Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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5651 on the Regulation of Broadcasts via Internet and Prevention license for each type of broadcasting. It is important to note that
of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcasts (“Law No. 5651”) the Regulation shall also apply to (i) the online broadcasting
and the Regulation. However, media service providers wishing to transmissions of broadcasting services carried out by media
provide such services through only internet shall be obliged to service providers or platform operators under the jurisdiction
obtain an online broadcasting license from RTUK. Media service of a third country broadcasting in a manner that violates the
providers meeting the requirements set out under the Regulation international treaties that fall under the jurisdiction of RTUK and
shall be granted INTERNET-RD, INTERNET-TV or INTERNET-IBYH Law No. 6112 and (ii) online broadcasts in Turkish aimed at the
licenses depending on whether they request to provide online radio, audience in Turkey or allocating commercial communication
television or on-demand broadcasting services respectively. In publications aimed at the audience in Turkey even though the
similar to the Law No. 6112, the Regulation states that each media broadcast is in a foreign language. The Regulation emphasizes
service provider may only provide one online radio, television and that such organizations must obtain online broadcasting licenses
on-demand broadcasting license and shall be obliged to obtain and the platform operators must obtain the authorization for
a separate license for each broadcasting type. In case the media online broadcast transmission from RTUK in order to continue to
service provider wishes to broadcast also through satellite, cable provide their online broadcasting services.
or terrestrial channels, it must obtain a separate appropriate (August 6, 2019)
United Arab Emirates
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) will have smart cities, and strengthen partnerships with Arab, international
an active participation in the ITU Annual Forum on “Internet of and regional organizations to regulate the role of education,
Things (IoT), Big Data, Smart Cities and Societies”for Arab Region, science, technology and innovation in achieving sustainable
which will be launched tomorrow 28 August 2019 in Dubai, development, as well as sharing successful experiences in the
through several activities that highlight the UAE’s experience field of and electronic/smart transformation among Arab cities.
in digital transformation, future shaping, Fourth Industrial The forum will also identify regional challenges regarding using
Revolution and other headlines that shape the current directions big data that should be addressed by stakeholders in the region,
in the UAE. Over the two-day-event, a group of specialists in ICT, as well as highlight regional opportunities that can be leveraged
IoT, smart cities, big data, environment and climate change, will in this area, particularly those that can lead to the implementation
gather to discuss a range of key ICT issues in the Arab region. of the Sustainable Development Goals. The sessions will focus
On this participation, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director on the technical aspects and potential roles of 5G and IoT, “Big
General, said: “Hosting and participating in this forum by TRA Data for Development” in the Arab region. The sessions will also
aims to enhance the UAE’s global leadership in supporting the discuss the launch of development applications of big data in all
ICT sector globally in general, and in the Arab region in particular. areas. The forum will discuss opportunities and challenges related
It is also a reflection of the wise leadership directives to make the to IoT, and the difficulties faced by policymakers and regulators
UAE a global laboratory open for experiment and implementation during the adoption of the IoT ecosystem and sustainable smart
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technology. We have the cities. In addition, the forum will highlight the acceleration of
pleasure to host this forum in the UAE especially that its theme digital transformation, the role digital transformation will play
relates to advancing the progress in Arab countries in the fields in business, the milestones and the roadmap for future digital
of IoT, smart cities and big data, which are the most prominent transformation in the Arab region. The UAE has succeeded in
headlines in the next phase of human development.” Al Mansoori building smart, eco-friendly and sustainable cities to improve the
emphasized that the importance of this forum is based on its quality of life of the population and future generations, through
timing as the world is witnessing the launch of 5G networks. He the use of ICTs to improve wellbeing, raise the efficiency of urban
added: “The talk about 5G networks is currently trending due to its processes and services, increase competitiveness, and meet
expected technological and developmental results. It is expected the needs of current and future generations in economic, social,
to see clearer features of smart cities and the spread of artificial environmental, and cultural fields. The UAE Government ensures
intelligence technologies on a larger scale, hence the importance sustainable development and seeks to protect the environment
of this forum, which will discuss the requirements of the next and balance economic and social development. The UAE is also
phase, and the best way to meet these requirements by the Arab developing several sustainable smart cities, such as Masdar City,
countries.” The Forum aims to contribute to raising the readiness Dubai Sustainable City and Dubai Silicon Oasis.
of the Arab countries to achieve e-transformation and access to (August 27, 2019)
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