Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 45


                                             du and SES Demo First Satellite-enabled 5G Mobile

                                             Backhaul Network in the Middle East

        SES and  du from Emirates  Integrated   and  low-latency performance  to support   bandwidth, with greater flexibility, via O3b
        Telecommunications  Company  (EITC),  a   our  enterprise,  cloud,  and  data  growth   mPOWER to rapidly generate new revenue
        leading telecom operator in the United Arab   applications.  O3b  mPOWER  promises  to   streams  by  expanding  high-quality  4G/5G
        Emirates, have successfully demonstrated   provide the  dedicated  multi-gigabit  per   to remote  areas and  by cost effectively
        the  first  satellite-enabled  5G  backhaul  in   connection scale  with cloud-optimised   connecting  its  enterprise  customers.”
        the  Middle  East  utilising  SES’s  Medium   and  low-latency performance  to provide   SES  has  already  started  deploying  O3b
        Earth  Orbit  (MEO)  satellites,  the  two   the  required  Quality  of  Experience  (QoE)   mPOWER  technology  which  will  enable
        companies announced today.  The  aim of   with the flexibility of satellite,” said Saleem   high-performance  services with superior
        the live demonstration was to demonstrate   AlBlooshi,  Chief  Technology  Officer,  du.   throughput,   predictable   low   latency,
        how SES’s current O3b constellation could   John-Paul  Hemingway,  Chief  Strategy   and  unmatched  flexibility  to  meet  traffic
        extend  5G  coverage  to  remote  locations   &  Product  Officer  of  SES,  said,  “We   demand.  The  start  of  service  for  O3b
        and  support  du’s  enterprise  customers   appreciate  the  opportunity  to collaborate   mPOWER expected in 2023 will enable du
        including offshore energy sites with highly   with  du  on  this  demonstration  of  high-  and  its  customers  to  experience  secure,
        reliable,  high  throughput  and  low  latency   performance  MEO  services  and  how  we   carrier-grade  performance  supporting
        network  connectivity.  The  live  Proof  of   can  jointly  deploy  the  Middle  East’s  first   business-critical, cloud-based applications
        Concept  (POC)  saw  numerous  tests   satellite-enabled  5G  backhaul  network.   over the public internet or via a dedicated,
        conducted  over  an  SES’s  O3b  satellite,   du  can  leverage  more  guaranteed-SLA   private connection.
        including  voice  and  data  scenarios  to
        measure quality of service performance
        and stress  test load capacity.  The  low
        latency  and  high  throughput  5G  backhaul
        link  showed  O3b  is  an  ideal  solution  for
        5G satellite-enabled networks with Quality
        of Experience (QoE) at par with terrestrial
        backhauling  technologies.  “du has  vast
        experience  using  satellites  for its  own
        cellular backhaul, as well as for delivering
        satellite-enabled  data  communications
        services  to  our  enterprise  customers,
        but  we need  much better  throughputs

                                             Eutelsat Successfully Decommissions EUTELSAT

                                             5 West A Satellite

        Initially designed for a 15-year lifetime, the   satellite  in  safe conditions  with an orbit   end  of  2019,  which  enabled  an  extended
        EUTELSAT 5 West A satellite has retired after   and  configuration  fully  compliant  with   lifespan  of  the  satellite.  A  progressive
        an impressive 20+ years of fruitful in-orbit   French Space Law and international Space   transfer of services to the new EUTELSAT 5
        operation.  The  satellite  was  successfully   Traffic  Management  recommendations.   West B satellite, as well as other satellites
        re-orbited as planned to more than 400km   Based  on  a Spacebus 3000B3 platform   of the Eutelsat fleet, was started in January
        above the geostationary arc, the propulsion   manufactured  by  the  then  Alcatel  Alenia   2020,  ensuring  seamless  continuity  of
        system  depressurized  and  the electrical   Space  (now  Thales  Alenia  Space),  the   operations  for  customers.  The  EUTELSAT
        equipment on board passivated. The final   satellite  was originally  built  on behalf  of   5  West  A  continued  to  operate  until  its
        operation  to de-activate  the  remaining   Stellat. Shortly after its launch in July 2002,   decommissioning,   notably   providing
        Radio   Frequency   source   (telemetry   the  satellite  was bought by Eutelsat  and   maritime connectivity. A disruptive satellite
        transmitter) was performed from the Issy-  renamed Atlantic Bird-3, operating from the   for the Group, EUTELSAT 5 West A enabled
        les-Moulineaux  Satellite  Control  Centre   5° West orbital position where it remained   the transition to digital television, notably in
        on 13 January at 09:57 UTC (10:57 Local   for its entire operational life. It was given   France in the early 2000s, when analogue
        time).  The  End-of-Life  activities operated   the  name  EUTELSAT  5  West  A  in  2012   television  technology was converted  to
        by mission  control teams  placed the   and operated in an inclined orbit since the   and  replaced  by  digital  broadcasting.

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