Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 116


                         The Romanian government has approved an emergency   the  obligation  not  to exceed  the  maximum regulated
                         ordinance  requiring  mobile network operators  to   rate  on  their  own  networks.  The  rate  will  apply  to
                         register the personal details of pre-paid SIM users from   national calls  and calls  from inside the European
                         1 January 2020, reports Anyone buying a pre-  Economic Area (EEA), as well as calls initiated outside
        Romania          paid SIM will need to present their identity card, while   the EEA where there is no international agreement in
                         existing pre-paid SIM users will have until 1 September
                                                                        place governing termination fees.
                         2020  to register  their details or  face disconnection.    (August 13, 2019)
                         The information will be made available to the national
                         emergency services call centers to help identify callers.   OTE Group, which has fixed and mobile operations in
                         (August 29, 2019)            Greece and Romania, has recorded a 0.3% rise in sales
                                                                        in  the  first  half  of  2019  to  EUR1.86  billion  (USD2.1
                         Romania’s  National  Authority  for  Management  and   billion). The firm said that increased revenues from its
                         Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has opened   fixed business were partially offset by a 2.5% drop in
                         a  public consultation  on its  plan to reduce  mobile   mobile turnover. Group EBITDA for the first half climbed
                         termination  rates  (MTRs)  with  effect  from  1  January   from EUR592.4 million in 2018 to EUR625.4 million this
                         2020.  The regulator has  proposed  a  maximum  tariff   year, though there was a 20.8% fall in net profit from
                         of EUR0.0076 (USD0.0085) per minute, down from the   continuing operations to EUR80.5 million. OTE Group
                         current rate of EUR0.0084, as a transitional measure   has been downsizing its activities, completing the sale
                         until a single European rate is established before the end   of  its  operations  in  Albania  at  the  start  of  this  year,
                         of 2020 under Directive (EU) 2018/1972. The operators   and the sale of its stake in Telekom Romania is also
                         designated with significant market power – Lycamobile,   expected.
                         Orange  Romania,  Vodafone  Romania,  RCS&RDS  and   (August 8, 2019)
                         Telekom Romania Mobile Communications – will have

                         A draft law introducing universal mobile service access   allocated for 5G worldwide, TeleGeography notes that
                         points for Russian settlements  of between  100 and   China  Mobile  was  given  access  to  trial  5G  spectrum
                         500 people has been approved by the government and   at  4.8GHz-4.9GHz  in  December  2018  before  being
                         sent to  the lower house of  parliament (State  Duma)   awarded a commercial 5G license in June 2019, while
        Russia           for consideration. The amendments also remove Wi-  in April 2019 Japan’s NTT DOCOMO was authorized to
                         Fi-based shared  access  internet  points  from the list
                                                                        use the 4.5GHz-4.6GHz band for its 5G network rollout,
                         of  universal  communications  services  (UCS)  after   having  trialed  5G  4.5GHz  services  in  2017-2018.
                         such rollouts ceased due to a lack of demand. If the   Furthermore,  Russian  fixed  broadband  operator  ER-
                         amendments  are passed,  settlements  of 100-500   Telecom has been permitted to utilize 4.8GHz-4.99GHz
                         inhabitants  will  be  covered  by  the  UCS  program  for   spectrum for 5G connectivity tests, aiming to provide
                         the first time. The draft envisages settlements with a   wholesale services to cellcos. The process to free up
                         population  of  250-500  receiving  mobile  UCS  access   ‘mainstream’  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  5G  mobile  spectrum  in
                         point coverage by 2024 and communities of 100-250   Russia remains stalled as  the  latter frequencies  are
                         residents gaining UCS access by 2026. State-backed   reserved  for  security/law  enforcement/intelligence/
                         Rostelecom is currently the sole UCS provider, and is   military  usage.  Minkomsvyaz  has  recently  rejected
                         expected  to  fulfil  new  mobile  UCS  commitments  via   several  operators’  applications  for  3.4GHz-3.8GHz
                         part-owned mobile subsidiary Tele2 Russia – although   bandwidth.  Vice  Prime  Minister  Maxim  Akimov  told
                         with Tele2’s coverage being less extensive than larger   reporters last week that the government will establish
                         rivals MTS, MegaFon and Beeline, the actual network   a working group to plan 5G pilot zones using 3.4GHz-
                         provision  in  certain  zones  could  be  contracted  out.   3.8GHz  spectrum  in  cooperation  with  other state
                         MegaFon’s  corporate  communications  manager   agencies and special services departments (in addition
                         Dmitry  Lukyanchikov  was  quoted  as  saying  that  he   to ongoing projects for 27GHz-28GHz 5G pilot zones in
                         believes the bill could enter law before the end of this   Moscow).
                         year.                                          (August 13, 2019) Telecom Daily
                         (August 14, 2019) ComNews
                                                                        The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications
                         Russia’s   Ministry   of   Digital   Development,   and Mass Media (the Ministry of Communications or
                         Communications  and  Mass  Media  (Ministry  of   Minkomsvyaz)  has  rejected  a  series  of  3.5GHz  trial
                         Communications  or  Minkomsvyaz)  has  proposed   applications from the country’s major players, denying
                         allocating  new  frequencies  for  5G  in  the  4.4GHz–  them access to 5G-suitable frequencies  for testing
                         4.99GHz range. Although this band is not commonly   purposes.  The  rejected  applications  were  revealed  in

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