Page 141 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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                         has  completed  8,037,862  registrations  (11.82%  of  its   Anna Mae Lamentillo, blamed the low level of take-up
                         total base), followed by Globe Telecom with 7,556,037   on problems that occurred during the first few days of
                         (8.60%)  and  DITO  Telecommunity  with  1,522,011   the implementation.
                         (11.61%).  A  spokesperson  for  the  Department  of   (January 12, 2023)
                         Information  and  Communications  Technology  (DICT),

                         The  Office  of  Competition  and  Consumer  Protection   essential terms of an ongoing contract concluded for
                         (Urzad Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentow, UOKiK) has   an indefinite period may only take place if the contract
                         fined cableco Vectra more than PLN22 million (USD5.1   expressly  provides  for  it.’  It  added:  ‘Contracts  with
                         million)  for illegal  price hikes.  Following  unlawful   Vectra for an indefinite period did not contain a clause
        Poland           modifications to customer contracts in 2019 and 2020,   specifying the criteria and scope of possible changes.
                         Vectra went on to implement PLN5 increases in monthly
                                                                        This is essential for consumers to anticipate situations
                         fixed  broadband  and  pay-TV  tariffs,  adding  PLN120   in which unilateral changes may be made, for example
                         a  year  to a  customer’s  bill  if  they  took both  services.   when they may increase service prices.’
                         In  a  statement,  the  regulator  said:  ‘The  President  of   (January 25, 2023)
                         UOKiK  has  repeatedly  indicated  that  a  change  in  the

                         The  National  Communications  Authority  (Autoridade   in  the  sub-bands  that  remain  available:  733MHz-
                         Nacional  de  Comunicacoes,  ANACOM)  has  approved   758MHz  designated  as  duplex  gap,  and  694MHz-
                         the launch of a public consultation on the availability   703MHz  and  788MHz-791MHz  designated  as  guard
                         of  spectrum  in  the  700MHz  frequency  band.  This   bands, respective conditions of access and use, as well
        Portugal         consultation  intends  to gather the  position  of the   as the applicable timetable for its distribution.
                         various players in the market regarding current interest   (January 4, 2023)

                         The National Authority for Management and Regulation   (149,361), Telekom  Romania  Mobile  Communications
                         in  Communications  (ANCOM)  has  revealed  that   (129,732)  and  Orange  Romania  Communications
                         almost  1.337  million  telephone  numbers  were  ported   (30,190).  Post-paid  subscriptions  accounted  for  56%
                         in 2021 – the highest annual figure since the service’s   of mobile  numbers  ported.  Fixed  voice  numbers
        Romania          introduction in 2008. Records were also set in terms of   were  ported  between  the  main  providers  as  follows:
                                                                        RCS&RDS  26,259,  GTS  Telecom  15,345,  Vodafone
                         the average monthly volume of ported numbers, which
                         rose to 111,415, with the highest figures of more than   12,516,  Orange  10,744,  BT  Global  Europe  4,542  and
                         140,000 recorded in November and December. Mobile   others 11,614. More than 9.7 million numbers have now
                         number porting rose around 20% year-on-year to 1.256   been transferred between networks since the portability
                         million, while fixed voice number transfers increased by   service  was  introduced  in  October  2008,  comprising
                         over 30% to 81,020. RCS&RDS (DIGI) accepted the most   8.7 million mobile numbers (89%) and one million fixed
                         mobile  porting  requests  in  2022  (754,833),  followed   voice numbers.
                         by  Vodafone  Romania  (191,822),  Orange  Romania   (January 18, 2023)

                         The  Serbian  government  has  adopted  a  new  Bill   Amongst the new elements introduced by the updated
                         on  Electronic  Communications,  which  it  says  is   law  are  measures  to  allow  operators  to  more  easily
                         harmonized  with  the  EU’s  Electronic Communications   and  more  fairly  share  existing  infrastructure,  and
                         Code and will establish a modern business environment   requirements for providers to issue bills to customers in
        Serbia           in line with European standards. The new law aims to   an electronic form. The bill also includes an obligation
                         provide conditions  for  the  development  of electronic
                                                                        to register prepaid mobile users.
                         communications networks  throughout  the  territory of   (February 14, 2023)
                         Serbia and to encourage the use of new technologies.

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