Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 34


        distributed  mesh  architecture  made up   and Carrier arena  discussed  the future   segments  for additional  synergies and
        of subsea and  terrestrial  infrastructure   of Regional  Connectivity, Innovation,   growth. Given that the wholesale industry
        with a state-of-the-art layer of hyperscale   Hyperscale Presence and the Competitive   has  at  its  core the transformation of the
        and edge Data Centers”. Moreover, during   Landscape. Over  the last  several  years,   infrastructure enabling global connectivity,
        Capacity Middle  East  2021  conference,   Zain has been evolving  to become  a   Zain considers  the development of its
        Hilali participated in keynote panel where   fully integrated  service provider and has   wholesale  business  as  a  key  area to the
        leading  regional  figures  in  the  Wholesale   been  focusing on enterprise  and B2B   telco’s overall transformation.

        Zain Partners UNICEF to Launch Child Online Safety Booklet Promoting
        Safe Esports and Gaming to Schools & Universities

                                                                                 awareness of esports among young people
                                                                                 in Kuwait, while also teaching them how to
                                                                                 enjoy  the activity  responsibly  online. We
                                                                                 foresee gaming as  the single largest use
                                                                                 case for  5G, and such  we are dedicating
                                                                                 a great deal of effort and resources  to
                                                                                 seeing Zain operating companies connect
                                                                                 to the gaming community to drive this and
                                                                                 similar high-value services.” Zain remains
                                                                                 one of the strongest advocates of raising
                                                                                 awareness  related to child  safety online
                                                                                 having previously launched a region-wide
                                                                                 media campaign targeting over 40 million
                                                                                 followers  across all its social  media
                                                                                 channels  and an internal announcement
                                                                                 to all its 7,000 staff promoting  tools and
                                                                                 resources that  offer  advice on  how to
        Zain Group  announces  its  Zain esports   with local schools specifically on esports   keep  children safe online. Commenting
        gaming brand, has signed a memorandum   activities, and the company  is  taking the   on the launch  of the Child  Online Safety
        of understanding (MoU) with Al-Bayan   opportunity to also raise awareness on the   Booklet  Jennifer  Suleiman, Zain  Group’s
        Bilingual School  Kuwait  to assist  the   importance of young people remaining safe   Chief  Sustainability  Officer,  “Zain  takes
        institution in developing  its  esports  club.   while undertaking activities online. In this   the issue of child safety online extremely
        The  MoU  is  a  first  step  for  Zain  towards   regard, the Child Online Safety Booklet will   seriously and given the prominent position
        working with  schools and  universities   be shared with students at Bayan Bilingual   the company plays in the digital  space,
        to educate  students  about  the vast   School and other educational institutions   we  believe it  is  imperative we spread
        opportunities in the world of esports locally   Zain esports interacts with.  The  aim  of   this  message loud and far.  We are all
        and regionally. This MoU coincides with the   the booklet  is  to  educate  children on the   well  aware  of  the  enormous  benefits  of
        launch of a Child Online Safety Booklet that   risks they may face while connected online   digitization, but as a society as a whole we
        was developed by Zain Group Sustainability   or gaming. The booklet also provides   must take strong action to ensure the risks
        and Esports departments in collaboration   recommendations on what to do and not to   that arise for children through connectivity
        with UNICEF. The booklet, available in both   do while connected. It was developed for   are known  and  avoided  to the greatest
        Arabic and English, tackles  topics such   Zain esports to disseminate to any partner   extent possible.”  Tatjana  Colin, Chief
        as  cyberbullying, scams  and phishing,   where children are key players, with the   Early  Childhood Development, UNICEF
        identity theft and data privacy, and much   aim  to communicate and instill  the idea   Kuwait, added,  “Children are spending
        more, and is written in a manner that can   of playing online responsibly. The booklet   more of their time online than ever before
        be understood  by  children of all  ages.   also points to the Child National Helpline   and whilst the internet can be a fantastic
        Under the MoU, Zain esports will provide   in Kuwait in a bid to raise awareness of the   resource for supporting education, access
        hardware for Al-Bayan Bilingual School to   service in the country. Commenting on the   to information and recreation, it can also
        set up and operate its esports club, along   collaboration of Zain esports with Al-Bayan   expose children to broad range of risks. It’s
        with expertise and support for the school’s   Bilingual School Kuwait, Malek Hammoud,   essential that youth are equipped with the
        staff  to  run tournaments  and  organize   Group Chief Investment and Digital Officer   knowledge they need on how to stay safe
        workshops  to educate  and enlighten   at  Zain  Group  said,  “This  first  of  many   whilst gaming online and where to go for
        students about the many opportunities in   planned  agreements with educational   support  if  you experience  inappropriate
        esports and gaming. Zain is one of the first   institutions  across Kuwait and the   behaviors online. violence. This booklet is
        telecom  operators  in the region to work   region, fulfils the twin goals of expanding   designed to support sharing this knowledge

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