Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 103
Singtel Launches 5G Standalone (5G SA) Network in Singapore
Singtel has launched its 5G standalone companies on the enterprise front to try access Edge Compute trials. The rapid
(5G SA) network, taking both the telco and implementing 5G into their workflow. The changes to Singtel's network have led to
Singapore yet another step forward in the telco is also working with Microsoft Azure the telco revamping its bread-and-butter,
5G journey. According to Singtel, its 5G and Amazon Web Services in 5G multi- contract-based mobile data plans.
SA network has twice the responsiveness,
30 per cent faster uploads, better
authentication and encryption capabilities,
with even greater bandwidth - all when
compared to 4G connectivity. While Singtel
didn't specify a new top download speed,
we can expect its new 5G SA network to
be blazing fast as it's operating on the
3.5GHz spectrum. Singtel's 5G journey has
been relentless since its consumer push
for 5G in September 2020. It started with
deploying 5G non-standalone (5G NSA)
before setting up mmWave 5G in Orchard
and sticking up indoor 5G coverage for
malls Singtel offered trial boxes for small
5G mmWave Delivering Speeds 16 Times Faster Than Sub-6GHz
Demonstrating the attractiveness of connected experiences in every setting. of over 5Gbps and in mid-April 2021,
mmWave 5G, Qualcomm Technologies It said the advanced technology could Qualcomm announced that it had taken a
has shown that connectivity speeds on deliver massive bandwidth, whether at key step in its evolution of 5G systems by
commercial devices are now 16 times home with 5G fixed wireless access, on the completing 5G data calls that successfully
faster than 5G operating solely in sub- go in a train station streaming business combined mmWave with FDD or TDD sub-
6GHz frequencies. As 5G adoption video applications, or just with a need 6GHz spectrum by utilizing 5G standalone
increases and more services, such as for enterprise-grade connectivity. 5G mode dual connectivity. “Our end-to-
telehealth and the internet of things, mmWave momentum continues through end modem-to-antenna solution brings
migrate to 5G networks, they will need the world, with deployments from all major together all the key 5G breakthroughs
spectrum across all bands, especially operators in the US and Japan, recent to optimize 5G connectivity using the
mmWave to deliver enough capacity to deployments in Europe and Southeast Asia, massive bandwidth of mmWave,” said
support full 5G experiences. 5G mmWave and more coming soon in regions such as Durga Malladi, senior vice-president and
uses ultra-wide channels to deliver Australia and Latin America. China is also general manager, 4G/5G at Qualcomm
exponentially faster speeds and greater expected to deploy 5G mmWave for next Technologies. “With almost every major
capacity compared with lower-frequency year’s Winter Olympics. Along with other OEM offering 5G commercial devices
4G or 5G bands. The test results – based companies within the mobile ecosystem, globally, we are playing a critical role in
on Ookla Speedtest Intelligence data from Qualcomm Technologies began work enabling 5G to live up to its promise of
user-initiated tests on commercial devices in the mmWave a number of years ago, speed and power. This not only redefines
in the US – imply that such experiences moving to interoperability tests in 2017 the smartphone experience, but also
can be guaranteed at the mmWave and 2018, and ultimately commercialized paves the way for endless possibilities,
location. Qualcomm said 5G mmWave mmWave in 2019 launching multiple including the further expansion of 5G into
was critical to dramatically improving the flagship smartphones. In 2020, the fixed wireless access, 5G private networks,
performance and advancing the variety of company showcased 5G mmWave speeds compute, XR and industrial IoT.”
103 APRIL-MAY 2021