Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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        Minister’s Taskforce on IT and Telecom at the committee room   length  during  the  meeting.  Federal  Minister  for  IT  appreciated
        of the Ministry of IT on Wednesday. Federal Secretary Ministry of   Sector's growth of more than 23% in IT/ITES Exports.   P@SHA
        IT Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui was also present in the meeting while   representation acknowledged Ministry of IT's support to promote
        the  Co-Chairman  of  the  PM’s  Taksforce  on  IT  and  Telecom  Dr.   growth  in  IT/ITES  Sector.  The  Federal  Minister  assured  that
        Attaur  Rehman  joined  the  meeting  through  video  link.  Matters   Ministry  of  IT  will  be  available  on  Sector's  disposal  to  provide
        related  to  spectrum,  fabrication  and  IT  exports  were  discussed   every kind of support for IT/ITES Sector's growth.
        during the meeting. Addressing the meeting, the Federal Minister   (August 13, 2020)
        for IT said that merit and transparency are the top priority in the
        Ministry of IT and its attached departments. He said that we are   The  Universal  Service  Fund  (USF)  Policy  Committee  approved
        accountable to masses and using our mandate for the betterment   annual budget of Rs 11.376 billion for financial year 2020-21 for
        and the uplift of the people. He said that youth are the asset and   the Fund to carry out different connectivity projects in un-served
        work is underway on different projects for creating employment   and  underserved  areas  of  the  country.  Federal  Minister  for  IT
        opportunities for them through IT industry.   Syed Amin Ul Haque   and Telecommunication Syed Amin Ul Haque Syed Amin Haque
        said  that  Ministry  of  IT  is  committed  for  increasing  IT  exports   chaired 39th meeting of the Universal Service Fund (USF) Policy
        and manufacturing of quality mobile phones in Pakistan. He said   Committee meeting here on Monday. Federal Secretary Ministry
        that work is going on regarding fabrication and steps are being   of  IT  Shoaib  Ahmad  Siddiqui  was  also  present  in  the  meeting.
        taken for providing broadband  services both  in unserved and   The  meeting  approved  the  minutes  of  the  38th  meeting  of  the
        underserved areas of the country. Federal Minister for IT said that   Universal Service Fund Policy Committee meeting. The meeting
        he will soon meet Chief Minister Sindh to discuss ending sales tax   also gave approval for the USF annual budget of Rs 11.376 billion
        on IT export revenue, adding that IT industries are moving from   for financial year 2020-21. Universal Service Fund Chief Executive
        Sindh to other provinces due to sales tax on IT export revenue.   Officer (CEO) Haaris Mahmood Chaudhry briefed the chair about
        He  said  that  Prime  Minister  of  Pakistan  keeps  special  interest   the USF projects for providing broadband services in unserved and
        in  the  development  of  the  IT  sector  of  Pakistan.  He  said  that   underserved areas of the country. According to documents USF
        joint efforts and work with honesty is vital for completion of the   has spent around Rs 66.044 billion to extend cellular, broadband
        vision of digital Pakistan. Earlier, the chair was briefed about the   internet, fiber optics and other telecommunication services to un-
        recommendations regarding IT and Telecom sector. The meeting   served or underserved areas but some areas in Baluchistan as well
        was also attended by authorities from PTA, Pakistan Engineering   as South Waziristan and Kurram districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
        Council among others. (August 26, 2020)   still lack access to basic telephony  and mobile  broadband
                                                               services. USF was created in 2007 to stretch cellular, broadband
        Delegation  of  Pakistan  Software  Houses  Association  (P@SHA)   internet, fiber optics and other telecommunication services to un-
        called  on  Federal  Minister  for  Information  Technology  and   served or underserved areas. All telecom companies have been
        Telecommunication  Syed  Amin  Ul  Haque.  The  Federal  Minister   contributing 1.5 percent of their revenues to the USF.
        for IT welcomed the PASHA delegation in his office, and number   (July 27, 2020)
        of  ongoing  matters  including  IT  exports  were  discussed  at

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The  Communication  and  Information  Technology  Commission   will  proceed  with the release  of this unprecedented  amount of
        (CITC) launched a public consultation to set its five-year outlook   commercial  spectrum,  over  the  period  2020-2024,  to  achieve
        for  commercial  and  innovative  use  of  radio  spectrum.  In  the   the  goals  of  National  Spectrum  Strategy.  “The  release  of  this
        consultation,  CITC  proposes  to  make  available  over  10  GHz   spectrum should set a paradigm shift in the region with regard
        of  additional  radio  spectrum  by  2024  across  a  wide  range  of   to spectrum allocation for innovative use and enabling emerging
        frequency  bands, thus creating a  thriving digital  environment   radio  technologies  in  the  Kingdom.  “This  consultation  will
        that  will  meet  Saudi  Arabia’s  technological  needs  as  it  moves   elicit invaluable feedback  from a  wide variety  of international
        forward.  The  Kingdom  currently  ranks  among  the  lead  G20   stakeholders  and help  us to formulate  an effective spectrum
        countries in spectrum allocation for mobile broadband services.   outlook  to  contribute  significantly  toward  making  Saudi  Arabia
        The consultation invites the views of all interested parties on a   one  of  the  world’s  advanced  digital  societies.”  The  public
        range of measures, which will transform Saudi Arabia into one of   consultation  is  an  important  initiative, which comes as  part  of
        the world’s leading digital societies, in line with plans laid out in   CITC’s recently approved National Spectrum Strategy (NSS). The
        Vision 2030. CITC is inviting feedback on the upcoming spectrum   NSS was set up to manage and enhance the efficient usage of
        allocation from many sources, including local and international   the national spectrum by 2025. The submissions from interested
        wireless  industry, academia,  public  and private entities,  as   parties of the consultation document are open till September 27,
        well  as  end-users  of  digital  services  and  radio  technologies.   2020. (August 23, 2020)
        Dr.  Mohammed  Al  Tamimi,  governor  of  CITC,  affirmed:  “CITC

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