Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 81


                         French media regulator the CSA has launched a new   that  could  impact on thematic channels,  closes. The
                         public consultation on the development of interactive   planned  ‘cable-satellite’  decree  outlines  obligations
                         services in the country’s digital-terrestrial TV platform.   that must be  undertaken  by channels  distributed
                         The  consultation will  cover services that can be   by  cable  and satellite, and comes alongside  parallel
        France           delivered to TVs via  an internet connection,  allows   legislation covering SVOD services and DTT. The new
                         users to access functionality that can be considered
                                                                        rules are likely to place additional burdens on thematic
                         complementary to linear DTT channels, such as video-  channels to finance French and European production,
                         on-demand.  The  CSA  said that the  consultation  was   obliging them to devote 16% of revenues to creation.
                         followed on from authorizations that took place in the   Groups  representing  French  thematic  channels  are
                         spring,  which  were intended  to kick  off tests of the   protesting against what they see as an additional blow
                         first  services.  The  regulator  is  seeking  contributions   on top of downward pressure on their revenues from
                         from interested parties in the various categories  of   telecom  operators  and other  distributors,  the impact
                         interactive  services that  could be authorized, and   of the pandemic  and competition  from streaming
                         views  on the requirements and resources in terms   services. Thematic channels group ACCeS, which has
                         of frequencies  and channel  numbers  that  might be   just  added  new  members  Histoire  TV  and  TV  Breizh
                         required  to  bring  projects  to  realization.  The  CSA’s   from TF1 Group, told financial daily Les Echos that the
                         consultation  is opening  as another  one,  launched  by   legislation risked sacrificing thematic channels for the
                         the  country’s  culture  ministry  on  planned  legislation   sake of uniformity of rules. (September 19, 2021)

                         Germany's federal cybersecurity watchdog, the BSI, is   probe. Xiaomi emerged as the top smartphone vendor
                         conducting a technical examination of a mobile phone   in Europe for the first time in the second quarter of 2021,
                         manufactured by China's Xiaomi Corp, a spokesperson   shipping a record 12.7 million units there, research firm
                         for  the  interior  ministry  told  Reuters  on  Wednesday.   Strategy Analytics said. Along with other Chinese rivals
        Germany          The  spokesperson  did  not provide  further  details on   on the Android operating system, Xiaomi has enjoyed
                                                                        a  surge in  market  share  following the enforcement
                         what  kind  of  examination  the  agency  was  carrying
                         out. Lithanua's state cybersecurity body said last week   of  U.S.  sanctions  against  Huawei  Technologies  Co
                         that Xiaomi phones had a built-in ability to detect and   Ltd, which  crippled  its  once-dominant  smartphone
                         censor terms such as "Free Tibet", "Long live Taiwan   division.  Germany  has  had  security  concerns  about
                         independence"  or "democracy  movement". Xiaomi   using  technology  from  Chinese  companies  such  as
                         said it was engaging a third-party expert to assess the   Huawei  in  its  5G  network  rollout  after  U.S.  calls  for
                         allegations by  Lithuania that  its  smartphones  carry   banning the company, saying its equipment could be
                         built-in censorship  capabilities. The company was   used to support Chinese state spying.
                         not immediately available for comment on the German   (September 29, 2021)

                          The  Minister  of  Communications  and  Digitalization,   the  aims  of  the  registration  campaign,  Mrs.  Owusu-
                          Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has announced that the delayed   Ekuful commented: ‘SIM registration, when undertaken
                          national  SIM  card  re-registration  exercise  will  begin   correctly as we intend to do, will reduce or eliminate
                          on 1 October and run until 31 March 2022, after which   fraudulent  and criminal activities, help  authorities
        Ghana             date  all  unregistered SIMs  will  be blocked.  Speaking   ascertain the accurate number of valid and accurate
                                                                        SIMs on the networks, enable operators to build better
                          at  a  press  briefing,  Mrs.  Owusu-Ekuful  explained  all
                          existing  mobile  network  subscribers  will  be  required   demographics of their customer base and help them
                          to  provide their  name, date of birth, residential   develop  products and services  to suit the  various
                          address  –  or  business  address  and  Certificate  of   groupings.’ The minister also argued the initiative will
                          Incorporation  in  the case of a  company  – and an   provide the National Communications Authority (NCA)
                          identification  document.  Only  the  National  Identity   with more accurate data to improve regulation of the
                          Card (Ghana Card) issued to an individual shall be used   industry,  while  greater  confidence  in  the  telecoms
                          for registration of SIM cards held by citizens, foreign   sector  will  enhance  economic  growth through  the
                          residents  and  foreigners  staying  in  Ghana  for  more   adoption of e-government services and other private
                          than 90 days. In the case of foreigners staying for less   mobile-based digital solutions. ‘It will minimize mobile
                          than 90 days, a valid passport or other travel document   money fraud and support financial inclusion across the
                          is  required. Individuals will  be  permitted  to register   vulnerable sectors,’ the Minister added.
                          a total number of ten SIM cards across all networks,   (September 6, 2021)
                          although foreigners will be limited to three. Outlining

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