Page 36 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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        around  enriching our digital partnerships   Othman Al Rashed further explained: “The   sales growth and look at  the long-term
        ecosystem.  We also aim  to expand the   project costs nearly KWD  100,000, and   investment in relationships  that  mature
        portfolio of services and solutions we offer   we have  coordinated with a  number  of   into even  bigger opportunities. PASS
        to our business customers from both the   companies  to seek out implementing  it   offers a wide range  of business models
        public  and private  sectors,  and we  are   and ultimately  contributing  to  the area’s   to accommodate the various business
        proud  to collaborate with PASS as  part   safety in collaboration with MOI. We have   requirements. Being the proud sole supplier
        of our belief in the capabilities of Kuwaiti   reached  an agreement  with Zain, which   of  ARH/SSK cameras that  specialize in
        entrepreneurs  in all  areas, and especially   expressed  its interest and readiness  to   reading and recognizing license plates, the
        the field of tech. I would like to also thank   adopt  and  support the  project, given  the   cameras will read license plate and vehicle
        our colleagues at  the Board  of  Directors   fact that it represents the Kuwaiti private   specifications.  PASS  is  confident  about
        of Shamiya and Shuwaikh Co-op for their   sector, which is a strategic partner of the   all the changes that they can collectively
        active collaboration with us to make this   nation’s developmental goals”. Al Othman   bring with Zain which will contribute to the
        partnership  a  success”.  Chairman of   Al Rashed concluded: “Our gratitude goes   Kuwait National Development Plan of New
        Shamiya  and Shuwaikh Co-op  Abdullah   to MOI, which coordinated with the Union   Kuwait 2035”. Zain continuously offers the
        Al Othman Al Rashed commented:  “We   of Consumer Cooperative Societies to call   latest  and most  advanced  services and
        launched this initiative to secure the safety   on implementing this initiative across co-  solutions  to showcase its capabilities as
        of residential areas, and it is considered   ops in Kuwait  in an effort  to ensure the   an  active partner  in empowering a  smart
        the  first  of  its  kind  in  Kuwait  and  across   safety and security of all areas and protect   life,  a  safe  community,  and  an  efficient
        the co-ops sector in  the country.  The   public  and private properties”. Dhari Al   business  sector.  The company  considers
        initiative,  which  features  installing  Zayed, CEO of PASS, commented: “PASS is   itself a  main partner in the achievement
        security  solutions  at  the entrances  and   thrilled to collaborate with Zain, the leading   of the  goals of the  Kuwait National
        exits around  the  co-op’s area, received   telecommunications  operator  in  the Arab   Development  Plan  (New  Kuwait  2035),
        praised  from the Ministry of Interior  and   region.  PASS  has joined  forces with this   which is based on five expected outcomes
        the Ministry  of Social Affairs, and will   telecom  giant to provide a  wide range of   and seven key pillars.
        contribute  to keeping  the community   traffic safety and smart city solutions. We
        safe  and protecting properties”.  Al   foresee beyond the immediate short-term

                                             Unlock 5G Potential Across the Middle East:
                                             Latest Arthur D. Little Report

        Cities face  many challenges  stemming   on  5G, the  next generation  of mobile   in their latest report entitled  “Is  your city
        from societal and technological  changes,   network technology, will  help  overcome   ready to go digital? How 5G use cases will
        with  population growth, urbanization,   these challenges  and enhance  economic   unleash your city’s full potential.” The report
        infrastructure  provision,  cybercrime,  development  across industries.  Arthur D.   details how 5G is fundamentally changing
        and environmental  pollution  driving the   Little (ADL), the management consultancy   the way by which cities can shape urban
        increasing necessity for new digital  use   firm  with  the  longest-standing  presence   life for citizens and improve ecosystems
        cases. Looking  ahead, projects  based   in the Middle East, expound this viewpoint   for corporations, providing strategic

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