Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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                         South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed   regulator plans  to  complete  the country’s  auction of
                         performance  agreements  with  all  of his cabinet   high demand spectrum. All licensees which have been
                         ministers, detailing the targets they will need to meet   assigned  temporary  spectrum  and wish to continue
                         over the medium-term. With  reference  to the mobile   using it for the extended period will be required to pay
                         sector,  Stella  Ndabeni-Abrahams,  the  Minister  for   prescribed  spectrum  license  fees. In  releasing the
                         Communications  and  Digital  Technologies,  has  been   initial  temporary  spectrum  to meet high demand  for
                         tasked  with issuing  a ‘policy  direction’ for 5G by   services  during  the  emergency/lockdown  situation,
                         December 2021. In addition, the minister must ensure   ICASA  did  not  require  any  spectrum  fee  payments,
                         that  5G rollouts are underway  by  March 2024.  The   but its  chairperson  Keabetswe Modimoeng  now
                         document  also states that Ndabeni-Abrahams  must   explains: ‘We are aware that licensees generated and
                         cut  the  current  cost  of  mobile  data  by  50%  by  2024,   reported revenue growth during  this period.  We have
                         with a view to ensuring  that South  Africa  is in the   therefore resolved that, in addition to fulfilment of the
                         ‘top ten’ African countries in terms of pricing for 1GB   obligations  imposed  with the  release  of temporary
                         of  data. Finally, President  Ramaphosa  has asked  the   spectrum,  the  extended  use  of  spectrum  must  be
                         Minister to guarantee that 80% of the population will   at a fee as provided for in the amended regulations.’
                         have access to some form of internet connectivity by   ICASA plans to license the 700MHz and 800MHz bands
                         2024. (December 9, 2020)       (‘digital dividend’ frequencies currently occupied by TV
                                                                        broadcasters),  alongside  spectrum  in  the  2300MHz,
                         The Independent Communications Authority of South   2600MHz  and  3500MHz  bands.  Specifically,  ICASA
                         Africa (ICASA) has approved the amendment of the ICT   plans to award 60MHz (2×30MHz) in the 700MHz band,
                         COVID-19 National State of Disaster Regulations  to   60MHz (2×30MHz) in the 800MHz band, 40MHz in the
                         extend the validity period of the temporary assignment   2300MHz  band,  170MHz  in  the  2600MHz  band,  and
                         of radio frequency spectrum from 30 November 2020   116MHz in the 3500MHz band.
                         to  ‘no  later  than  31  March  2021’,  by  which  date  the   (December 1, 2020)

                         The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) has published a   operator  rolls  out  by  2022.  Indeed,  according  to  the
                         detailed policy plan for the reallocation of frequencies   policy plan, while operators would face the KRW3.17
                         which are currently used for 3G and 4G services, but   trillion charge if they can each construct 120,000 5G
                         are  scheduled  to  expire  in  June  2021.  The  pricing   base  stations  by  the  aforementioned  date,  the  figure
                         for the spectrum  remains some way  above what  the   would rise to as much as KRW3.77 trillion were they to
        South Korea      nation’s  three  mobile  network  operators  (MNOs)  –   deploy between 60,000 and 80,000 sites; for reference,
                         SK  Telecom,  KT  Corp  and  LG  Uplus  –  had  hoped  to   according to government data, as of August 2020 each
                         pay.  With  both  sides  having  been  locked  in  a  fierce   of the three MNOs were said to have installed between
                         debate  over  the  pricing  for  some  months,  the  MNOs   40,000 and 50,000 5G base stations over the past two
                         had proposed  paying KRW1.65  trillion (USD1.5   years.  Commenting  on  its  plans,  the  MSIT  was  cited
                         billion)  for  the  frequency  reallocations.  Now  though,   as  saying:  ‘As  the  value  of  LTE  frequency  fluctuates
                         the MSIT  has  suggested  a  price almost  double  that   based on 5G investment, the redistribution price was
                         – KRW3.17 trillion – and even then, that figure could   determined  based on the level  of  5G  base station
                         rise dependent  on how many  5G  base stations each   instalment.’ (December 1, 2020) The Korea Herald

                         Spain will  invest  4.3  billion euros  ($5.15  billion) on   spokeswoman,  said  after  a  weekly  cabinet  meeting.
                         deploying next-generation  5G telecoms  technology   Spain also expects  companies  will  invest around  24
                         and  extending  broadband  coverage  by  2025,  the   billion euros on 5G technology in the country by 2025,
                         government  announced  recently.  .  A  total  of  883   Montero  added.  Spain's  5G  rollout would require 6
                         million  euros  is  already  in  next  year's  budget,  which   billion euros in infrastructure investment, the head of
        Spain            parliament is set to approve in the coming weeks and   domestic market leader Telefonica's Spanish business
                         includes  investments to  extend broadband  to  rural   said last week.  Industry body GSMA estimates
                         areas. "The goal is that everyone, regardless of where   telecoms  operators  worldwide  will  spend  78%  of  a
                         they  live,  enjoys  the  benefits  of  these  advances  in   projected $1.14 trillion in capital expenditure over the
                         connectivity under a plan which is particularly relevant   next five years on 5G.’
                         for rural Spain"," Maria Jesus Montero, a government   (December 2, 2020)

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