Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 142


                         The  National  Communications  Authority  (NCA)   mobile termination rates (MTRs). The interconnection
                         has  announced that  Somali mobile operators have   agreement came into force on 10 January 2023, and the
                         implemented  an  interconnection  agreement  to  allow   interconnection process was expected to be completed
                         end  users  to call  each other  seamlessly  across   by February 2023. According to the NCA, ‘the agreement
        Somalia          different  telecoms  networks.  The  agreement,  which   has  been  implemented  in  part  by  Hormuud  Telecom,
                         was  signed  in  December  last  year,  was  a  result  of  a
                                                                        Somtel,  Amtel,  SomLink,  Golis  Telecommunications
                         series  of discussions  and  consultations  between  the   and Telesom’.
                         relevant  parties  that  worked  out  all  the  fundamental   (February 14, 2023)
                         issues necessary for the signing of the deal, including

                         The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) is planning to   and fresh loans, will also be provided to the company
                         offer spectrum in the 28GHz band to a new operator,   that  secures  the  first  of  these  new  28GHz  licenses.
                         with a view to promoting competition in the sector and   Speaking  on  its  decision  to have  a  three-year  period
                         enabling the introduction of differentiated 5G services.   before  offering  the  second  28GHz  concession,  the
        South Korea      The MSIT announced its plans for the frequencies after   MSIT  was  cited  as  saying:  ‘The  government  is  giving
                         last year confirming it had cancelled the 28GHz licenses
                                                                        businesses an opportunity to enter the market, one in
                         previously issued to KT Corp and LG Uplus. As per the   which they can take their time, considering that it might
                         Ministry’s plans, initially only one new 28GHz spectrum   be hard for them to make new investments in the 28GHz
                         award will be made, while the other block of reclaimed   band due to rising economic uncertainties at home and
                         spectrum will be allocated three years after the award of   abroad.’ In terms of timings for the allocation of the new
                         the first new concession, so as to give the new entrant   concession, the MSIT has said it will get the process
                         time to secure its position in the market. Meanwhile, the   underway in Q2 2023.
                         report notes that financial benefits, including tax cuts   (February 1, 2023) The Yonhap News Agency

                         Spain’s auction of 5G-suitable spectrum in the 26GHz   acquired a 200MHz  regional  concession covering
                         band  concluded  on  21  December,  generating  a  total   Castilla  and  Leon.  Movistar  was  the  leading  bidder,
                         of  EUR36.2  million  (USD38.7  million)  for  government   securing five 1×200MHz blocks of 26GHz spectrum for a
                         coffers.  The  Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  and  Digital   total outlay of EUR20 million. By contrast, Vodafone and
        Spain            Transformation  (Ministerio  de  Asuntos  Economicos   Orange each paid EUR8 million for a pair of 1×200MHz
                                                                        concessions. All licenses have a duration of 20 years,
                         y  Transformacion  Digital)  announced  that  Movistar,
                         Vodafone and Orange collectively bid for 1,800MHz of   extendable for an additional 20-year period.
                         the available 2,400MHz spectrum that was tendered at   (January 3, 2023)
                         a nationwide level, while regional player Globe Operator

                         Sweden’s  Post  and  Telecom  Agency  (Post  &   The  Post  and Telecom  Agency  (Post  & Telestyrelsen,
                         Telestyrelsen, PTS) has opened a consultation into its   PTS)  has  opened  a  consultation  on  proposals  to
                         planned  spectrum auction which is  due  to be  held  in   remove Telia’s obligations on the provision of access to
                         September this year. The sale will offer licenses in the   its copper networks. The regulator has issued its draft
        Sweden           900MHz, 2100MHz and 2600MHz bands, with existing   decision  as  the  operator continues  to  decommission
                         concessions in these bands due to expire at end-2025.   its  legacy copper-based local access infrastructure
                         The 900MHz concessions will run for 23 years, while   and customers migrate  to faster  technologies. Telia’s
                         licenses  in  the  other  two  bands  will  be  valid  for  25   obligations  to  provide  access  to  its  fiber  networks
                         years. 2×10MHz will be allocated in the 900MHz band,   will  remain  unchanged.  According  to  the  latest  PTS
                         primarily to improve  mobile  signals  alongside  main   figures, as of October 2021 96% of Swedish households
                         road and rail routes, while new coverage obligations will   had direct access to, or were in the vicinity of, a fiber
                         accompany 2100MHz and 2.6GHz frequencies.      connection. Telia aims to switch off its copper networks
                         (February 1, 2023)         by end-2026.
                                                                        (January 10, 2023)

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