Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 47
Before the MetaAAU was developed, such Furthermore, as partners working under
long-range coverage was only possible the framework of "U-Joy Cities" announced
at sub-gig frequencies that provide lower in May 2022, China Unicom Guangdong
bandwidth. Fishermen on vessels within and Huawei will also work with other
the coverage area now need nothing more industry partners in fields such as offshore
than their smartphone to monitor news wind power, offshore farms, and island
and other information such as weather tourism and extend the benefits of 5G to a
forecasts, and keep in touch with their growing range of industries. So far, China
families through HD video calls. In case of Unicom Guangdong and Huawei have
emergency, they can make calls for rescue implemented 5G "U-Joy Cities" projects
promptly with a 5G app designed for fishing at Foshan Manufacturing City, Yangjiang
vessel use. In addition, the app can assist Marine City, and Guangzhou Gigabit City,
them in selling their catch before they come fully unleashing the value of 5G for smart
back to shore. Looking forward, China life and smart industry. In coming years,
the system fully utilizes the large bandwidth Unicom Guangdong will further extend the the two parties will continue to explore new
of 3.5 GHz to achieve the uplink and digital fishing vessel system’s coverage, to 5.5G application scenarios and develop
downlink access rates of 2 Mbps and 60 serve an expected 40,000 to 50,000 fishing pioneering experience that could help cities
Mbps, respectively, even at 61 km offshore. vessels along the entire Guangdong coast. and rural areas around the world.
Huawei to Showcase Its Latest Technologies at Digital Bangladesh Mela
Huawei is going to showcase its latest and Bangladesh government. With that and smart healthcare. Digital Bangladesh
technologies at Digital Bangladesh agenda, our pavilion; themed as Stride Mela 2023 will help all the stakeholders get
Mela 2023 scheduled to be inaugurated to 5.5G, will bring diverse cutting-edge insights into all these aspects. Huawei has
on January 26 at the Bangabandhu technologies to the mela that include 5.5G, a massive portfolio of over 100,000 patents
International Conference Center at Robotics, Smart port, Smart Education, globally. It is one of the top patent holders
Agargaon in Bangladesh capital Dhaka. Huawei Solar PV solution, Cloud service in 5G technology, which is next-generation
The three-day fair will introduce latest and many more. I welcome all the visitors ultra-fast mobile internet seen as key to
innovations and future technological to our pavilion.’ Bangladesh is moving underpinning future industries such as
trends with industry partners and visitors, forward in great strides and on its way to artificial intelligence and autonomous
said a press release. Huawei, as the becoming a Smart Bangladesh by 2041. cars. This fair is a good opportunity for the
titanium sponsor of this event, is designing To expedite this journey, the country needs industry to learn and apply those solutions
the best pavilion with attractive solutions, to maximize the power of digitalization for their growth and development. Last
quiz and prizes. The Huawei pavilion will and technological innovations, including time Huawei provided the 5G experience to
be equipped with multiple breakthrough 5G, digital energy, cloud, smart education, the visitors.
innovations in different frontiers like 5.5G,
Enterprise Business Solutions, Huawei
cloud, and digital power, the release said.
‘Demo sites of Smart port and digital power
solutions will also be available for the
audience, along with video illustrations and
success stories on the latest innovations
on the topics mentioned earlier. Apart
from these, the visitors can join the quiz
in every two hour and win attractive
prizes. Huawei Bangladesh facebook
page has also announced a separate quiz
campaign for its fans,’ it read. Majian, Chief
Technical Officer of Huawei Bangladesh
says, ‘Huawei has been working in this
industry as an enabler of ICT ecosystem.
We are always there with our world-class
innovative solutions to bring digital to every
person, home and organization and build
a fully connected, intelligent Bangladesh.
On the other hand, carbon neutrality has
also been an important matter for us