Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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        insights and a comprehensive explanation   sustainability and  digital transformation   Technology  and Innovation Management
        of why cities must pursue the technology.   goals, they can take confidence that others   Lead at Arthur D. Little MEI. “Besides
        ADL highlights  that 5G implementation   are already paving the way for them to learn   addressing sustainability barriers, regional
        frameworks must address two main     from and improve on.” Cities defining well-  cities are advancing new needs and
        points. Firstly, cities must decide which 5G   grounded  5G  strategies  will  significantly   capability  requirements, and in  doing so,
        use cases are of  strategic importance to   increase citizens' living standards, boost   creating  working opportunities  for young
        them and whether they should be provided   attractiveness  for businesses,  and drive   talent  and shaping a  bright future  for
        by  the city itself.  Secondly, cities must   industrial, public, and business-related use   tomorrow’s business ecosystems. Hence,
        overcome  5G infrastructural  challenges   cases. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE),   the positive outcomes being  delivered
        by  building infrastructure or supporting   Jebel Ali Free Zone is transforming through   by such use cases are sure to help cities
        telecom operators’ efforts to carry out the   the  development and implementation   unlock  5G’s full potential  in due course.
        same mandate. Should these areas not be   of smart  applications, including drone   Some  cities will bring  similar  projects  to
        addressed,  people and businesses may   monitoring  and  employee geo-location   life based on their models, which will move
        view relocation as the answer to declines in   systems. At the same time, Dubai Silicon   them closer to a new era of sustainability.”
        competitiveness and quality of life caused   Oasis  has become  a recognized  proof   “Is  your city  ready  to  go digital?  How
        by insufficient technological infrastructure   of  concept  (POC)  destination for several   5G  use cases will  unleash your city’s
        coverage in their city.  However, new   innovative city projects,  with public  and   full potential” also  sheds light  on the
        applications  based on 5G can make   private sector  collaborations  continuing   extensive  possibilities  that  accompany
        valuable contributions in  tackling  the   to yield  positive impacts and outcomes.   5G, highlighting several use cases across
        challenges  above, ultimately  preventing   Besides such partnerships  ensuring   critical national  sectors such as  public
        residents and organizations from seeking   proper  technological  integration,  the   transport,  public  safety,  healthcare,
        opportunities elsewhere. “Across the   community  has  also  served as  a  hub for   energy,  education, tourism, retail,  media,
        Middle East, we see cities facing population,   successful  autonomous  vehicles testing   and agriculture.  Furthermore, the report
        pollution,  urbanization,  and infrastructure   with the provided 5G network. Similarly, in   reveals the technical feature requirements
        issues.  If  they  continue  to  exacerbate at   the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), 5G is   of 5G-based solutions, including spectral
        current rates, many people  are sure to   anticipated to play a major role in industry   efficiency, low latency, high device density,
        look elsewhere to live, and economies will   digitalization.  Yanbu Industrial  City  and   high data rates, lower power consumption,
        suffer from businesses going in the same   King Salman Energy Park  (SPARK) are   considerable  bandwidth,  and strong
        direction,”  said Andrea Faggiano, Partner,   two  developments  that  have announced   reliability.  “Although  cities may currently
        Telecom, Information, Media & Electronics   new partnerships with  ICT  companies   be facing daunting  prospects  in worst-
        Practice  Lead at Arthur D.  Little Middle   to  build  and integrate 5G  infrastructure   case scenarios,  unfolding  5G use cases
        East  &  India.  “Fortunately,  this  scenario   for advanced  manufacturing  purposes.   are  showing  residents and  businesses
        hasn’t  yet transpired. There are  plenty of   Flexibility and the continued automation of   that  promising prospects  lay  ahead in
        reasons for us to be optimistic, and one of   robots  for manufacturing  and warehouse   the coming years,” concluded Dr. Khoury.
        these is 5G. Because the technology can   transportation  hinges on cutting-edge   “By  promoting 5G use case development
        help cities overcome such problems, it can   capabilities, and 5G  will  be crucial to   and providing all  the necessary  support,
        ensure they  become  attractive places to   facilitating advancements and paving the   infrastructure  advancements  can be
        live and work not just for ourselves, but   way for this new wave of industrialization   accelerated,  and  associated  benefits
        also for the next generation. What’s equally   or  what  is  known  as  Industry  4.0  where   capitalized on. 5G is  without  doubt  a
        encouraging  is that 5G use  cases are   smart  digital  technologies  transform   unique infrastructure gateway for cities to
        coming to fruition in numerous countries,   traditional practices. “These  examples   realize their full potential, and in doing so,
        serving as  sources of inspiration for   mirror the futuristic roadmaps that Middle   transform digitally to the status of ‘smart
        others to follow. As city leaders establish   Eastern  cities are pursuing,”  explained   cities’ in a more expedious manner.”
        a  5G blueprint  that helps  achieve their   Dr.  Raymond  Khoury, Partner, Digital

        Arthur D. Little Strengthens Digital Teams in France and Belgium to Support

        Post-COVID-19 Initiatives

        Arthur  D.  Little (ADL) announced  the   recovery  strategies, and ADL  believes   the development of digital strategies;
        expansion  and  strengthening  of its   there is a greater need  than ever for   the design of data-enabled products,  as
        digital teams in France and Belgium, with   expert guidance in this area. ADL’s digital   well as  data  valorization and data-driven
        a  number of new consultants  having   teams  aim  to  help companies  in  every   efficiency  improvements;  the  set-up
        recently  been  appointed.  The  ongoing   sector  innovate by harnessing  the  power   of customer-centric business  models,
        digitalization of services, communications   of new technologies.  The new members   customer  and commercial  excellence
        and working practices  is a key tenet  of   of the French  and Belgian teams  bring a   programs; and company transformations.
        European   companies’   post-COVID-19   wealth of experience with them, including   Vincent  Bamberger,  Managing  Partner  of

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