Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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                         Ireland’s Department of the Environment, Climate and   the introduction of a universal service obligation (USO)
                         Communications  (DECC)  has  opened  a  consultation   for  broadband;  and  the  ‘immediate’  deployment  of
                         on its ‘Digital Connectivity Strategy’, which is a sub-  high-speed  connectivity  towards key  locations such
                         strategy of its  recently-launched  national digital   as  digital  hubs, schools,  Garda  stations  and other
        Ireland          strategy,  ‘Harnessing Digital  –  The Digital  Ireland   government facilities across the country. As part of the
                         Framework’.  According to the DECC, the Digital
                                                                        consultation, the government has invited commercial
                         Connectivity Strategy is primarily focused on enabling   operators to submit details of their existing or future
                         the physical telecommunication  infrastructure  and   planned  networks delivering  broadband  services to
                         services delivering  digital connectivity.  In terms of   premises with at least 1Gbps download. According to
                         overall targets,  the strategy envisages that: all  Irish   the DECC, details should include the list of premises
                         households and businesses will be covered by a gigabit-  that are or will be covered and the expected date by
                         capable  network  no  later  than  2028;  all  populated   which gigabit  connectivity  will  be made available  to
                         areas will be covered by 5G by no later than 2030; and   each premises.  Meanwhile, in terms of some of the
                         the delivery  of digital connectivity  to all  ‘Connected   specific  questions  asked  by  the  consultation,  these
                         Hubs’ and all  schools  will  be achieved by  2023.  In   include:  whether  the ambition level set  out in the
                         terms of actions the authorities are reportedly planning   strategy  is  considered  appropriate;  and  whether  the
                         to implement to achieve its goals, these  include:  the   strategic enablers the strategy sets out are appropriate,
                         deployment of gigabit connectivity  in primarily rural   or whether they need to be amended.
                         areas via the state-led National Broadband Plan (NBP);   (February 24, 2022)

                         The Communications Authority  (CA) has revealed   two  years, bringing  an  end to a  seven-year dispute.
                         plans to enable  the  rollout  of pilot 5G networks   The concession was originally held by Essar Telecom
                         this year.  Matano  Ndaro, the  Director  of Licensing,   Kenya  (yu), which was  partly  acquired by  Airtel at
                         Compliance and Standards at the CA, told journalists   the end  of 2014.  Airtel’s  original 15-year operating
        Kenya            that the regulator has developed  a roadmap  that   license expired on 27 January 2015, since when it has
                         outlines  strategies to facilitate the deployment of   been operating under the license of Essar which was
                         5G technology.  Ndaro revealed that the country will   issued on 1 July 2007 and will expire in January 2025.
                         begin to authorize the first 5G pilot projects this year,   According  to Airtel Kenya, at  the time of acquiring
                         following which spectrum licenses will be allocated for   Essar’s  assets,  the CA had agreed to  merge the two
                         the operation of commercial networks. ‘We are now set   cellcos’ operating  licenses,  but once  the deal  was
                         to hold a validation workshop in the next one month   finalized the regulator insisted that Airtel pay KES2.15
                         to discuss  the comments  received. Once we adopt   billion to renew its permit, arguing that Essar’s license
                         the input  from the stakeholders,  we shall establish   was  non-transferrable. The settlement  will  enable
                         a  national  5G forum and allocate pilot frequencies,’   Airtel to seek an exemption from a rule that requires
                         Xinhuanet  quoted  Ndaro as saying at the  launch  of   telecoms companies to sell at least a 30% stake to local
                         Chinese smartphone maker Vivo’s 5G enabled device   shareholders by March 2024. ‘We have had this long-
                         in the Kenyan market this week.                standing dispute with Airtel over the Essar transaction.
                         (February 25, 2022)            The dispute has been there for seven years. But I am
                                                                        glad to report that we struck a deal and this is a major
                         Airtel Kenya,  the local unit of Airtel Africa has   achievement  for us,’ stated CA  director-general  Ezra
                         reportedly reached an  out of court  settlement  with   Chiloba, adding: ‘Taxpayers are guaranteed of receiving
                         the Communications  Authority  of Kenya (CA) related   about KES2 billion in the next two years. Airtel came up
                         to a long-running dispute about its operating license.   with a payment plan, which we agreed on. The idea was
                         Under the settlement  pact terms, Airtel Kenya  will   to have this matter resolved so that they can also start
                         pay  KES2  billion  (USD17.5  million) to  the telecoms   focusing on investing properly in this particular space.’
                         regulator  for the renewal of its  license  over the next   (February 18, 2022) Business Daily

                         The Cabinet of  Ministers  has  issued plans for the   to 2026), with 5G projects set to be implemented within
                         introduction  of 5G  mobile network technology  which   the  timeframe  of  Q1  2022  to  Q4  2023.  A  first  stage
                         could  potentially  see a  commercial  launch this  year.   involves 5G test launches in yet-to-be-determined pilot
                         The 5G plans – with responsibility  assigned  to the   zones supported by frequency allocations to cellcos.
        Kyrgyzstan       Ministry  of Digital  Development  –  form part  of  the   Previous government proposals for implementing  5G
                                                                        rollouts by end-2021 were delayed.
                         approved strategy for implementing  the National
                         Development Program of the Kyrgyz Republic (running   (February 3, 2022)

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