Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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        lower the costs of network deployment for   by consumers is next-generation Wi-Fi 6,   Wi-Fi  technology  and,  therefore,  the
        mobile operators and for edge investment   offering stronger connections, wider reach   connection experience for users, especially
        by neutral hosts and third-party providers   and lower latency. Using the 5.9 GHz and   in densely  populated  areas such  as
        (e.g.,  cable  companies,  enterprises  that   6  GHz  bands  to  support  its  deployment   cities,  conferences, stadiums, apartment
        want  to  build private  5G  networks to  run   by  tripling  the  Wi-Fi  spectrum,  Wi-Fi  6   buildings and office spaces.
        factories).  Furthermore,  combined  with   networks can be implemented  in several
        high  capacity backhaul, it  will  also allow   environments,  including  home,  business   The introduction of Wi-Fi 6 will bring with
        gigabit class  networks to be  deployed   and leisure settings, providing users with   it  security  upgrades  following  last  year’s
        in  rural  and  suburban  environments.   constant connection.           implementation of the new Wi-Fi Alliance
        Consumer  costs  will  definitively  be                                  WPA3  security  protocol  as  a  standard
        lowered.                             The Importance of Wi-Fi 6           requirement  for  all  Wi-Fi  6  devices.  Wi-
                                             A  slow  internet  connection  without  a   Fi  6  also  brings  increased  efficiency  to
           The  6  GHz  band  (5925  –       feasible  solution  results in a disrupted   the battery life of devices by introducing
                                             service  and  dissatisfied  users.  The
                                                                                 Target Wake Time, allowing the device to
           7125  MHz)  presents  an          disruption  also draws the applications   plan its communications with the router to
           important  opportunity  for       industry to a halt as they become unwilling   ensure that it is only actively updating and
                                             to release ground-breaking apps without a
                                                                                 receiving transmissions when required.
           more  efficient  spectrum         reliable platform.
           use; it is crucial  to allow                                             As the  number  of  IoT
           unlicensed       access      in   Wi-Fi  6  eases  this  cycle  of  expectations   devices rises, projected to
                                             by  implementing  Orthogonal  Frequency-
           this  band  to  lay stable        Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) to allow   reach  13.4 billion  devices
           foundations for innovation.       the transmission of multiple signals at any   and  connections     per
                                             one time by splitting them and sending them
                                             over  different  frequencies.  By  allocating   capita  in  the  US and  3.6
        The  6  GHz  band  (5925  –  7125  MHz)   each signal its own specific frequency to   billion  worldwide,  Wi-Fi 6
        presents an  important  opportunity for   streamline the transmission, congestion is
        more  efficient  spectrum  use;  it  is  crucial   alleviated. This combined with the upgrade   is vital to bridging the gap
        to  allow  unlicensed access in  this  band   that  Wi-Fi  6  will  bring  to  MU-MIMO   in  connectivity  that  exists
        to  lay  stable  foundations  for  innovation.   technology results in an increased number
        As  technology  advances,  regulators  have   of communication routes,  meaning that   globally.
        the opportunity to utilize the emerging   more  data  can  be  transmitted.  In  fact,
        spectrum  sharing techniques  to address   the  technology  offers  speeds  up  to  40%   As  the  number  of  IoT  devices  rises,
        the increasing demand for  unlicensed   faster than its predecessor and allows for   projected  to  reach  13.4  billion  devices
        wireless  devices  and  Wi-Fi  6  whilst  also   multiple devices to be operational at once   and  connections  per  capita  in  the  US
        protecting  incumbents  in  this  band,  i.e.   without disruption. This will revolutionise   and  3.6  billion  worldwide,  Wi-Fi  6  is  vital
        fixed  and  satellite  links  that  are  key  for
        backhaul and coverage.

        Three  different  unlicensed  operating
        classes have been identified in the 6 GHz
        band: Very Low Power Portable (VLP), Low
        Power  Indoor  (LPI)  and  Standard  Power.
        The Federal Communications Commission
        (FCC)  and  several  European  spectrum
        authorities  have studied  a  variety of
        mitigation techniques and proposed rules
        for the protection  of incumbent  services,
        allowing for those  services to grow
        while meeting  the  demand  for wireless
        broadband services.
        By   enforcing  appropriate  sharing
        conditions  within  the  1200  MHz  of  the  6
        GHz band, more spectrum can be freed for
        use by other services without interference.
        One of the most anticipated advancements

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