Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 82


        PTA  Tests  Operators’


        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority
        (PTA) carried out an independent Quality of
        Service (QoS) survey to measure the per-
        formance and quality of Cellular Mobile Op-
        erators’ (CMOs) services being provided to
        their customers, a statement said recently.
        The authority surveyed in 18  cities and 9
        motorways/highways/inter city  roads of
        Punjab, Sindh,  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and
        Balochistan. During the survey, the licensed
        KPIs of voice, network coverage, SMS, and
        mobile broadband/data were checked us-
        ing automated QoS monitoring and bench-
        marking tool. The drive test teams selected
        survey  routes in  a  manner to  cover main
        roads, service roads, and majority of sec-
        tors/colonies in surveyed areas.

        ARTA Ruling Good News for NOW Telecom

        NOW  Corp-backed NOW  Telecom,  which   frequencies to NOW Telecom allowing it to   Government Service Delivery Act of 2018),
        secured an extension  to its  provisional   operate  via  its  Cellular Mobile Telephone   the said application or request for assign-
        authority (PA) in September  2020 to in-  Systems (CMTS) concession.  In an order   ment  of concomitant  frequencies for the
        stall, operate,  and  maintain a nationwide   dated 1 March 1, ARTA issued an order of   exercise of NOW  Telecom’s CMTS PA as
        mobile  telecommunications  system, has   automatic approval for the assignment by   attested to in NOW Telecom’s affidavit of
        reportedly received a  ‘favorable’  deci-  the NTC of certain frequencies which NOW   completeness  is  hereby  declared com-
        sion from the Anti-Red  Tape Authority   needs as a CMTS licensee. In its order, the   plete, and  is  now deemed  automatically
        (ARTA) for its  service. The Manila  Stan-  anti-red tape body said the NTC failed to   approved by operation of law.’ Comment-
        dard writes  that  on 3  February  ARTA  re-  approve or disapprove NOW Telecom’s ap-  ing on the latest development, NOW Tele-
        affirmed  its  earlier  ruling  upholding  NOW   plication  for ‘assignment  of concomitant   com’s president, Rene Rosales, said: ‘With
        Telecom’s allocation of 220MHz  of radio   frequencies  for  the exercise of  its  CMTS   the recent ARTA ruling, NOW Telecom will
        frequencies  (1970MHz-1980MHz  paired   provisional authority since  January 2006   be able to continue  pursuing  its  mobile
        with 2160MHz to 2170MHz, and 3.6GHz to   despite  submission of all  required doc-  broadband services aspirations that have
        3.8GHz),  including  5G-suitable spectrum   uments  and payment of all  required  fees   been  hampered for more than 16  years
        for  mobile  and  fixed  wireless  services.   and charges, and the issuance of the said   due to the lack of sufficient frequencies to
        TeleGeography’s GlobalComms  Database   provisional authority and the extension   operate. NOW Telecom has been a holder
        writes that  in March 2021  ARTA ordered   thereof.’ Further  it contended  that: ‘Un-  of a CMTS Provisional Authority alongside
        the National Telecommunications  Com-  der Section 10 of Republic Act No. 11302   Smart  Telecommunications  and Globe
        mission (NTC) to assign the necessary   (Ease  of  Doing  Business  and  Efficient   Telecom prior to the third telco bidding.’

        JCRA Restarts 5G Spectrum Award Process

        Following  communications  with the Gov-  regulator  had put on hold a  consultation   ture’.  Now,  the JCRA has  said  it  intends
        ernment of Jersey, the Jersey Competition   relating  to the allocation  of 5G frequen-  to re-engage stakeholders through public
        and Regulatory  Authority (JCRA) has  an-  cies, doing so ‘in the context of the con-  consultation and discussions, with further
        nounced it is now in a position to restart its   tinuing economic and social situation and   details and an updated  timetable for the
        5G spectrum  award process  ‘with imme-  concerns expressed by the Government of   allocation of 5G spectrum expected to be
        diate effect’.  Previously,  in  May  2020  the   Jersey regarding security of 5G infrastruc-  published in March 2022.

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