Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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                         Sweden’s  Post  and  Telecom  Agency  (Post  &   Sweden’s  Court  of Appeal is  allowing the country’s
                         Telestyrelsen,  PTS)  has  confirmed  that  the  process   5G spectrum  auction  to proceed  despite  an earlier
                         of frequency  assignment  in the 3.5GHz  and 2.3GHz   legal  challenge  from  Chinese  vendor  Huawei,  which
                         bands will resume on 19 January 2021. In November   had led to the postponement of the sale last month.
        Sweden           the regulator decided to pause the 5G spectrum license   On 10 November the Post and Telecom Agency (Post
                         auction after an  Administrative Court  in Stockholm   &  Telestyrelsen,  PTS)  halted  the  auction  after  an
                         upheld  Huawei’s  appeal against  license  conditions   Administrative  Court  in  Stockholm upheld  Huawei’s
                         which barred winning bidders from using its equipment   appeal against  the license conditions  which barred
                         in their 5G networks. Since the Court of Appeal has now   winning  bidders from using  its  equipment  in their
                         decided that the PTS’ conditions regarding Huawei shall   5G networks.  The clause had been  included  against
                         apply pending the judicial review of PTS’ decision, the   Huawei  and  another  Chinese  vendor,  ZTE,  due  to
                         authority will resume the auction. The PTS stated that   security concerns.  In  a  statement the PTS says  that
                         it has been in contact with the participating players and   it  welcomes  the  Court  of  Appeal  decision,  adding:
                         announced that the auction will begin on 19 January,   ‘With  this  ruling,  there  are  conditions  for  conducting
                         adding that: ‘the frequency allocation in the 3.5GHz and   the auction in the near future. However, PTS needs to
                         2.3GHz bands is crucial for 5G development in Sweden   contact the participating actors. This means that the
                         and affects the digitalization of society. Therefore, PTS   auction will not now start in December.’
                         holds the auction despite the fact that the conditions   (December 17, 2020)
                         must be tried legally.’ (December 21, 2020)

                         The   Competition  Commission   (Wettbewerbs-  has confirmed that it will file an objection against the
                         kommission,  WEKO)  has  opened  an  investigation   precautionary measures imposed by WEKO. Defending
                         into state-owned full-service provider Swisscom.   its position, the provider claimed that it was engaged
                         In  a  statement  from  WEKO,  the  regulator  noted   in ‘intensive competition’ with alternative providers in
                         that there was  a risk that Swisscom  may exclude   the construction and operation of broadband networks,
        Switzerland      competitors  from the market though  its current   and that it offers a wide variety of wholesale options
                         fiber  network  expansion  program.  Elaborating  on  its   for  its  competitors.  Regarding  WEKO’s  accusations,
                         concerns,  WEKO  explained  that  the  infrastructure   Swisscom  stated  that  its  expansion  of  fiber-to-
                         development  ‘changes  the structure of the network   the-home  (FTTH)  infrastructure relies on point-to-
                         in areas that it is expanding on its own in such a way   multipoint  architecture and therefore still  enables
                         that competitors no longer have direct access to the   competition. The rollout method is also faster and more
                         network infrastructure.’ Consequently, end users could   cost-efficient, Swisscom argued, adding that both end-
                         be restricted in their choice of providers and products.   users  and  wholesale  customers  will  benefit  from  the
                         WEKO added that – based on the information currently   upgrade by purchasing wholesale upstream products.
                         available to it – it ‘appears credible’ that Swisscom is   Swisscom is currently in the process of expanding its
                         abusing  its  dominant  market  position  and,  as  such,   FTTH network with the goal of doubling the number of
                         the regulator  has prohibited  Swisscom from denying   connections to more than 3.0 million by 2025. By that
                         access  to continuous  lines  to competitors  as a   date between 50% and 60% of Swiss homes would have
                         precautionary  measure.  The regulator has  launched   access to bandwidth of up to 10Gbps, whilst 30% to
                         an investigation  to determine  in depth  the extent  to   40% of the households would have access to download
                         which  Swisscom is abusing  its market position.  For   speeds of between 300Mbps and 500Mbps.
                         its  part,  Swisscom  has  rebuffed  the  accusation  and   (December 18, 2020)

                         The  telecoms  regulator  OFCOM  has announced  that   of the COVID-19 pandemic’. To that end, the regulator
                         four  applicants  have  qualified  to  participate  in  the   said it planned to work with all interested bidders to
                         upcoming  700MHz  and  3.6GHz-3.8GHz  spectrum   ensure the auction can proceed in a safe and secure
                         award process. The  companies  have been  named   way,  with  a  view  to  starting  bidding  in  mid-January
        United           as EE, Hutchison 3G UK, Telefonica UK (operating as   2021.  The frequency  bands are likely to be used  by
                                                                        mobile network operators to deliver a range of services,
                         O2)  and  Vodafone.  Last  month  OFCOM  finalized  the
        Kingdom          regulations relating to the planned award of spectrum   including 5G mobile. (December 21, 2020)
                         in  the  700MHz  and  3.6GHz-3.8GHz  bands,  saying  it
                         would proceed  with  preparations to  hold the auction   The telecom  regulator  OFCOM  has  launched  a
                         ‘as soon as it is reasonably practicable to do so in light   consultation  on a proposed  approach  to ensuring

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