Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Huawei Regional  President  Reiterates Support for Saudi  Arabia's Digital

        Transformation Goals

        Steven Yi, President of Huawei Middle East   positive  GDP  growth  throughout  the   industry's  digital  transformation.  In  Saudi,
        and  Central  Asia,  gave  a  keynote  on  the   uncertain period and thrives on economic   an increasing number of enterprises have
        second day of LEAP, Saudi Arabia's largest   diversification.”  Yi  added  that  driving  the   included 'cloud first' in their transformation
        and  most  comprehensive  ICT  exhibition.   economy’s  expansion  was  the  industry's   strategy  and  plan  to migrate  more  than
        In  his  speech,  Yi  highlighted  how  Huawei   urgent  demand  for advanced  digital   50% of their businesses into the cloud. ," Yi
        works  with  partners  to  help  the  Kingdom   technology   to   improve   productivity,   observed. Huawei is building a public cloud
        build  a more  robust infrastructure to   achieve  industrial  evolution,  and  promote   node  in  Saudi  Arabia  to  help  customers
        achieve its global computing power goals,   economic  development.  "Huawei  has   make the most of the  cloud  and  build
        including green and efficient data centers,   always been committed to supporting the   AI  and  IoT  solutions  based  on  HUAWEI
        AI  platforms,  and  future  computing   Saudi government and industry sectors in   CLOUD for smart cities, governments, and
        architecture research. Under the theme of   their  digital transformation to achieve the   large  enterprises.  Additionally,  Yi  noted
        ‘Unleash  Digital’,  Huawei  is  participating   Kingdom's vision. In Saudi Arabia, Huawei   that stronger local digital ecosystems are
        in  LEAP  2023  as  a  Strategic  Partner.  At   is actively cooperating with the government   vital  to supporting  digital  transformation.
        the  event,  Huawei  is  exhibiting  its  end-to-  and  industry partners  to promote the   Towards this end, Huawei promotes open
        end  innovations,  focusing  on  5.5G,  cloud   evolution  of the  latest  connectivity   collaboration  and shared success  across
        computing, AI, digital power, cybersecurity,   technology that will empower connectivity,   localized digital ecosystems. In December
        and industry applications designed to meet   allow  ubiquitous  uninterrupted  giga  2022,  an  MoU  was  inked  between
        the  needs  of  various  sectors,  including   internet  access everywhere and meet   the  Ministry of Communications  and
        government,  utilities,  oil  and  gas,  health,   industry  requirements  for reliability  and   Information Technology and Huawei for a
        energy,  and  more.  Steven  Yi  took  note  of   ultra-low latency." he said. To continue on   strategic partnership to realize the 10 Giga
        Saudi Arabia's rapid digital transformation,   this  successful  path,  Yi  mentioned  that   Society. He then expressed how adopting
        particularly  the  government's  pursuit   there  is  a  continuous  need  to  strengthen   Huawei's  advantages  in  Communication,
        of innovative  e-government  strategies.   the  country's  digital  infrastructure.  Today,   Enterprise  Solutions,  Cloud,  and  green
        In  parallel,  he  stated  that  Vision  2030   late  starters  and  early  adopters  expect   energy solutions will support Saudi to build
        includes  increasing  the  share  of  non-oil   more from connectivity and computing. In   a  promising  future  in  the  full  digital  era.
        exports  from  16%  to  50%  and  improving   terms of connectivity, Yi noted that Huawei   Finally,  Yi  highlighted  Huawei's  support
        the  Kingdom’s  GDP  ranking  in  the  global   is actively leading the evolution towards the   in  cultivating  a  new  generation  of digital
        league  table.  “Global  GDP  growth  has   5.5G  era,  dramatically  increasing  network   talent.  Huawei  has  collaborated  with
        fluctuated dramatically over the last three   capacity,  ensuring  pervasive  10G  speeds,   governments,  academia  and  industry  to
        years,  owing  to  numerous  uncertainties   and  meeting  the  industry's  requirements   enrich  the  region's  ICT  talent  ecosystem.
        such  as  the  COVID  pandemic  and  high   for reliable and low latency connectivity. In   CSR  initiatives  such  as  Seeds  for  the
        inflation.  The  digital  economy,  on  the   parallel, enterprises need to make the most   Future, the annual Huawei ICT Competition,
        other hand, has remained strong;  and the   of cloud and achieve leapfrog development.   Huawei  ICT  Academy,  joint  innovation
        Kingdom  of  Saudi  Arabia,  as  one  of  the   "There  is  no  doubt  that  the  cloud  is  the   centers,  labs  and  other  CSR  initiatives
        world’s largest economies, has maintained   future,  especially  in  accelerating  the   empower thousands of Arab youth annually
                                                                                 to supercharge  their  ICT  careers.  In  the
                                                                                 Middle East, Huawei has set up 167 Huawei
                                                                                 ICT  Academies  training  over  11,000  local
                                                                                 digital  talents,  while  more  than  3,500
                                                                                 students have participated in the flagship
                                                                                 program Seeds for the Future, helping over
                                                                                 40,000 people obtain Huawei certification.
                                                                                 Overall,  the  company  has  trained  over
                                                                                 120,000  ICT  talents  for  the  Middle  East
                                                                                 and is  committed to achieving more in
                                                                                 collaboration with partners. Huawei's vision
                                                                                 and  mission  is  to bring  digital  to every
                                                                                 person, home, and organization for a fully
                                                                                 connected, intelligent world. The company
                                                                                 consistently  promotes  an  open  approach
                                                                                 to  innovation,  focusing  on  constructive
                                                                                 dialogue,  cross-industry  cooperation,  and
                                                                                 exchanging expertise with countries in the
                                                                                 Middle East and worldwide.

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