Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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                         being,  as  international  agreements regarding the   3.5GHz spectrum for faster wireless internet services.
                         station outweigh the government’s aims to free up the   (September 6, 2021)

                         The  Federal  Executive  Council  has  approved  the   spectrum to the Nigerian Communications Commission
                         ‘National Policy on Fifth Generation (5G) Networks for   (NCC) to award to mobile operators that meet all the
                         Nigeria’s Digital Economy’. The 5G policy was approved   required conditions. (September 10, 2021)
        Nigeria          on 8 September 2021, following its presentation  by   The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) will
                         the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy,
                         Isa  Ali  Ibrahim  Pantami.  The  National  Policy  was   hold  a  public  inquiry on three draft regulations  and
                         developed over a period of two years, due to the need   guidelines concerning the country’s telecoms market.
                         for  extensive  stakeholder  engagement  and  the  need   Interested  stakeholders  have been  invited  to make
                         to ensure adequate public awareness, and it also took   written submissions on the Registration of Telephone
                         into  account  the  report  of  the  three-month  5G  trials   Subscribers  Regulations,  the  SIM  Replacement
                         that commenced on the 25 November 2019 to study   Guidelines  and  the  Spectrum  Trading  Guidelines  by
                         the  health  and  security  implications  of  deploying  5G   24 September  2021.  They  have also been  invited to
                         in Nigeria. The implementation of the National Policy   participate in the subsequent  public  inquiries  which
                         is  with  immediate effect and the National  Frequency   have been scheduled for 5 October.
                         Management  Council  (NFMC)  will  soon  release   (September 2, 2021)

                         With  Norway’s  National  Communications  Authority   The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal
                         Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom) set to   kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom) has published
                         begin its auction of 5G-suitable spectrum in the 2.6GHz   feedback from its consultation on the opening up of the
                         and  3.6GHz  bands  later  this  month,  it  has  reiterated   3.8GHz-4.2GHz spectrum band for local 5G networks.
        Norway           that those companies that do secure frequencies will   In releasing  its  preliminary assessments based  on
                                                                        the inputs  from  interested parties, the regulator  said
                         be able to reduce the price they pay by committing to
                         expand broadband coverage in rural areas. In line with   that its initial plans had been ‘well received’, while it
                         this, the regulator has now published  a  preliminary   noted  there had also been  ‘good  and constructive
                         overview of the buildings which currently lack access   suggestions  that  [it]  will  take  a  closer  look  at’.  As
                         to  broadband  at  downlink/uplink  speeds  of  at  least   previously  reported  by  CommsUpdate,  in  June  2021
                         100Mbps/10Mbps, noting that winners of frequencies   the  Nkom  proposed  opening  up  the  3.8GHz-4.2GHz
                         will be able to save as much as NOK560 million (USD65   spectrum band for local 5G networks, saying it planned
                         million) –  dependent on how much spectrum  they   to grant  two  different types of licenses  for local
                         win – by rolling out their networks at these locations.   networks,  those  being:  a low-power  license  intended
                         According to  the Nkom, by  offering a  reduction  to   for local private  mobile networks; and a  high-power
                         companies in this manner, the body aims to encourage   concession intended for the provision of services such
                         the development of broadband access in unserved and   as  fixed-wireless  broadband  in  larger  outdoor  areas,
                         underserved areas that are not expected to benefit from   including  industrial parks  and harbors. In the latest
                         commercial network rollouts without state support. It   development  regarding  the matter, the Nkom noted
                         has, however, noted that the locations in its preliminary   that it plans to open applications for spectrum in the
                         overview are not final, saying it expects to update the   3.8GHz-4.2GHz spectrum band in the first half of 2022,
                         information later this year, once data from its annual   while further work on determining the final regulation
                         coverage survey is ready.                      regarding such frequency  allocations will  be carried
                         (September 7, 2021)            out ‘during the autumn’. (September 2, 2021)

                         The  National  Telecommunications  Council  (Consejo   formally  awarded  1700MHz/2100MHz  4G  licenses,
                         Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, Conatel) has renewed   each paying USD45 million for the frequencies. It was
                         the 4G AWS licenses held by Tigo and Claro. According   confirmed that the two winning bidders had paid their
                         to La Nacion, both operators have committed to fulfilling   license fees in full by February 2016, paving the way for
        Paraguay         increased ‘social commitments’ as part of their renewal   them to stage commercial launches in April that year.
                         terms.  These  conditions  relate to  equipping  rural
                                                                        All licenses issued by Conatel are valid for five years,
                         telecentres with internet connectivity, equipment  and   but available for renewal upon request.  (September 2, 2021)
                         furniture. According to TeleGeography’s GlobalComms
                         Database,  in  December  2015  Tigo  and  Claro  were
                                                                                                    86  SEPTEMBER 2021
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91