Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 108


        Bell Deploys 400Gbps Wavelength Service with Ciena

        Bell Canada has deployed a commercial   speed  and capacity necessary  to  meet   deliver four-times the data speed and 50%
        400Gbps wavelength service using Ciena’s   the fast-growing demand  of bandwidth-  more capacity per wavelength.  Bell  says
        WaveLogic  5  Extreme technology  to   intensive operators moving massive   its wavelength service provides a reliable,
        deliver significantly increased connectivity   amounts of data and content to the cloud.’   secure fiber-optic network for the transport
        speeds  and capacity required by  large   Now deployed across major spans of Bell’s   of voice,  data  and video, supporting the
        cloud and data  center  providers while   17,000km  fiber  infrastructure,  the  400G   accelerated adoption of bandwidth-hungry
        optimizing network  performance and   service will continue to expand nationally in   services and applications that require fast,
        energy  efficiency.  Ivan  Mihaljevic,  Senior   the coming months. The 400G technology   high capacity, low-latency connections.
        Wholesale  VP  at  Bell,  said:  ‘Bell  400G   increases  fiber  capacity  using  less   Ciena executive  Bruce Hembree added:
        wavelength service efficiently delivers the   network hardware and more automation to   ‘With WaveLogic 5 Extreme, Bell can offer
                                                                                 new, high bandwidth 400G services to
                                                                                 carrier and content provider customers
                                                                                 between  key points of presence  across
                                                                                 Canada and into the  US.’  In other  news,
                                                                                 it  has  been  revealed that Bell Canada
                                                                                 Enterprises (BCE)  made an  aborted offer
                                                                                 to acquire Shaw Communications  earlier
                                                                                 this year, before Shaw finalized its merger
                                                                                 deal with Rogers Communications  in
                                                                                 March.  Regulatory  filings  released  at  the
                                                                                 end of  last  week  showed that  BCE  had
                                                                                 matched Rogers in terms of proposed per-
                                                                                 share bid value, but it withdrew from deal
                                                                                 negotiations because it was not prepared
                                                                                 to  amend  its  proposal regarding  ‘certain
                                                                                 regulatory issues.’

        A1 5G Coverage Reaches 3.8M Austrians

        A1 Telekom Austria has announced that its 5G network provides   company, we currently have even more responsibility, because the
        coverage to 3.8 million people in both urban and rural parts of   digital infrastructure, in which we invest around EUR450 million
        the country. Since the beginning of this year A1 has put around   [USD539 million] annually in Austria alone, is the basis for future
        1,000 new 5G locations  into operation,  increasing  the  total to   growth, greater innovative strength and new perspectives in rural
        approximately 1,500. The firm launched its 3.5GHz network in 350   areas. That secures jobs and brings competitive advantages. With
        locations in 129 municipalities in January 2020. ‘The full potential   currently around 1,500 5G locations, we are already supplying 3.8
        of digitization in Austria can only be developed with comprehensive   million Austrians with 5G and are thus getting closer to our goal
        and high quality access to digital media, services and business   of equipping Austria with 5G nationwide in 2023.’
        models,’ stated A1 Group CEO Thomas Arnoldner, adding: ‘As a

        DEA Forecasts 99% Of Homes will have 100Mbps/30Mbps Access By 2025

        The Danish Energy Agency (DEA, or Energistyrelsen) has published   remain without high  speed  broadband  coverage  at  that date,
        a  projection  highlighting  that  99% of all  homes/business  in   with  around 7,500-10,000  of  those located in  the Hovedstaden
        Denmark  will have access  to high  speed  broadband  services   region (comprising Copenhagen City, Copenhagen surroundings,
        (down/uplink of 100Mbps/30Mbps) by  2025, up from 94% in   North Zealand and Bornholm provinces, 36% of total), 5,500-5,800
        2020. The DEA disclosed that its projection ‘has been prepared   (Sjaelland [East Zealand, West Zealand and South Zealand], 24%),
        on the basis  of  an extensive dialogue  with  twelve companies,   5,000-6,000, (Syddanmark [Fyn and South Jutland], 23%), 3,900-
        which geographically  cover  virtually  the entire  country.’  The   4,000 (Midtjylland  [West and East  Jutland],  16%)  and 100-200
        DEA  said  that  around  22,000-26,000  homes/businesses  will   (Nordjylland [North Jutland], <1%).

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