Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 106
Hyperbat Accelerates Industry 4.0 With World First 5G Virtual 3D Engineering
into existing factory floor operations. Qualcomm’s
VR headset incorporates split rendering where all the
perception-based data is held locally on the device, but
the computing is handled in the cloud and streamed by
the NVIDIA CloudXR and solutions. This helps to achieve
a seamless, high fidelity VR experience that produces
a real-life experience for the manufacturing teams.
Hosein Torabmostaedi, Digital and Innovation Manager
said: ‘‘Hyperbat is honored to be working with such an
incredible consortium of partners to pioneer a solution
that lays the foundations for smart factory architecture
and efficient, flexible and collaborative manufacturing.
The solution mainly targeted at collaborative mobile
workforce with the use of 5G native headsets and
seamless integration of design and manufacturing
Hyperbat, one of the UK’s largest lifesize model in real time through systems with the digital twin technologies. Hyperbat also
independent vehicle battery a single self-contained device, to extend the solution to the use of 5G connectivity for
manufacturers based at Unipart and without the constraints of a machines to enable configurable and flexible production
Manufacturing in Coventry, is physical connection. Hyperbat lines. The solutions will be demonstrated and trialed at
using the latest 5G enabled colleagues in different locations Hyperbat’s facility in Coventry, United Kingdom.” Jeremy
technology to significantly speed will be able to work with a 1:1 Spencer, 5G Innovation Senior Manager, BT’s Enterprise
up the manufacturing process product scale hologram of the unit said: “This world-first 5G digital twin solution is a
for hybrid and electric vehicle design in-situ on the factory floor, powerful reminder that 5G connectivity and Edge Compute
production in the UK. Partnering review designs in real time, and is very much here now, delivering real business benefits
with BT, Ericsson and NVIDIA, manage workflows much more for our customers. 5G connectivity, when combined with
Hyperbat is set to benefit from a effectively. The solution comprising the latest emerging tech can produce incredible efficiency
world first 5G Virtual Reality (VR) high bandwidth and low latency gains which will be so important in boosting the UK
‘digital twin’ solution which allows 5G connectivity, integrated by manufacturing sector as it recovers from COVID. It will also
remote teams in different parts of Ericsson’s D-15 Lab in Santa Clara, bring a welcome boost to many other industries where
the country to connect, collaborate California, will enable Hyperbat collaboration is required. We’re thrilled to be working
and interact using a virtual 3D to deliver engineering projects at with Hyperbat and such a strong network of partners to
engineering model. By enabling scale. This will empower teams to bring this innovation to life, made possible by combining
dispersed teams across design, improve build efficiency within its our collective strengths across a range of technologies.”
engineering and manufacturing manufacturing processes, whilst “5G will have a transformative impact in the industries
to collaborate more efficiently, the removing current complexities and technologies of the future and this collaboration with
technology is set to accelerate the between product management BT, Hyperbat and other eco-system partners is another
pace of innovation within the UK systems, supply chain and factory demonstration of how low latency, edge compute and
manufacturing sector. Hyperbat operations. The 5G VR digital twin wireless networking will be critical to digitalization within
alongside its partners – BT, solution will be deployed by BT and the enterprise sector. By delivering operational efficiencies
Ericsson,Qualcomm Technologies, Ericsson on a 5G mobile private through 5G technology, we are laying a foundation that
NVIDIA, Masters of Pie and The network, using the world’s first can help to drive innovation in manufacturing, boost the
Grid Factory - unveiled details of 5G-enabled VR headset powered economy and position the UK as a leading 5G nation,” said
the solution at the NVIDIA GPU by the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Björn Odenhammar, CTO, Networks & Managed Services,
Technology Conference (GTC) XR2 Platform. The VR headset will Ericsson UK & Ireland “Bringing remote teams together in
demonstrating how it will reduce run on the Masters of Pie Radical VR to collaborate and refine manufacturing processes will
product cycle time between design, platform, enabling Hyperbat to produce great efficiencies and innovations,” said David
engineering and manufacturing use cloud-based virtual reality Weinstein, director of virtual reality and augmented reality
teams based in Coventry and within computer-aided design at NVIDIA. “This 5G VR digital-twin solution -- powered
Oxfordshire. The solution offers (CAD) software. Using high with NVIDIA RTX technology, CloudXR, and NVIDIA
a world first untethered 5G native performance edge compute, the RTX Virtual Workstation software -- will enable real-
experience that will allow design solution also includes cutting- time immersion for teams both on the factory floor and
and engineering teams to walk edge hardware and software from remotely.” The Hyperbat solution is near completion with
around and interact with a 3D NVIDIA to seamlessly integrate results of the collaboration expected in early summer.
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