the remarks
        as  he participated in the World  Econom-
        ic  Forum  EDISON  Alliance  discussion  on
        boosting digital inclusion alongside Hans
        Vestberg,  Chairman  and  CEO  of  Verizon
        and  Chairman  of  the  EDISION  Alliance,
        Ruth Porat, Senior Vice-President and CFO
        of  Google,  and  Dr.  Precious  Moloi-Mo-
        tsepe, Co-Founder and CEO of the Motsepe
        Foundation. The discussion, moderated by
        Quartz  Media  Editor-in-Chief  Katherine   us on whether we really used these tools   digital divide through a business lens, con-
        Bell,  was  hosted  by  the  EDISON  Alliance,   for the collective betterment  of humani-  sidering the significant and widening digi-
        a  global  movement of private  and public   ty and our planet." According to a recent   tal gap between small and medium-sized
        sector Champions committed to prioritiz-  report by the Middle East Institute, infor-  enterprises  (SMEs) and larger business-
        ing digital inclusion  for the achievement   mation and communications  technology   es.  As  an  EDISON  Alliance  partner,  Cres-
        of the United Nations Sustainable  Devel-  (ICT), the UAE’s ICT spending is estimated   cent Enterprises, aims to focus efforts on
        opment  Goals.  The  discussion  was  held   to  reach  $23  billion  by  2024.  On  innova-  scaling up the digital capacities of SMEs
        against the backdrop of the EDISON Alli-  tive investment models needed for digital   in the Middle East and North Africa region,
        ance 1 Billion Lives Challenge, a challenge   inclusion, Jafar highlighted that the busi-  in  which  SMEs  account  for  over  90%  of
        to improve 1 billion lives globally by 2025   ness case for connecting the unconnect-  all businesses and are a major source of
        through  affordable and accessible digi-  ed is inarguable, with an estimated 70% of   much-needed  job creation and econom-
        tal  solutions.  With  an  estimated  47%  of   new value created in the economy over the   ic  growth.  The  EDISON  Alliance  Boosting
        people  worldwide  offline,  and the cost of   next  decade  to  be  based  on  digitally  en-  Digital Inclusion panel was held as a part
        available broadband exceeding affordabil-  abled platforms. Jafar underlined, "Today,   of  the  World  Economic  Forum’s  virtual
        ity targets in 50% of developed countries,   with trillions of dollars of capital chasing   Sustainable  Development  Impact Sum-
        Badr Jafar, an appointed Champion of the   yield in a  zero interest rate environment,   mit  2021.  The Summit, hosted in  parallel
        Edison  Alliance,  stressed  that digital in-  long-term stable tariff-based investment   with the United Nations General Assembly,
        clusion is a means to an end, "Addressing   opportunities, like digital  infrastructure,   convenes  global leaders  across sectors,
        the global challenges  that  humanity and   is super compelling. The  questions we   disciplines, and geographies to exchange
        our habitat faces is of course the ultimate   must address is how can we ensure reg-  knowledge,  innovative approaches,  and
        goal. Technology is a means to that end,   ulatory  and investment  frameworks are   promising ideas  to  accelerate  post-pan-
        and  it  isn’t  the  agent  of  change,  either.   clear, transparent, and compelling enough   demic  recovery on the  road to achieving
        We, the  connected people,  are  the true   to accelerate this investment?" Jafar also   the United Nations Sustainable Develop-
        agents of change.  And history  will  judge   emphasized the need to also address the   ment Goals.

        MTN Looking for Buyers for Afghan Business, Reports Say

        Johannesburg-based  emerging  markets   about USD49 million, they said. The news   believe the group is best served to focus
        mobile  carrier  MTN  Group  is  reportedly   agency  notes that  in unveiling its  new   in the future on our pan-African strategy.
        in talks with potential buyers for its MTN   government this week, the Taliban stated   We will therefore be exiting the Middle East
        Afghanistan wireless unit as it accelerates   that  investments  from  China  will  be  key   in an  orderly manner over the medium
        plans to exit the country in the wake of the   to helping rebuild an economy devastated   term.  As  a  first  step  we  are  in  advanced
        recent takeover by the Taliban. Bloomberg   by decades of war.  According  to   discussions to sell our 75% stake in MTN
        cites unnamed people with knowledge of   TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database,   Syria  to  TeleInvest, which is  the minority
        the matter as saying that MTN is in talks   in August 2020 the South  African carrier   shareholder  in  MTN  Syria  with  a  25%
        with  several  interested parties,  although   announced its intention to make a strategic   holding.’ MTN Afghanistan is the country’s
        the negotiations reportedly do not include   exit from the Middle East region to focus   leading  mobile  provider by subscribers
        any  Chinese  buyers.  A  write-down  of   on the African market.  In  announcing  its   with around 2.35 million users and a 27.6%
        MTN’s  Afghanistan  operation  without   interim  financial  results  for  1H20,  it  said:   market share.
        any proceeds from a disposal would cost   ‘As part of our ongoing portfolio review, we
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