Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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The Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and interim phases. These goals are: nationwide access
Technology (BMVIT) has announced the country’s to 100Mbps speeds by the end of 2020; the launch of
new national broadband strategy ‘Breitbandstrategie 5G in all federal state capitals by end-2020; Austria
2030’, following a public consultation launched in becoming a ‘5G pilot country’ by early 2021; coverage
Austria February 2019. The strategy aims for nationwide of 5G along all main traffic routes by end-2023; and
access to gigabit-capable broadband services by nationwide coverage of 5G by the end of 2025.
the end of 2030, which will be achieved through five (August 9, 2019)
Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency release, the government does not plan to generate
(Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has revenue from the bids but will instead seek investment
selected US-based Viavi Solutions to evaluate and commitments from bidders with deadlines for network
test 5G-suitable spectrum ahead of the multi-band implementation, as well as coverage and capacity
Brazil spectrum auction that will take place in 2020. The goals that must be met. Viavi – which will provide the
planned auction is expected to be the biggest in the watchdog with its CellAdvisor portfolio of base station
history of Anatel, and involve the 700MHz, 2.3GHz, analyzers to measure and troubleshoot 4G and 5G
2.5GHz and 26GHz frequency bands. As per the press signals – explains: ‘Peculiarities in frequency spectrum
release, the government does not plan to generate distribution in Brazil necessitate spectral analysis of
revenue from the bids but will instead seek investment 5G new radio (NR) access technology.’
commitments from bidders with deadlines for network (August 22, 2019)
implementation, as well as coverage and capacity
goals that must be met. Viavi – which will provide the The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)
watchdog with its CellAdvisor portfolio of base station has issued a statement denying a recent report by
analysers to measure and troubleshoot 4G and 5G newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, which claimed
signals – explains: ‘Peculiarities in frequency spectrum that the government is considering an imminent
distribution in Brazil necessitate spectral analysis of intervention in the debt-wracked telco, as it fears the
5G new radio (NR) access technology.’ interruption of Oi services next year. The watchdog
(August 24, 2019) confirmed that the ‘special monitoring’ of Oi’s services
relates to the telco’s judicial reorganization and has
Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) been ongoing since 2014. Further, Anatel observes that
has selected US-based Viavi Solutions to evaluate a ‘definitive market solution is the preferred scenario for
and test 5G-suitable spectrum ahead of the multi- the positive evolution of the group’s situation, given its
band spectrum auction that will take place in 2020. adherence to the current regulatory model’, suggesting
The planned auction is expected to be the biggest in it would not block any M&A activity involving Oi and its
the history of Anatel, and involve the 700MHz, 2.3GHz, rivals.
2.5GHz and 26GHz frequency bands. As per the press (August 19, 2019)
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications customers approach and reach data usage limits
Commission (CRTC) has published a new code of • greater flexibility via rules permitting customers to
conduct for ISPs which comes into effect on 31 January cancel a contract within 45 days without paying
2020 to safeguard users against unexpectedly high early cancellation fees, if the contract differs from
Canada bills and help them resolve disputes with their provider. the offer.
The Internet Code promises to ensure: The Code, administered by the Commission for
• easier-to-understand contracts, documentation and Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS),
policies regarding service calls, outages, security applies to the following large ISPs: Bell Canada and its
deposits and disconnections Northwestel division, Rogers, Telus, Cogeco, SaskTel,
• clearer information on prices, including for bundles, Videotron, Eastlink, Shaw and Xplornet.
promotions and time-limited discounts (August 2, 2019)
• bill shock protection, through notifications when
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