Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        In collaboration with Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Communications   The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has highlighted
        and  Information  Technology  (MCIT),  Huawei,  a  leading  global   the  telecommunications  and  information  technology  records
        provider  of  information  and  communications  technology  (ICT)   achieved during Hajj this year, praising the Kingdom’s distinguished
        infrastructure and smart devices, hosted a dedicated 5G onboard   infrastructure  which  has  served  as  many  as  2.5  million,  in  a
        training program at  MCIT’s  headquarter.  This program is  part   specific geographic and situational range. This came in a report
        of Huawei’s ongoing  5G Roadshow in Saudi Arabia, which  is   issued  by  ITU  saying  “this  year,  2.5  million  people  made  the
        touring the Kingdom to raise awareness of the next generation   journey to Makkah; a journey that required dedicated information
        of 5G connectivity and seeking to develop ICT talent locally. The   and  communication  technology  (ICT)  infrastructure  planning
        latest  three-day  training  program  was  conducted  by  Huawei   by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ensure that both locals and
        experts  in partnership  with MCIT under  the umbrella of the   pilgrims could access data-heavy mobile applications to capture
        Ministry’s ThinkTech initiative, with the attendance of Dr. Ahmed   and share special moments with families and friends around the
        Altheneyyan, Deputy Minister for Technology and Digital Capacities   world.” ITU also said that the provision of telecommunications
        Development. The training provided end-to-end 5G knowledge as   and information technology services to these numbers represents
        well as hands-on demos available within Huawei’s 5G Roadshow   a major logistical challenge, which the Kingdom has been able
        truck. The workshop covered topics such as 5G motivation and   to overcome, thanks to its distinctive infrastructure in the field
        industry trends, 5G network architecture and key technologies, as   of communications and information technology. ITU added that
        well as providing recent 5G use cases and global best practices.   there were more than 32.5 thousand terabytes of data consumed
        In addition, it touched  on the key challenges  facing the sector,   by pilgrims – equivalent to watching over 13.3 Million hours of
        including the procedures required to equip telecommunications   HD 1080p video – an increase of 26 percent from last year. There
        networks  in the Kingdom.  Saudi Arabia is poised  on  the  brink   was a 44.83 Mbps average download speed – an increase of 69
        of the 5G era, as operators across the Kingdom prepare to roll   percent from last year. The daily individual consumption of data
        out the next generation of connectivity nationwide. According to   was  352.5  megabytes,  exceeding  the  global  average  of  daily
        MCIT, there are around 1,000 5G towers up and running across   individual data consumption by 95 percent. More than 309 million
        the  country  already,  establishing  the  Kingdom  as  a  forerunner   calls, both national and international, were made by pilgrims with
        in deploying 5G not only in the region, but on a global scale. Dr.   a 99 percent success rate.
        Ahmed Altheneyyan, Deputy Minister for Technology and Digital   (August 17, 2019)
        Capacities Development noted: “A deeper understanding of 5G’s
        value will enable us to better explore the full potential of ultra-  The use of Information and Communication Technology  services
        broadband networks and applications. As a superior connectivity   (ICT),  during  this  season  of  Hajj  1440-2019,  witnessed    a
        solution, 5G will usher in new ways of working across our society,   significant rise; the average number of subscribers reached nearly
        empowering  us  to  achieve  the  ambitions  of  Saudi  Arabia’s   [4.6million]  per  day,  the  number  of  voice  calls  exceeded  [364]
        National Transformation Plan 2020 and Vision 2030. As a global   million, and the total data consumption during the entire season
        leader in the development of 5G networks and technology, Huawei   exceeded [38.9 thousand] terabyte, with a rise  of [% 27] compared
        has been the ideal partner for us in this endeavor.” Dennis Zhang,   to last year, according the statistics issued by CITC  about the
        CEO of Huawei Tech. Investment Saudi Arabia Co., Ltd., Huawei,   ICT  services  consumed  in  Makkah  Almukarramah,  Al  Madinah
        said:  “Our  5G  Roadshow  truck  is  the  first  of  its  kind  in  Saudi   Almunawarah and Holy sites throughout Hajj season1440-2019.
        Arabia, which not only allows people to learn about the value of   Implementation of daily measurements showed that the Internet
        5G connectivity, but to experience it with real applications—giving   average download speed is [44] Mbps in Makkah Almukarramah
        them a sense of the immense potential of this next generation   with a rise of [67%] compared to last year. While in Madinah it
        of connectivity. Working with partners such as MCIT enables us   reached [48.14] Mbps with a rise of [54%] compared to last year,
        to contribute to the development of a deeper understanding of   due to availability of advanced infrastructure for communication
        the technology as it rolls out in the Kingdom. The 5G On Board   networks and massive increase of their capacity. It is noteworthy
        training program and roadshow itself also offers an opportunity   that ICT authorities  have implemented several operational plans
        for  those  within  the  community  to  get  a  first  look  at  5G  and   and  procedures  performed  for  this  season  of  Hajj,  providing
        the  exciting  careers  within  Saudi  Arabia’s  thriving  ICT  sector.”   guests  of  Allah  with  world  –class  telecommunication  services,
        Huawei has been a partner of choice for telecom carriers globally   to  let  them  connect  with  their  families  easily  and  comfortably.
        in 5G network development, in part because of its broad range   Furthermore, they had several specialized field teams equipped
        of end-to-end 5G solutions covering network sites, architecture,   with  the  technical  capabilities,  for  supervision  of  all  telecom
        protocols, network operations and maintenance. To date, Huawei   services  in  Makkah  Almukaramah,  Al  Medina  Almunawarah
        has secured 50 commercial 5G contracts and has shipped more   and their devoted air, sea and land ports, to be at the pilgrims’
        than 150,000 base stations to markets around the world.  service.  Meanwhile,  CITC  Governor,  Dr.  Abdulaziz  bin  Salem
        (August 27, 2019)                    Alruwais, congratulated the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

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