Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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                         remove from their networks equipment  that the US   benefit  for  low-income  Americans,  and  USD7  billion
                         government  considers a  national security  risk.  The   to  increase  access  to  broadband.  Reuters quotes
                         FCC’s  order featured a  reimbursement program to   a fact sheet on the legislation as specifying that the
                         support  the replacement  of relevant equipment  by   bill  ‘establishes  a  temporary,  emergency  broadband
                         smaller providers, and was initially expected to cost ‘at   benefit  program  at  the  FCC  to  help  low-income
                         least USD1.6 billion’. The new bill reportedly expands   Americans,  including  those  economically  challenged
                         the eligibility for financing to providers with ten million   by the COVID-19 pandemic, get connected or remain
                         or  fewer  subscribers,  although  operators  with  two   connected  to broadband.’ Other initiatives supported
                         million or fewer subscribers are to be prioritized. In June   by the bill include  the  expansion  of broadband
                         this year, a separate order formally identified Chinese   infrastructure to underserved Americans in rural areas
                         vendors  Huawei  and  ZTE  as  security  threats,  barring   and to minority communities, and the development of
                         operators  from  using  money  from  the  USD8.3  billion   more accurate  broadband  availability  maps to allow
                         Universal Service Fund (USF) to purchase equipment   the FCC to better  allocate government  funding  for
                         from the firms. Meanwhile, the relief bill also includes   broadband development.
                         funding of USD3.2 billion for an emergency broadband   (December 21, 2020)

                         Data  and  internet  services are  expected  to  continue   percentage  points  to  command  69,7  percent  of  total
                         driving  the  telecoms  sector  growth,  according  to   market  share,  while  NetOne  lost  9  percentage  points
                         regulator Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory   to close the quarter with 29,1 percent of market share,
                         Authority  of  Zimbabwe  (POTRAZ).  This  comes  as   while  Telecel  catered  for  the  remaining  1,2  percent.
                         businesses in Zimbabwe have embraced digitalization,   During the quarter under review, active Internet and data
        Zimbabwe         accelerated by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.   subscriptions grew by 5,6 percent to reach 8 726 904.
                         The pandemic has necessitated use of digital platforms   As a result, the internet penetration rate increased to
                         to reduce  physical interaction  as  part  of measures   59,9 percent from 56,7 percent recorded in the previous
                         to  reduce  the spread of the disease.  According to  a   quarter. POTRAZ also highlights that a huge growth in
                         POTRAZ 2020 third quarter report, there was a surge in   equipped international Internet capacity was recorded
                         use of Internet and data services during the period as   in the third quarter under review following expansion
                         the market shifts to digital platforms. With no immediate   by  Liquid,  TelOne  and  Dandemutande.  “As  demand
                         solution on sight for the pandemic, it is anticipated that   for Internet and data increases due to the adoption of
                         data usage will continue to remain critical going forward.   e-learning, telecommuting, e-health, IAPs will need to
                         “The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the critical   continue expanding their bandwidth capacities to meet
                         importance  that telecommunications infrastructure   the  demand,”  reads  part  of  the  report.  Just  like  any
                         plays  in  keeping  businesses,  governments,  and   other sector of the economy, the performance of the
                         societies  connected  and  running,”  said  POTRAZ   telecoms sector going forward will largely hinge on the
                         director-general Dr Gift Machengete in an update. “The   general economic environment. Availability of foreign
                         sector has been critical in keeping the global economy   currency, exchange rate and inflationary pressures will
                         moving under  the lockdown by  providing business-  have a direct impact on service tariffs for the sector.
                         critical  connectivity  and  resilience,  facilitating  work-  (December 30, 2020)
                         from-home  arrangements  and keeping  individuals
                         and societies connected and informed, with access to   The  government  has  allocated  ZWL8  billion  (USD89
                         essential services during  mandated social isolation.   million) to improve ICT services in the country in 2021.
                         As a result, many telecom players providing broadband   The  funds  will  go  towards  the  rollout  of  fiber-optic
                         have  benefited  from  a  surge  in  the  traffic  of  data  as   networks, improving access to online public services,
                         shown in this report. “Data and Internet services will   and the development  of digital  TV services. State-
                         continue to drive industry growth,” he said. According   owned cellco NetOne is also investing USD18 million
                         to  the  third  quarter  report,  mobile  internet  and  data   on the rollout of 4G equipment in 2021 financed by a
                         grew by a 43 percent to record 14,878 terabytes from   USD71 million loan from China Eximbank. Meanwhile,
                         10,407  terabytes  recorded  in  the  second  quarter  of   the Universal Services Fund will  contribute  USD6
                         2020.  The  report also shows that in-bundle  data   million to deploy ten base stations in rural areas which
                         constituted  95,1  percent  of  total  mobile  Internet  and   will be shared by the country’s three mobile operators.
                         data  usage,  up  from  94,1  percent  recorded  in  the   Biztech  Africa  quotes  Finance  Minister  Mthuli  Ncube
                         second quarter of 2020 as consumers will always seek   as saying: ‘In order to improve access to ICT services,
                         to maximise their utility with the cheaper promotional   the government will facilitate deployment of broadband
                         bundles  instead of out-of-bundle data rates.  Econet   infrastructure and investments in last mile connectivity
                         maintained its market dominance adding another 8,9   by  industry  players  that  will  ensure  affordable,

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