Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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consumers, simplifying the EU regulatory framework enabling easier small cell deployment and amending
and expanding responsibilities at multinational the rules regarding interoperability and interconnection
regulatory organization BEREC. Furthermore, the of competing networks, and regarding providers’
Dutch Senate highlights that the country’s EECC access to each other’s networks.
implementation bill supports 5G network rollout by (February 11, 2022)
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has company, Airtel Nigeria, also qualified to participate
announced that the provisional winners of the recently but walked away empty handed at the conclusion of
concluded 3.5GHz spectrum auction, MTN Nigeria the final round of bidding. Following the conclusion
and Mafab Communications, have each made the full of the assignment stage, MTN also agreed to pay
Nigeria payment of USD273.6 million for their licenses by the an additional USD15.9 million to select spectrum in
deadline. In December last year the two operators the 3500MHz-3600MHz band, with the second lot
emerged as the winners of one lot of 100MHz TDD (3700MHz-3800MHz) assigned to Mafab.
spectrum in the 3.5GHz band each, while a third (February 28, 2022)
The National Communications Authority (Nkom) has public mobile networks’. Meanwhile, in terms of the
begun the process of assessing whether additional other spectrum bands being considered, the regulator
frequencies should be made available for 5G. In a press has identified: the 2.3GHz band (2300MHz-2400MHz);
release the watchdog said it was seeking a dialogue with the 26GHz band (25.25GHz-27.5GHz); and the 42GHz
Norway stakeholder to ascertain the need for more resources (40.5GHz-43.5GHz) band. As part of its initial work,
for fifth-generation technologies, noting that among
Nkom has said it aims to map demand and the need
its considerations was the possibility of allocating the for spectrum in the relevant frequency bands, while
700MHz and 1500MHz supplemental downlink (SDL) it also seeks to assess what is the most ‘socially
bands – specifically the spectrum ranges 738MHz- beneficial’ use of these bands, and whether there
758MHz and 1427MHz-1517MHz. According to would be synergies achieved by allocating several
Nkom, with these frequencies having recently been bands together. Discussions with interested parties
harmonized for mobile communications, it believes regarding this matter are expected to take place ‘during
they could ‘contribute to extra downlink capacity in the spring’. (February 4, 2022)
The Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment months the time allowed for interest parties to submit
(Agencia de Promocion de la Inversion Privada, queries regarding the process. The concessions on
ProInversion), which manages the auctioning of offer comprised a 2×30MHz license in the 1700MHz
spectrum rights in the country, has suspended the sale band (1750MHz-1780MHz/2150MHz-2180MHz) and
process for frequencies in the 1700MHz and 2300MHz 1×30MHz in the 2300MHz band (2300MHz-2330MHz).
Peru bands. ProInversion did not provide a reason for the The winner of the 1700MHz band will be required
suspension, simply citing the terms of the bidding to provide network coverage of 1,171 rural towns,
rules which allow the agency to suspend the process including at least 118 in the Valley of the Apurimac, Ene
‘without giving any cause and without incurring any and Mantaro Rivers (Valle de los Rios Apurimac, Ene y
liability’. ProInversion had altered the timeline for the Mantaro, VRAEM) region and in the jungle areas of the
auction back in August 2021, extending by several country. (February 23, 2022)
The House of Representatives and the Senate in March 2020, and was approved in the Senate by a
ratified Senate Bill 2094, opening up industries to margin of 19 to three in favor, in December 2021. The
foreign investors, including for public services such measure seeks to clarify the definitions between the
as telecommunications providers, by amending terms ‘public utility’ and ‘public service’, noting that
Philippines the 85-year-old law that caps foreign ownership of under the 1987 Constitution, only corporations that are
at least 60% owned by Filipinos will currently be given
public utilities to 40%. The proposal will now pass to
President Rodrigo Duterte for approval into law, noting the franchise, certificate, and authorization to operate
that it could herald massive change in one of the as a public utility. Going forward, telcos could now be
world’s ‘most restrictive economies. Senate Bill 2094 considered as a public service and, as such, ‘no longer
passed through the House of Representatives back bound by restrictions on foreign ownership’.
(February 3, 2022) Bloomberg
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