Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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        Artificial Intelligence Turbo-Charges AI for Good

                                                                           Intelligence  Report  released  in December  2021
                                                                           highlights over 200 AI projects and initiatives from
                                                                           40  UN  organizations applying AI  technologies
                                                                           for social good  – largely reflecting the scope  of
                                                                           ITU's  AI  for Good.  At  the AI  for Good  Innovation
                                                                           Factory, start-ups pitch AI innovations addressing
                                                                           key  socio-economic  challenges.  In  the AI/ML  in
                                                                           5G  Challenge,  students and experts  compete  to
                                                                           solve real-world  machine  learning  puzzles in 5G
                                                                           networks. These  action-oriented  initiatives and
                                                                           programmes  are effectively creating  the  building
                                                                           blocks needed to deploy AI for Good at scale.
                                                                           Smart matching for a better future
                                                                           Through the Neural Network, community members
                                                                           can connect  to each  other, receive personalized
                                                                           content, and pursue engagement aligned to their
        A new  community  platform  powered   aboard, and ramp up AI  in  pursuit of   profiles,  goals  and  needs.  Since  no  two  human
        by   artificial   intelligence   (AI),   sustainable development."  interactions  are  the same,  the inclusive  platform
        launched  today  by  the International   AI for Good in action     reflects both community and individual needs.
        Telecommunication  Union   (ITU),  Expanding on ITU's AI for Good program,   The smart  matching  mechanism  – designed
        aims  to  step up  global collaboration   the Neural Network offers content and   according to the principles of the Global Initiative
        on  the  use of AI to drive sustainable   collaboration  opportunities aligned   in AI and  Data Commons  – will connect  AI
        development.  The  AI for Good  Neural   to each  of the 17 SDGs. In exploring   innovators to anyone with an AI-related problem,
        Network is designed  to accelerate   practical  applications, AI for Good   as a step towards globally scaled AI solutions. For
        exchanges   among    government  has helped  spur  innovation,  foster   example, it  can generate  matches for open  data
        and industry,  as  well  as  to  foster   knowledge  exchange,  and promote   and AI algorithms, cloud  storage and computing
        partnerships to achieve the Sustainable   AI  achievements across  the UN  and   power, problem statements and expertise, funding
        Development  Goals (SDGs) set by   beyond.                         and mentorships, domain transfer, SDG alignment,
        the United Nations for 2030. The new   “Artificial  intelligence  and  machine   and more. The solution  is meant to stimulate
        networking  tool features AI-enabled   learning (ML)  offer some highly   unprecedented  cooperation  across  borders
        smart-matching  to help  users build   practical applications across  multiple   and boundaries,  foster impactful SDG-focused
        connections  with  innovators  and   industries and sectors — applications   partnerships  in  the  field  of  AI,  and  directly  serve
        experts, link  innovative ideas  with   with considerable potential to serve as   Goal  17:  Revitalize  the global  partnership for
        social impact opportunities, and bring   a  force for good," explained  Chaesub   sustainable development. The AI for Good Neural
        the community  together  to  discuss   Lee, Director of ITU's  standardization   Network is open to all with an interest in how AI
        AI applications for social good. AI for   bureau. “AI and ML are gaining ground   can positively impact the future of humankind.
        Good – organized by ITU in partnership   in ITU's  standardization work,  with   Join the AI for Good Neural Network to help build
        with 40  organizations across  the   research, analysis  and stakeholder   the future of AI.
        UN  system  and  co-convened  with   discussions  focusing  on network   More about AI for Good
        Switzerland – provides the leading   orchestration  and  management,  Originally  presented  as  a  five-day  summit,  AI  for
        action-oriented,  global,  inclusive  multimedia coding, service quality   Good has  become an  “all  year,  always  online"
        platform promoting AI to advance   assessment, and various aspects   digital platform offering weekly live sessions, over
        health, climate,  gender,  inclusive   of  telecom  management,  operation   1,000  hours of on-demand  content, networking
        prosperity,  sustainable infrastructure,   and services, as  well  as  cable   opportunities, virtual exhibits, demos, poster walls
        and   other  global  development  networks,  all  supporting accelerated   and expert blogs – all searchable and mapped to
        priorities. “This  new cutting-edge   digital  transformation  in  key  the SDGs.
        tool brings AI for Good to the service   industry  verticals."  Several  ITU  pre-  The 2022 AI for Good Program includes:
        of the United Nations and our global   standardization  initiatives  have  - Expert Discovery talks on ML in 5G, trustworthy
        community  in ways  that  were not   turned to AI to find solutions and help   AI, AI and health, AI and climate science, and GeoAI
        possible  just a few years ago," said   set standards for better  health care,   -Interactive keynotes,  panel discussions,  and
        ITU's  Secretary-General,  Houlin  Zhao.   autonomous  and assisted driving,   interviews
        “With  the ongoing  pandemic  shifting   environmental   efficiency,   natural   -Start-up pitching competitions and AI challenges
        our work  and learning environments   disaster  management,  machine  -Artistic Intelligence, where artists use AI to push
        largely online, the Neural Network now   learning in  5G  networks and  most   the limits of creativity
        leverages the power of AI to stimulate   recently,  digital  agriculture.The  - A newly launched Robotics for Good series.
        meaningful action, bring more partners   United  Nations  Activities  on  Artificial
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