Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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                         management  rights  valid until a traditional spectrum   5G  license before  the 28  February  deadline. With
                         auction  can be organized for the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz   plans for a 5G spectrum  auction at  an impasse due
                         band. The BIPT will now hold a public consultation on   to a  disagreement  between  federal  and regional
                         its proposal until 21 April 2020 and then make a final   governments,  the BIPT  announced  in  early  February
                         decision on each license award.                proposals to grant temporary licenses for the 3.5GHz
                         (March 24, 2020)               band to enable  an initial deployment of 5G services.
                                                                        It is not known whether other candidates applied for
                         Belgium’s  three  main  mobile  network operators   the  temporary licenses.  The  BIPT  will  now examine
                         (MNOs)  – Telenet,  Orange  Belgium  and Proximus   the applications  and decide  how to allocate the
                         –  have  confirmed  they  applied  to  the  telecoms   frequencies.  A public  consultation  will  then  be held,
                         regulator,  the Belgian Institute for Postal  Services   during  which  the regulator  will  publicly  announce  all
                         and Telecommunications  (BIPT),  for a preliminary   the applicants. (March 2, 2020) Data News

                         The Federal Government,  through  the Ministry  of   of Telecommunications  of Brazil,  Vitor Menezes said
                         Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications,   that  the investments must occur  by  ten years.  The
                         developed  a  series of initiatives to stimulate the   Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations
                         expansion of the telecommunications infrastructure in   and Communications coordinated an inter-ministerial
        Brazil           Brazil. Among the measures, the auction of 5G-related   project that aims to bring fiber optics to underserved
                         radiofrequency  bands will  be held  in the last  quarter   cities and towns  in the Northern Region.  This is  the
                         of 2020 by Anatel and is considered to be the largest   Integrated  and Sustainable  Amazon Project  (PAIS).
                         spectrum auction in the world so far. Licenses for the   PAIS' goal is to launch 5,000 km of sub-fluvial cables
                         700  MHz,  2.3  GHz,  3.5  GHz  and  26  GHz  bands  will   across  the Amazon River and its  main  tributaries,
                         be made  available.  To facilitate telecommunications   according to government official. “The project is carried
                         infrastructure deployment, the Federal Government is   out by the National Education and Research Network
                         preparing  the regulation  of the Antennas  Law,  which   and, in addition to providing an unprecedented capacity
                         will be published in 2020. Among other measures, the   to  the  private  initiative  in  the  region,  benefiting  a
                         new regulation  will  provide for a  “deemed  granted”   population of 9.5 million people; it will provide services
                         rule for municipal  infrastructure deployment permit   to 2,200 urban public schools (1.7 million students) and
                         requests that are not answered after a pre-established   9,400 basic health units or hospitals,” added Menezes.
                         period of time, as well as establish a permit waiver for   “The first segment to be implemented will be between
                         small-sized equipment.  There was  a  recent  reform   Macapá (AP) and Santarém (PA), at a cost of roughly
                         of the Brazilian  General  Telecommunications  Law   $9  million, and will  have 570  km.  “Riverbed  studies
                         that is set to allow the migration of the current fixed   have already started and the implementation should be
                         telephony  concessions  to the authorization  regime,   completed by November 2020. The next stretches will
                         which has  a  lighter institutional framework.  This   reach  the states of Amazonas, Porto Velho,  Roraima
                         will  allow  the  current  fixed  telephony  infrastructure,   and Acre, covering numerous small towns and cities.”
                         which has been maintained by contractual force, to be   (March 8, 2020)
                         replaced  by modern  broadband networks. Secretary

                         The telecoms  operator  CamTel has  received three   network,  including submarine  cable landing  stations,
                         licenses  from the Telecommunications  Regulatory   has  also  been  issued. Commenting  on the license
                         Board  (ART), following a  restructuring  of  the state-  awards, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications
                         owned firm last year. One of the concession agreements   Minette Libom Li  Likeng said: ‘The granting  of these
        Cameroon         allows  CamTel to operate  a  nationwide  public  GSM   concession agreements to CamTel aims to enhance the
                         network. The firm’s fixed telecommunications network   productivity of the national operator, in order to increase
                         license has been renewed, while a new license for the   the supply  of quality electronic  telecommunications
                         establishment and operation of a nationwide transport   services at affordable prices.’ (March 16, 2020) ITWeb Africa

                         Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science & Economic   phone packages that include 2GB to 6GB of monthly
                         Development,  Navdeep  Bains, has issued  a  directive   data. If the big MNOs do not comply, the government
                         to the country’s  three large national mobile network   ‘will take action with other regulatory tools to further
                         operators (MNOs) – Rogers, Bell and Telus – to lower   increase competition  and help reduce  prices,’  the
        Canada           their prices by  25%  in  the next  two  years  for  mobile   minister  stated,  adding  that the  aim was to increase

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