Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 21


                         Spectrum Auction in Planning in Saudi Arabia

        Saudi  Arabia  aspires  to  be  among  the  top  20
        digital  economies  in  the  world.  To  this  effect,  the
        Communications   and   Information  Technology
        Commission of Saudi Arabia (CITC) has expressed its
        plans to allocate or improve access to more than 23 GHz
        of spectrum for a wide range of digital communication
        uses  as  Saudi  Arabia's  digital  transformation
        accelerates. This important development underpins the
        Commission's aim to expand the range of resources and
        services in the country, while ensuring that the digital
        ecosystem  will  thrive  and  Telecom  Operators  have
        access  to  more  spectrum  resources  for  incentivizing
        further investment. Such availability of spectrum
        makes Saudi Arabia the country with the most spectrum
        allocated for mobile use globally in the Sub-6 GHz and
        Sub-30 GHz frequency ranges.

        The  Communications  and  Information  Technology
        Commission  (CITC)  has  now  published  a  public  con-
        sultation on its Spectrum Auction 2021 as a part of
        the implementation process for ‘Spectrum Outlook for
        commercial and Innovative use 2021-2023’, which was
        published  earlier  this  year.  The  auction  consultation
        is a key step towards releasing multiple critical bands
        for a wide range of digital radio services. The auction
        aims to allocate a wide range of bands, including 600
        MHz. Moreover, the published document consults about
        releasing  UHF  spectrum  bands  to  provide  specialized
        broadband services and enable industrial IoT applica-
        tions for enterprises.

        CITC  seeks  to  efficiently  allocate  spectrum  in  the
        Kingdom to enable a broad range of market-driven
        use cases, and aims to enable innovative use cases
        across different industries and verticals as part of Saudi
        Arabia’s drive to build a digital society using IoT, 5G, and
        new generations of satellite technologies.
        The recent spectrum decisions in Saudi Arabia are a
        good way to respond to the 30% to 50% annual increase
        in  mobile  data  consumption  in  the region,  and are a
        demonstration of regulatory enablement to support the
        Private Sector. The plan to allocate licensed spectrum
        in the bands 600 MHz, 700 MHz, 1,500 MHz, extended
        2,100 MHz, 3,800 – 4,000 MHz and 26 GHz frequency
        bands for mobile use between 2021 and 2023, would
        set  a  new  precedence  in  the  world,  and  it  may  also
        help achieve a balance between complementary
        technologies in cases where the market cannot deliver,
        monitor  spectrum  utilization  for  improved  decision  CITC is inviting all parties  nationally and internationally, including
        making, and assist innovation by making a variety of  wireless technology investors, ICT service providers and vendors, as well
        bands available for new technologies from trial licenses  as industrial entities and spectrum users, to provide their feedback and
        to shared and short-term access.                engage in this process to better support the outcomes of this auction.
                                                        Participants are invited to submit their comments by July 8, 2021.
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