Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         Argentina  has  extended  a  price  freeze  for  mobile,   without  government  approval.  Argentina  has  already
                         broadband  and  pay-TV  services  until  the  end  of  the   frozen  prices  on a further 2,000 consumer  goods  it
                         year, deeming them ‘essential public services’. Prices   also deems essential. The article notes that inflation is
                         for the services in question have been frozen since May,   running at 42% annually, and the nationwide lockdown
        Argentina        with the ban set to expire at the end of this month. The   to  curb  the  spread  of  COVID-19  has  only  served  to
                         freeze means providers will not be able to raise prices   deepen the economic contraction. (August 25, 2020) Bloomberg

                         With  the  Australian  Communications  and  Media   monopolized by any one operator.’
                         Authority  (ACMA)  planning  to  make  spectrum   (August 15, 2020)
                         available  in  the  26GHz  and  28GHz  mmWave  bands
                         ‘for  5G  applications  and  for  fixed  satellite  services’,   Australia’s  Department  of  Infrastructure,  Transport,
        Australia        it is now consulting on the introduction of area-wide   Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC)
                         apparatus  licenses  (AWLs)  across  both  bands.  The   has announced that it is now accepting applications for
                         new  concession  type  has  been  created  ‘in  response   the Alternative Voice Services Trials (AVST) program.
                         to  changes  in  Australia’s  spectrum  landscape’,  and   In a press release regarding  the  development,  the
                         includes: the ‘area-wide’ type for transmitter licenses;   regulator noted that AVST is designed to provide grants
                         and  the  ‘area-wide  receive’  type  for  receive  licenses.   to organizations to trial different ways to deliver voice
                         In  a  press  release,  the  ACMA  said  that  it  was  also   services in rural and remote areas of Australia. It added
                         consulting on new arrangements for ongoing access   that the objective of the trials is ‘to identify new ways
                         to 27GHz–30GHz frequencies by fixed-satellite service   to  deliver voice services, including  by  new providers
                         (FSS) earth stations. Under the proposed arrangements,   and technologies,  and assess their effectiveness  to
                         it  has  claimed  that  satellite  users  will  benefit  from   provide improved services and functionality’. Trials will
                         additional  access  to  spectrum.  The  development   reportedly be delivered within NBN Co’s fixed-wireless
                         comes  in  the  wake  of  the  ACMA’s  consultation  on   and satellite  footprints,  including  those serviced by
                         the  draft  legislative  instruments  for  the  country’s   Telstra’s  high-capacity  radio  concentrator  (HCRC)
                         upcoming sale of spectrum in the 26GHz band, which   network, and a total of AUD2 million (USD1.4 million)
                         closed  earlier  this  month.  This  latest  consultation  is   in funding is  being  made available for the trials,  as
                         accepting submissions until 16 September 2020.  part of the AUD220 million ‘Stronger Regional Digital
                         (August 21, 2020)              Connectivity Package’. Applications are being accepted
                                                                        until the 14 September 2020 deadline.
                         Allocation  limits  have  now  been  set  for  Australia’s   (August 4, 2020)
                         planned auction of 5G-suitable spectrum in the 26GHz
                         band,  which  is  scheduled  to  take  place  in  March   The Australian government called for operators, regional
                         2021. Announcing the development, communications   communities and all levels of officialdom to collaborate
                         minister Paul Fletcher confirmed that he had directed   and apply for AUD53 million ($37.8 million) in funding
                         the  Australian  Communications  and  Media  Authority   allocated to improve rural connectivity. In a statement,
                         (ACMA) to implement a cap of 1GHz on the amount of   Minister for Communications, Cybersafety and the Arts
                         spectrum any one entity can obtain in the sale process.   Paul Fletcher said the Regional Connectivity Program
                         This direction was made via the ‘Radiocommunications   will provide  targeted  investment  in local telecoms
                         (Spectrum  License  Limits–26GHz  Band)  Direction   infrastructure  projects  to  maximize  economic  and
                         2020’, dated 9 August 2020, and commenting on the   social  opportunities in  regional,  rural  and  remote
                         matter, Mr. Fletcher said: ‘I have directed the [ACMA]   communities.  Minister  for  Regional  Communications
                         to  set  allocation  limits  of  1GHz.  This  decision  was   Mark Coulton said applicants should work together to
                         informed  by  advice  and  analysis  from  the  Australian   develop projects for funding to maximize the benefits
                         Competition  and  Consumer  Commission  (ACCC)  and   for communities. “Collaboration is an excellent method
                         aligns  with  the  government’s  communications  policy   to  give  an  application  real  bite.  We  are  looking  for
                         objectives.  Success  in  the  mobile  market  ultimately   projects that will provide the most profound benefit to
                         depends  on  access  to  spectrum.  Applying  allocation   local communities, and by joining forces I’m confident
                         limits  means  that  the  26GHz  spectrum  cannot  be   we will see many great solutions come from the bush”.

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