Page 17 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 17


        its nationwide 5G dual-band network   unparalleled broadband experience   breakthroughs to its customers.
        reach to provide higher speeds       to its customers, setting new       Beyond empowering individuals
        and better coverage across the       standards for speed, reliability, and   and households, stc Kuwait's 5G
        country. It allowed users to access   coverage in the region.            connectivity has also played a pivotal
        internet at higher speeds, less                                          role in driving economic growth and
        latency, enabled increased adoption   Immediately after launch of 5G based   fostering innovation across various
        of new smart products, higher        home broadband, the company         industries. With its blazing-fast
        efficiency and deeper integrations   introduced the Middle East's first 5G   speeds and low latency, 5G leased
        into advanced technologies. Last     Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)     lines have unlocked new possibilities
        year, SAMENA Council recognized      service for businesses, enabling    for businesses, enabling them to
        stc Kuwait with “Best 5G indoor      enterprises to harness the power of   leverage advanced technologies such
        Experience” LEAD award, reaffirming   5G for their digital transformation   as cloud and artificial intelligence to
        stc’s commitment to transforming     initiatives. This pioneering move   improve efficiency, productivity, and
        digital services for a diverse set of   underscored stc Kuwait's dedication   competitiveness.
        growing customer base. The SAMENA    to driving economic growth and
        LEAD award also reflected on the     empowering organizations with       From healthcare and education
        wide range of innovative offerings   cutting-edge connectivity solutions,   to banking and entertainment,
        introduced by stc in Kuwait, including   including through Fixed Wireless   organizations across Kuwait have
        new-to-market solutions that         Access and IoT.                     embraced the transformative
        leverage the Company’s strong and                                        potential of 5G, leveraging stc
        widespread 5G network. Through its   "Launching 5G RedCap FWA ushers     Kuwait's robust infrastructure to fuel
        strategic vision of enabling digital   in a groundbreaking chapter for   their digital transformation initiatives.
        transformation in Kuwait, stc focused   internet connectivity in the Middle   Whether revolutionizing healthcare
        throughout the past several years    East. We take pride in being the    delivery through telemedicine or
        on investing in developing and       region's pioneer, reaffirming our   enhancing learning experiences
        enhancing its 5G infrastructure,     commitment to delivering innovative   through immersive educational
        providing individual customers and   solutions that enrich our customers'   content, 5G has become the
        corporates with the highest quality   lives", as stated by Amer Atoui, Chief   cornerstone of Kuwait's digital
        solutions through its reliable high-  Consumer Officer of stc Kuwait. 5G   economy, paving the way for a
        speed connectivity.                  RedCap (or “reduced capability”)    brighter and more prosperous future.
                                             provides added advantage for
        A New Era of Broadband Services      powering lower complexity LTE and   Given Kuwait’s evolving and
        SAMENA Council observes that stc     5G NR devices, thereby supporting    expanding ICT market, expected to
        Kuwait's application of 5G extends   applications that require near real-  exceed valuation of US$ 28 billion by
        beyond just commercial services. The   time data communication, such as   2027, according to general industry
        company, as a part of the stc Group,   industrial automation and smart grid   estimation, the integral role of
        which currently chairs the Board of   applications. With features including   telecommunications and broadband
        Directors of SAMENA Council, has     improved power consumption,         infrastructure will further increase. As
        been relentless in its pursuit to fully   5G RedCap can help accelerate   stc Kuwait continues to push the
        utilize its 5G network investments by   IoT adoption in Kuwait and in the   boundaries of innovation and
        adopting latest innovations. As the   region and set new benchmarks in   excellence, the future of 5G services,
        first operator to deploy nationwide 5G   seamless connectivity and customer   including home broadband and IoT,
        coverage using the C-band (3.7GHz    experience, while transitioning from   looks more promising than ever. With
        to 4.2GHz) in 2019, stc strengthened   4G to 5G.                         ongoing investments in infrastructure
        its 5G offerings. The Operator also                                      expansion, network optimization, and
        focused on enhancing the 5G          stc’s 5G RedCap FWA service is now   technology evolution, the company
        coverage and user-experience by      delivering robust and consistent    remains committed to delivering
        becoming the first in the region     internet speeds, catering to the    best-in-class connectivity solutions
        to deploy a sub 3GHz New Radio       digital needs of Kuwaiti citizens and   that empower individuals, businesses,
        (NR) network, further enhancing the   businesses, with unmatched reliability,   and communities alike, while making
        capacity and performance of its 5G   while demonstrating stc’s dedication   use of FWA in innovative ways
        infrastructure. This strategic move   to leading innovation in the region,
        allowed stc Kuwait to deliver an     introducing the latest technological

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