Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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Ofcom Releases Media Nations 2020 Report
and viewers spent 82% more time on ITV
Hub. But the boost to the PSBs’ audience
figures during peak-lockdown was
short-lived, as the pandemic interrupted
production of soaps, major sporting
events and entertainment shows. By June
2020 their combined monthly share of
broadcast TV viewing fell to 55%, its lowest
level since August 2019. The outlook for
commercial public service broadcasters
PSBs is especially tough, as they manage
cost-cutting measures amid financial
uncertainty. Their cumulative revenues
declined by 3.5% in 2019 to £2.2bn, and TV
advertising revenues are expected to fall
17-19% in 2020. As lockdown measures
eased towards the end of June, the uplift
A surge in screen time during lockdown the pandemic. Disney+, which launched on in viewing to video streaming services
saw UK adults spend 40% of their waking the first day of the UK’s lockdown, made and other non-broadcast content held
day watching TV and online video services, an immediate impact. The new service steady, at 71% higher than the year before.
Ofcom has found in its annual study of the attracted 16% of online adults by early In contrast, by the end of June, traditional
nation’s media habits. As people across July, surpassing NOW TV (10%) to become broadcast TV viewing declined from its
the UK followed official health advice to the third most-popular subscription peak in early lockdown – falling 44 minutes
stay home during April 2020, they kept streaming service behind Netflix (45%) to 3 hours 2 minutes per day. Broadcast
themselves informed and entertained by and Amazon Prime Video (39%). Among TV viewing is now comparably lower than
spending six hours and 25 minutes each children aged 3-11, Disney+ was used in a it was in 2014-2017, although it remains
day on average – or nearly 45 hours a week third of homes (32%) by June – overtaking 11% higher than this time last year. And
– watching TV and online video content – BBC iPlayer which saw use among these our adoption of streaming services
a rise of almost a third (31%) on last year. children fall from 26% to 22% during the appears likely to continue after lockdown.
The biggest factor behind this increase spring. The public service broadcasters – The overwhelming majority of online
was people spending twice as much time the BBC, ITV, STV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 adults signed up to Netflix (96%), Amazon
watching subscription streaming services – briefly achieved their highest combined Prime Video (91%) and Disney+ (84%) said
such as Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon monthly share of broadcast TV viewing they plan to keep their subscriptions in
Prime Video – one hour 11 minutes per day in more than six years in March (59%), the months ahead. Similarly, more than
on average in April 2020. The trend was driven by a demand for trusted news half of UK adults (55%) say that they will
even more pronounced among 16-34s, programmes as the pandemic grew. The continue to spend the same amount of
who streamed for an average two hours BBC was the most popular source of news time watching streamed content in future
each day. and information about Covid-19 – used as they did during lockdown. Yih-Choung
Silver streamers widen their viewing. by 82% of adults during the first week of Teh, Ofcom’s Strategy and Research Group
Ofcom’s Media Nations 2020 report also lockdown. The BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Director, said: “Lockdown led to a huge
finds that an estimated 12 million UK adults Channel 5 were trusted by around eight rise in TV viewing and video streaming.
signed up to a new video streaming service in 10. Broadcasters’ video-on demand “The pandemic showed public service
during lockdown, of whom around 3 million services have also seen some success broadcasting at its best, delivering trusted
had never subscribed to one before. Some in lockdown. Dramas Normal People and news and UK content that viewers really
of these were older viewers who previously Killing Eve helped BBC iPlayer attract a value. But UK broadcasters face a tough
watched only broadcast TV. One third record 570 million program requests in advertising market, production challenges
(32%) of 55-64 year olds, and 15% of people May 2020 – 72% higher than in May 2019. and financial uncertainty. So they need to
aged 65+ used subscription streaming Similarly, Channel 4’s on-demand service, keep demonstrating that value in the face
services in the early weeks of lockdown – All 4, generated 30% more views among of intense competition from streaming
up from 25% and 12% respectively before 16-34s in the first two weeks of lockdown; services.”
87 AUGUST 2020