Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 82



        Progression and Potential:  The DSA Highlights the

        Importance of the 6 GHz Band for Unlicensed Access

        and Wi-Fi 6

                                                              Wi-Fi  6  will  increase  network  efficiency  by
                                                              more than  four  times and  deliver up  to  40%

                                                              higher  peak  data  rates  for  a single  client
                                                              device.  Such  technologies  will  also  bring
                                                              with  them  important  security  improvements,
                                                              battery life extension in client devices and the
                                                              possibility to handle many more devices in the
                                                              same network.

                                                           According to Ofcom UK, the growing use of Wi-Fi is causing heightened
                                                           expectations from consumers as to the capacity of their broadband as
                                                           they begin to access ultrafast and full-fibre technology. This comes as
                                                           a result of the arrival of innovative applications such as Augmented
                                                           Reality  (AR),  Virtual  Reality  (VR)  and  Ultra  High  Definition  video  in
                                                           residential, corporate and public environments. As the popularity of
                                                           wireless devices increases among society, so too does the demand
                                                           for  connectivity,  high  throughput  and  low  latency.  The  6  GHz  band
                                                           presents a golden opportunity to address such demand immediately.
                                                           Making  this  band  available  for  Wi-Fi  and  other  related  wireless
                                                           technologies  on  a  license-exempt  basis  is  crucial  to  enable  new,
                                                           innovative applications and address some existing problems of slow
                                                           speeds  and  congestion.  For  example,  Wi-Fi  6  will  increase  network
                                                           efficiency by more than four times and deliver up to 40% higher peak
        Martha Suárez                                      data rates for a single client device. Such technologies will also bring
        President                                          with them important security improvements, battery life extension in
                                                           client devices and the possibility to handle many more devices in the
        DSA                                                same network.

                                                           Laying Foundations for the Next Generation
                                                           Wi-Fi currently carries over 70% of data traffic. To keep up with such
                                                           demand and technological advancements, Wireless and Radio Local
                                                           Area  Networks  (WLAN/RLANs)  can  now utilize wider  channels  to
                                                           provide wireless gigabit broadband inside homes and buildings, which
                                                           was not possible with previous generation wireless technologies. In
                                                           doing so, WLAN/RLAN will offload data from cellular 5G technologies; a
                                                           process that is expected to increase from 74% to 79% by 2022. This will

                                                           1  WLAN/RLAN refers to Wi-Fi 5, the new Wi-Fi 6 and 5G NRU.

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