Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The UAE, represented by the UAE Telecommunication Regulatory   talked about the UAE readiness to face pandemics, highlighting
        Authority  (TRA),  has  participated  in  the  virtual  workshops  and   the projects launched by the TRA and other service providers to
        special tracks of the World Summit on the Information Society   enhance vital infrastructures and present ICT services in remote
        Forum. The TRA participated in two sessions, and presented the   areas during exceptional conditions. Eng. Majed Al Mesmar, the
        UAE success story in empowering a trustworthy digital society   Deputy Director General of the Telecommunications sector at the
        and its readiness to handle crises and guarantee sustainability.   Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  (TRA)  commented:
        The  WSIS  forum,  held  annually,  is  the  largest  global  gathering   “The current exceptional conditions all over the world proved the
        of  the  ‘ICT  for  development’  community.  The  WSIS  Forum  is   high importance of telecom  infrastructure to keep companies,
        co-organized  by  ITU,  UNESCO,  UNDP  and  UNCTAD.  The  forum   government and society connected. Our country achieved great
        events aim at sharing of best practices and continues to provide   success  in relation to its readiness  to face  pandemics  and
        assistance  in  developing  multi-stakeholder  and  public/private   guarantee sustainability.” It is noteworthy that the World Summit
        partnerships  to  advance  development  goals.  The  WSIS  Forum   on the Information Society Forum seeks to implement sustainable
        started on 22 June with a series of virtual workshops and special   development strategies by evaluating and honoring individuals,
        tracts in addition to a virtual exhibition. The UAE was represented   governments,  civil society, local,  regional  and international
        by  the  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Authority,  Ministry  of   agencies,  research  institutions  and private sector  companies
        Energy  and  Infrastructure,  Abu  Dhabi  Digital  Authority,  General   for outstanding. It coordinates global efforts in terms of ICT and
        Women’s  Union,  Etisalat,  Du  and  Yahsat.  They  highlighted  the   digital content. (August 30, 2020)
        success stories of the UAE and how social, economic and cultural
        life  is  facilitated  with  the  use  of  ICT  technologies  to  achieve   At  the  invitation  of  the  UAE’s  Telecommunications  Regulatory
        development.  On  this  occasion,  Eng.  Majed  Al  Mesmar,  the   Authority,  TRA,  a  meeting  was  held  between  TRA  officials  and
        Deputy Director General of the Telecommunications sector at the   Vincenzo  Aquaro,  Chief  of  Digital  Government  at  the  United
        Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) said: “The UAE   Nations  Department  of  Economic  and  Social  Affairs,  UNDESA,
        plays an important role in the success of the WSIS Forum since its   to discuss the prospects of the UN e-Government Study and its
        launch more than 10 years ago. We, in the TRA, get inspired from   use for the digital performance development. On the UAE side, the
        our wise leadership to be equipped with future foresight visions to   meeting was chaired by Salem Al Housani, Acting Deputy Director-
        enhance sustainable development and use advanced technologies   General  for  the  mGovernment  Sector,  with  the  participation  of
        for the benefit of the humanity. The current exceptional conditions   Tariq  Al  Awadhi,  Executive  Director  of  Spectrum  Affairs,  and  a
        have proved the importance of cooperation  and coordination   number of officials from the work teams of digital services, digital
        in  different  sectors  to  achieve  sustainability.  These  conditions   participation, and ICT infrastructure. During the meeting, the UAE
        proved  also that digital government  is necessary for digital   presented its observations on the United Nations e-Government
        economy  and that  people  must be  digitally enabled  to handle   Study 2020, the global experiences mentioned therein, and lessons
        such conditions. One of the sessions highlighted the stages of   and information that countries can take into account in their digital
        the UAE Pass launched by the TRA, in cooperation with Abu Dhabi   transformation endeavors. The UAE side also presented its ideas
        Digital Authority, Smart Dubai, the Federal Authority for Identity   on the methods of the study and raised its inquiries on a range of
        and  Citizenship,  and  the  Dubai  Electronic  Security  Center.  The   issues such as the specifics, challenges and prospects related to
        UAE Pass and digital wallet have been enabled to exchange data   the UAE and the Arab region in the fields of digital transformation.
        among  government  and private entities  to enhance  the digital   The  meeting  discussed  the  global  challenges  represented  by
        transformation.  The  UAE  Pass  is  one  of  the  important  pillars   the fast pace of developments and changes, and the era of the
        of an integrated  and interconnected  government  that provides   fourth  industrial  revolution  including  applications  of  Artificial
        common  services  to  the public  in  partnership with  the private   Intelligence  such  as robots,  blockchain,  and other  emerging
        sector. On this achievement, Eng. Mohamed Al Khamis, Director of   technologies, and how to employ these technologies in the field of
        the UAE Smart Government Program at the Telecommunications   digital government. Al Housani welcomed the UN representative,
        Regulatory Authority, commented: “We are confident that what we   saying, "We value the role of UNDESA in disseminating the culture
        have worked on in order to achieve digital transformation has paid   of spreading knowledge and mutual benefit by highlighting global
        off by activating the first national digital identity for all citizens,   success stories within the mentioned study, and we thank them
        residents and visitors. The UAE Pass connects users and service   for fulfilling our request to clarify matters whenever we need to."
        providers to facilitate more than 5,000 government services.” The   Vincenzo congratulated the UAE on its outstanding performance
        UAE Pass provide easy solution to get services via mobile phones   in all indicators and responded to the inquiries of the work teams
        without need for multiple access credentials. It enables users to   in  great  detail.  On  the  changes  in  the  evaluation  mechanisms
        sign documents digital without visiting service centers. The digital   of the e-Government Development Index, Vincenzo said, "First, I
        wallet enables users to exchange and provide documents required   would like to thank the UAE for its cooperation in translating and
        to  achieve  their  transactions.  In  the  second  session,  the  TRA   publishing the e-Government Study in Arabic in a joint initiative

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