Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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                         merger following the TDSAT’s order directing the DoT   the recent move towards consolidation in the nation’s
                         to take the merger on record’. The DoT’s opposition to   mobile  sector,  the  DoT  has  sought  to  block  or  delay
                         the takeover was originally based on demands related   many of the transactions by withholding approval until
                         to  controversial  one-time  spectrum  charges  (OTSC),   the  companies  involved  submit  bank  guarantees  for
                         the validity of which remains sub-judice. Throughout   the disputed OTSC. (August 21, 2019) The Economic Times

                         The telecoms  watchdog  has  issued a  statement on   Kosovo’s   telecoms   watchdog,   the   Regulatory
                         the  cancellation  of  Z  Mobile’s  MVNO  contract  by   Authority  for  Post  and  Electronic  Communications
                         state-owned operator Telecom Kosovo (TK), assuring   (Autoriteti  Rregullator  i  Komunikimeve  Elektronike
                         consumers  that  it  is  monitoring the situation and   dhe  Postare,  ARKEP), has renewed  the  spectrum
        Kosovo           will take action to guarantee continuity of service for   licenses  of  incumbent  cellcos  Telecom  Kosovo  (TK
                         customers.  To  that  end,  the  Regulatory  Authority  for
                                                                        – which operates under the Vala brand) and IPKO for
                         Post and Electronic  Communications (ARKEP)  has   20 more years. ARKEP Chairman Kreshnik Gashi said
                         instructed  the  companies  not  to  take  any  unilateral   that TK has had spectrum authorizations comprising
                         action  that  may  harm  customers.  The  regulator  also   2×10MHz  in  the  900MHz  band  and  2×25MHz  range
                         directed Z Mobile not to issue any new SIMs, enter new   renewed,   whilst   IPKO’s   concessions   covering
                         contracts with customers or create new packages for   2×10MHz  of  900MHz  range  spectrum  and  2×20MHz
                         the moment. ARKEP went on to say that over the next   in the 1800MHz band were also updated. State-owned
                         few days it would gather additional information from   TK will pay EUR15.7 million (USD17.5 million) over ten
                         the  two  providers  and  analyze  European  practices   instalments for its renewal, whist IPKO is expected to
                         on the matter. Last month TK chose not to renew its   pay  EUR11.7  million.  The  license  renewal  is  the  first
                         controversial  MVNO  contract  with  Z  Mobile;  the  two   phase of the regulator’s spectrum allocation program.
                         providers  are  involved  in  an  ongoing  legal  dispute.   The next stage is due to take place during H2 2019 and
                         (August 8, 2019)             will feature the auctioning of unused frequencies in the
                                                                        800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz and 2600MHz
                                                                        bands. (August 6, 2019) Koha

                         The  Mexican  government  has  selected  state  utility   government’s  Diario  Oficial  de  la  Federacion  (DOF).
                         firm Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) to oversee   The unit will be in charge of extending fixed broadband
                         its  ‘Internet  para  Todos’  initiative,  via  subsidiary   infrastructure to parts of the country not yet covered by
                         CFE  Telecomunicaciones.  The decision  was  rubber-  the country’s private operators.
        Mexico           stamped on 2  August,  when it  was  included  in the   (August 6, 2019)

                         The Communications Regulatory Authority (Autoridade   measure will enable  it to offer frequencies  to telcos
                         Reguladora  das  Comunicacoes, ARECOM) has     for wireless broadband services without impacting TV
                         approved  a  new  TV-White  Space  (TVWS)  technical   broadcasters which utilize spectrum  in surrounding
                         standard to regulate the use of frequencies  in the   UHF bands.
                         470MHz-694MHz  band.  The  watchdog  says  that  the   (August 12, 2019)

                         The Minister  of Information and Communication   towers nationwide. The new tower in Vergenoeg and
                         Technology,  Stanley  Simataa,  has  officially  activated   another  in  the  nearby  settlement  of  Helena  have
                         Mobile Telecommunication’s  (MTC) new 3G network   now been  switched  on in phase one of the project,
                         tower  in  Vergenoeg  Farm  in  the  Omaheke  region.   which  will  initially  extend  overage  to  80%  of  the
                         MTC, Namibia’s largest mobile network operator   region’s population. Elsewhere, five towers have also
        Namibia          (MNO)  by  subscribers,  plans  to  erect  eight  towers  in   been  activated  in  the  Tsumkwe  constituency  in  the
                         the Omaheke Region as part of its 081Every1 project,   Otjozondjupa Region, where another four are still under
                         which  aims  to  provide  network  coverage  to  100%  of   construction.
                         the Namibian population by constructing 524 network   (August 12, 2019) New Era Live

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