Page 20 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 20
20 APRIL-JUNE 2024
underserved areas, particularly ben- efficiently and swiftly providing con- home connectivity, exemplified by
efiting lower-income segments. This nectivity to unconnected households initiatives like the joint effort between
partnership has evolved to include and businesses. Solutions for home FREE Senegal and Ericsson's Connect
the rollout of 5G FWA services in vari- broadband can be categorized into to Learn program, which aims to
ous regions, showcasing Huawei's role fixed-dedicated line solutions such as connect schools using Fixed Wireless
in pioneering advanced connectivity fiber or DSL, satellite-based solutions, Access technology while providing
solutions across the continent. With and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA). essential resources like laptops, learn-
multiple operators across Sub-Saha- While xDSL and cable offer relatively ing content, and teacher training to
ran Africa launching commercial 5G low investment requirements, fiber support educational development.
FWA services, Huawei's expertise and stands out for its high-speed capa-
collaboration underscore its commit- bilities despite facing deployment FWA, particularly 5G FWA, emerges as
ment to addressing the connectivity challenges. FWA, however, presents a potent instrument to bridge Africa's
challenges faced by both urban and itself as a cost-effective and flexible digital divide. The convergence of 5G
rural communities. Additionally, initia- alternative, with significantly lower technology and Fixed Wireless Access
tives like providing FWA connectivity to deployment costs and the ability to represents a transformative opportu-
schools in Senegal highlight Hua- cater to various use cases beyond nity for Africa. By leveraging the
wei's broader impact in leveraging home broadband, such as Mobile potential of 5G FWA, the region can
technology to enhance educational Broadband (MBB) and Internet of overcome longstanding connectivity
opportunities and bridge the digital Things (IoT). barriers, empower businesses and
divide in Africa. Notably, the adoption of FWA in Africa communities, and unlock new path-
is gaining momentum, especially ways to prosperity. With concerted
In the African context, the challenge with the emergence of 5G FWA, which efforts to address challenges and
of bridging the digital divide is partic- can deliver fiber-like speeds and has foster an enabling environment for
ularly pronounced due to lower levels already been introduced in markets innovation and investment, Africa is
of broadband penetration com- like Angola, South Africa, Nigeria, and poised to harness the full potential of
pared to other regions globally. The Zimbabwe. FWA holds promise for 5G FWA and pave the way for a
pressing question revolves around enabling digital inclusion beyond digitally inclusive future.
South African Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) Connectivity for
Comsol, a South African fixed wireless
access last-mile connectivity and
private networks provider, is planning
a national rollout of its 5G network.
This will be in addition to Comsol’s
existing millimetre-wave fixed
wireless access (FWA) network, chief
commercial officer Gary Woolley told
The company launched its 5G FWA
service in March using 60MHz of
radio frequency spectrum in the
3.7GHz band. It is currently available
in Gauteng’s business districts, with
the product tiered in three different
capacities: 25Mbps, 50Mbps, and
The company is aiming to target a
massive market through its lower-
priced FWA products.