Page 144 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                          suppliers  have  time  to  update  devices.  Separately,   the camcorder and video player. Telecoms providers BT
                          meanwhile, Ofcom has also launched a consultation on   and KCOM will no longer have to provide fax services
                          a pricing offer for full fiber broadband that BT Group’s   on their networks. Ofcom has changed the obligations
                          network  arm  Openreach  intends  to  introduce  from  1   requiring  the  telcos  to provide  fax  services  because
                          April 2023. Under UK regulation, Openreach is required   the  fax  machine  “has  been  overtaken  by email  and
                          to notify Ofcom of certain offers 90 days before they   document sharing software  that  offers the  same or
                          come  into  effect,  so  that  the  watchdog  can  consider   better functionality”. There are two designated telecom
                          whether they might be anticompetitive. With Openreach   providers  responsible  for  universal  service  in  the  UK
                          having  notified  Ofcom  of  its  new  wholesale  pricing   –  BT  and  KCOM  (in  the  Hull  area  only).  This  change
                          plans, known as the ‘Equinox 2’ offer, Ofcom has said   does  not  mean that  fax  services  will  stop working
                          that its provisional view is that there is no need for it   immediately, but there will no longer be an obligation
                          to intervene  to prevent  the  network operator  from   on BT and KCOM to provide fax support. “The current
                          introducing the revised pricing arrangements. According   USO  (Universal  Service  Obligation)  was  set  out  in
                          to Ofcom: ‘In our provisional view, the proposed offer is   2003  when  fax  machines  were more prevalent  and
                          consistent with our primary strategic goal of promoting   email  and instant  messaging  were  less  ubiquitous.
                          investment  in  high-speed  networks  to  deliver  fast,   “So, at that time it was important the USO required BT
                          affordable  broadband  to people  and  business  across   and KCOM to provide fax services. Alternatives to fax
                          the UK.’ It has, however invited comments on the matter   machines are now more widely available and migration
                          by a deadline of 4 March 2023 before deciding how to   of networks to IP technology means fax services can
                          proceed, while it says it expects to issue a final decision   no longer be guaranteed to work in the same way. This
                          before the end of March. (February 3, 2023)  change  doesn’t  mean  fax  services  will  stop  working
                                                                        immediately,  but  current  fax  users  should  look  for
                          Telcos  are  no  longer  required  to provide  fax  support   alternatives”. (January 15, 2023)
                          to customer lines The fax machine is going the way of

                         The  Wireline  Competition  Bureau  of the  Federal   while the other 15% have not yet begun the work. The
                         Communications  Commission  (FCC)  has  updated   regulator highlights the four main challenges as follows:
                         the  Senate  Committee  on  Commerce,  Science,  and   lack of funding; supply chain delays; labor shortages;
                         Transportation  and  the  House  of  Representatives   and weather-related challenges. The next update is due
        United           Committee  on  Energy  and  Commerce  regarding  the   to be submitted on 10 July 2023. The FCC faces a USD3
                         progress of the ‘Secure and Trusted Communications
                                                                        billion shortfall as it seeks to reimburse small-scale US
        States           Networks  Reimbursement  Program’.  The  scheme  –   operators who need to remove Huawei/ZTE equipment
                         which is better known as the ‘rip-and-replace’ program –   from their networks on national security grounds. The
                         seeks to bankroll the removal of Chinese-built telecoms   FCC  is  taking  steps  to reimburse  communications
                         equipment from the  networks of regional  mobile and   providers with  ten  million  or fewer subscriptions
                         fixed  broadband  operators  but  has  faced  significant   to  remove,  replace  and  dispose  of  Chinese-built
                         problems to date. The report, which was published on   equipment. The reimbursement program is being funded
                         10 January 2023, notes that only 2% of recipients have   by  a  USD1.9  billion  congressional  appropriation,  but
                         completed  the  permanent  removal,  replacement,  and   ‘Priority 1 applicants’ (operators serving fewer than two
                         disposal of all the covered communications equipment   million  subscriptions)  have  submitted  approximately
                         and  services  in  their  networks.  83%  of  respondents   USD4.640 billion in cost estimates that are reasonable
                         have made some progress, but not completed the work,   and supported. (January 12, 2023)

                         The  Regulatory  Unit  of  Communications  Services   allocated, ranging from 3300MHz-3400MHz, 3600MHz-
                         (Unidad  Reguladora  de  Servicios  de  Comunicaciones,   3700MHz (reserved for state-owned incumbent Antel)
                         URSEC) has published its first draft of the bidding terms   and  3700MHz-3800MHz.  Each  100MHz  spectrum
                         and  conditions  for  the  planned  auction of spectrum   package has a minimum initial price of USD28 million,
        Uruguay          in  the  3.5GHz  band.  Interested  parties  have  been   according to the proposal. Rollout obligations include a
                                                                        requirement to deploy 70 base stations within one year,
                         given  until  13  February  to  submit  comments  on  the
                         document, which was formulated following the passing   with at least two base stations in a minimum of ten or
                         of Decree 425/2022 of 27 December 2022 authorizing   more  departments  (excluding  Montevideo)  required
                         the  allocation  by  competitive  procedure  of radio   within two years, and at least two base stations in each
                         frequencies in the 3.5GHz band for international mobile   of the country’s 19 departments by the end of the third
                         telecommunications  services.  The  draft  document   year. (February 9, 2023)
                         proposes that three 100MHz lots of spectrum will be
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