Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 118
The National Communications Commission (NCC) providers are likely to consider working with a smaller
has defended a cap on the amount of bandwidth that operator if it has less than 40MHz of 5G-suitable
operators will be able to acquire in its forthcoming spectrum. With the Taiwanese authorities expected
auction of 5G-suitable spectrum. According to the to offer up a total of 2,790MHz in the auction, across
Taipei Times a discussion regarding the upcoming the 1800MHz (20MHz), 3.5GHz (270MHz) and 28GHz
Taiwan frequency sale was held yesterday (6 August) involving (2,500MHz) bands, the meeting also explored a number
representatives of the country’s telecoms providers, of other key areas. Among these, Hsiao Ching-teng, the
the NCC’s Acting Chairman Chen Yao-hsiang and representative for Far EasTone Telecommunications
other NCC commissioners. At this meeting the NCC is (FET), was said to have expressed an interest in the
reported to have said that its plans for a per-operator NCC limiting the funds raised through the auction of the
cap of 100MHz in the 3.5GHz band is designed blocks in the 28GHz frequency band to a ‘reasonable’
to ensure fair competition. However, Taiwan Star amount, due to the fact that technology and equipment
representative Wang Chun-yi was said to have told the for this band has yet to mature. Meanwhile, it was
hearing that the bandwidth cap for the 3.5GHz band also reported that NCC spokesperson Hsiao Chi-
should be lowered – to between 70MHz and 80MHz – hung had confirmed the commission had agreed to
arguing that this would be the only way to guarantee consider lowering the frequency usage fees to facilitate
there being four operators in the market. The executive partnerships between the telecoms and 5G vertical
suggested that, even though network and spectrum application developers.
sharing is encouraged by the NCC, none of the larger (August 7, 2019)
The government will be asked to set up a national 5G year at the earliest, said Mr. Takorn. The 2600MHz
strategy committee, chaired by the prime minister, spectrum has been held by state-owned broadcaster
to accelerate 5G adoption in the country, says the MCOT, which has to return 190MHz of unused
National Broadcasting and Telecommunications bandwidth to the NBTC in exchange for compensation.
Commission (NBTC). Takorn Tantasith, the NBTC’s He is aware Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia will
Thailand secretary-general, said such a committee could help commercially launch 5G service in June 2020 as Asean
drive quicker 5G adoption in the country. The NBTC has telecom regulators held a conference last week in
faced various problems in the past, including bringing Bangkok. “This raised our concerns about investors
back frequencies held by state agencies or the armed possibly relocating to these countries, making Thailand
forces that have not yet used the spectra’s full capacity. lose an opportunity to push the economy forward,”
“If this committee is established, such problems can said Mr. Takorn. Last month the NBTC indicated there
be tackled much easier,” said Mr. Takorn. He said the are two sets of multi-band ranges meant to cater to
auction value for the 2600-megahertz band, meant to 5G technology that would be put on auction. The
be used for 5G technology, will be appraised by the end first batch consists of 700MHz, 2600MHz and 26-28
of this month. The NBTC assigned Thammasat and gigahertz spectrum. The other comprises the 3400-
Chiang Mai universities and the Thailand Development 3600MHz and 1800MHz ranges.
Research Institute to complete the appraisal. The (August 28, 2019)
spectrum auction is likely to be carried out early next
The National Commission for State Regulation of by 1 October 2019. The agreement defined ‘dimensions
Communications & Informatization (NCCIR/NKRZI) for maximum and efficient use of radio frequency
reported on its website that the country’s GSM 900MHz resource’ for each operator, although details were not
operators – Kyivstar, VF Ukraine (Vodafone Ukraine) made public. The NCCIR added that the next essential
and Lifecell – have reached a ‘basic agreement on step is ‘eliminating the fragmentation’ of the 900MHz
Ukraine the redistribution of radio frequency resources’ in band, involving agreements on regional distribution and
the 900MHz range ‘in order to ensure maximum finding ‘a compromise solution to establish … special
coverage of the territory of Ukraine by modern mobile [licensing] conditions for the coverage of settlements
networks, to provide broadband internet access within and roads’. Once the final arrangements have been
the framework of the implementation of Presidential reached, the relevant draft decisions will be forwarded
Decree of 8 July 2019 No. 497/2019.’ The decree for government approval.
in question called for the ‘release’ of the 880MHz- (August 12, 2019)
915MHz/925MHz-960MHz band for 3G/4G LTE usage
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