Page 79 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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        IoT development activity, weighing heavily   of the economy.’ A release added: ‘These   expand its satellite-based offering with the
        on Sigfox’s financial situation, in particular   networks allow the installation of a range   addition of pipeline monitoring, plus vehicle
        its level of indebtedness. Spain’s Sateliot   of IoT solutions favorable  not only to   telemetry, tracking, and fleet management.
        is finalizing a first-phase capital increase   improving connectivity in essential activity   ‘More and more oil and gas companies are
        for EUR10  million (USD11.3  million) via   sectors,  such  as  agriculture or transport   benefitting from the operational and safety
        which  Indra and Cellnex  have become   and industry, but also to the acceleration   improvements IoT provides,’ said  Mike
        new shareholders and industrial partners,   and development of smart cities.’  Carter, President of Inmarsat Enterprise.
        reports  Sateliot   UK-based  global  satellite  firm  Inmarsat   Canada’s  Rogers  Business has  launched
        –  which  is  launching  a  constellation of   has announced a distribution partnership   a  5G Wireless Private Network  (WPN) at
        5G/IoT nanosatellites to  act  as  coverage   with Libyan network  operator  Rawafed   Kirkland  Lake Gold’s  Detour  Lake Mine,
        extension  for mobile  networks for true   Libya  for  Telecommunications  and  the second-largest gold  mine in Canada
        global reach – will issue respective stakes   Technology  (RLTT).  RLTT’s  Digital  and  the  country’s  first  mine  to  be  fully
        of approximately 10.5% and 3.5% to Indra   Oilfields business unit will use Inmarsat’s   connected  over a  5G WPN,  providing
        and Cellnex, with the funds raised from the   IsatData Pro (IDP) and Broadband Global   enhanced coverage, end-to-end reliability,
        capital increase earmarked for advancing   Area  Network  (BGAN) to  provide secure,   full redundancy, and a low latency network
        the development  of the technology for   satellite-based data services to oil and gas   across its 80-square-kilometre operation.
        Sateliot’s project, which will merge mobile   companies,  including always-on  remote   New solutions supported by the 5G WPN
        and satellite networks  under  the same   telematic  and CCTV monitoring  of vital   include  tele-remote  operations, industrial
        standard – already approved by 3GPP in a   infrastructure such as wellheads at drilling   IoT sensors to provide  real-time insight
        first phase.                         and  production  sites  across  the  country.   into operations, drones  that can deliver
        In  Portugal, LoRin Network has chosen   ‘Inmarsat’s  experience  in  providing IoT-  supplies  to the bottom of the mine,
        Cellnex  to provide infrastructure to host   over-satellite connectivity  for  industry   future autonomous haulage vehicles, and
        a national LoRaWAN IoT network. Cellnex   means that  it  understands  the  types of   exploration  work.  All applications  will  be
        Portugal director Nuno Carvalhosa stated   products and services we want to offer to   monitored and managed through a digital
        that  Cellnex’s  infrastructure  ‘allows  the oil and gas sector in Libya,’ said Taha   dashboard  to  improve  efficiencies  and
        different operators, in this  case LoRin   Ellafi,  Chairman  at  RLTT.  The  services   productivity  at  the site.  Rogers  worked
        Networks,  to provide  solutions and   are  delivered through Inmarsat’s  ELERA   with partners on the project including
        services aimed at improving the quality of   L-band  connectivity  network  and  benefit   Cradlepoint,  Dell Technologies, Ericsson
        life of citizens’ and enabling ‘improvement   from ultra-reliable 99.9%  availability,   and Expeto.
        of the functioning of urban centers and the   security and small-form, robust terminals.
        digital transformation of different sectors   The  RLTT  Digital  Oilfields  unit  plans  to

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