Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 104


                          The Ministry  of Economic  Affairs and Digital   frequencies is as follows:
                          Transformation  (Ministerio de Asuntos  Economicos   •  Xfera  Moviles  (Grupo  MASMOVIL,  80MHz):
                          y Transformacion Digital, MINECO)  has reorganized   3420MHz-3500MHz
                          the spectrum  in the 3400MHz-3800MHz  (3.5GHz)   •  Telefonica  de Espana  (40MHz)/Telefonica  Moviles
                          band assigned to the country’s cellcos. The watchdog   Espana (60MHz): 3500MHz-3600MHz
        Spain             explained:  ‘The main  objective of the reorganization   •  Orange Espana (110MHz): 3600MHz-3710MHz

                          is  to  facilitate  a  more  efficient  deployment  of  5G   •  Vodafone Spain (90MHz): 3710MHz-3800MHz
                          wireless broadband services, take advantage of all the   As part  of the process,  all  companies  using
                          possibilities provided by 5G technology and, ultimately,   700MHz/800MHz telecoms licenses have guaranteed
                          reduce the costs of deploying mobile communications   that  their respective electronic communications
                          networks in this band.’ Post-reorganization, a 20MHz   services will  not interfere with digital terrestrial
                          block (3400MHz-3420MHz)  has been  preserved   television (DTT) operators  using  frequencies  in the
                          as  a guard band, with allocation of the remaining   470MHz-694MHz range. (February 22, 2022)

                         The Swedish Post  and Telecom  Agency  (Post  &   900MHz  band, primarily  to  improve  wireless signals
                         Telestyrelsen, PTS) has opened a consultation into the   alongside main road and rail routes. A spectrum ceiling
                         allocation of spectrum licenses in the 900MHz, 2.1GHz   of 2×20 MHz will apply in the allocation of the 900MHz
                         and 2.6GHz bands. The award of licenses is scheduled   band, while the 2.1GHz and 2.6GHz bands will have a
        Sweden           to begin  in September  2023, with permits  valid from   cap of 120MHz per operator. Stakeholders have until
                         the start  of 2026.  The 900MHz concessions  will  run   28 March 2022 to submit written comments.
                         for 23 years, while licenses in the other two bands will   (February 25, 2022)
                         be valid for 25 years. 2×10MHz will be allocated in the

                         The Public Utilities  Minister Marvin Gonzales  has   to  restructure the company,  which has  been  losing
                         denied  allegations by  opposition  politicians that  the   revenue  in  recent  years.  TSTT  is  51%  owned by  the
                         planned  restructuring  exercise at  state-owned telco   Government  of Trinidad and Tobago,  while co-owner
                         Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago   Liberty Latin America (LLA) inherited its 49% stake in
        Trinidad and     (TSTT) is a ruse to privatize the company. The Minister   the telco when it completed the acquisition of Cable &
        Tobago           Gonzales  dismissed  the suggestion  as a ‘conspiracy   Wireless Communications (CWC) in May 2016. LLA –
                         theory’,  but said he would welcome  any  evidence
                                                                        which also owns local cableco Flow – has been obliged
                         to support the claim. The  telco recently  invited  the   to offload its stake since March 2015, but no deal has
                         representative workers’ unions  to discuss  a  plan   ever materialized. (February 1, 2022) Newsday

                          Britain's telecoms regulator said it was not ideologically   would  not block  a merger  solely because  it reduced
                          wedded to retaining four mobile networks, signaling an   the number of operators to three from four, but would
                          open-minded  approach  to a possible tie-up between   consider  the  specific  circumstances  of  tie-ups  and
                          Vodafone  and Three. Vodafone  Chief  Executive Nick   changes in the wider market. "The question of whether
        United            Read last  week listed Britain  as  one  market where   a particular merger is likely to result in a substantial
                                                                        lessening of competition will turn on the effectiveness
                          the company saw an opportunity for mergers, adding
        Kingdom           that  it  was  pursuing deals in  multiple European   of competition that can be expected in the market after
                          markets. European operators have called for in-market   the merger, rather than just the number of competitors,"
                          consolidation  to encourage  greater  investment  in   it  said in a  discussion  paper.  Europe's decision  to
                          networks, to keep pace with Asia and the United States,   block the O2-Three merger was overturned by the EU's
                          where three operators are common. Vodafone VOD.L ,   General Court last year. By then O2, owned by Spain's
                          which is ranked third in terms of subscriber numbers   Telefonica  had formed  a  joint venture with Liberty
                          in Britain, has previously held talks with fourth-ranked   Global's Virgin Media LBTYA.O broadband  network.
                          Three, which is owned by Hutchison . Regulator Ofcom   A combined Vodafone-Three would have around 31%
                          in 2015 opposed  the proposed  merger between  O2   of mobile  subscribers in  Britain,  behind  Virgin Media
                          and Three  that would  have created Britain's biggest   O2,  with  about 35%, and  EE  ,  with  about 34%, based
                          operator  because it wanted  to retain competition   on Ofcom data for Q1 2021. Ofcom said competition
                          between  four  networks. The  merger  was  blocked  by   between Britain's four networks had served the country
                          European  regulators.  Ofcom  said, however, that it   well, but  consumers were increasingly using other

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