Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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        Securing your Digital Business with Innovation in a

        Connected World

        Innovation and digital transformation  was  always  at  the core   Etisalat  considers  security  as  an  integral
        of our strategy to ‘Drive the digital future to empower societies’
        putting  our  efforts on  providing innovative solutions  enabling   part  of  its  service  framework  and
        connectivity and mobility.                                has  embedded  fundamental  security
                                                                  capabilities within each offering to comply
        Today  we are able to play  a  greater role in the digital lives of
        consumers and enterprises with the backbone of a robust and one   with the highest security standards.
        of the most advanced, fastest and widest network in the region.

        With the move towards a digital economy, an increasing amount   Etisalat  considers  security as  an  integral part  of  its  service
        of consumer and citizen data will be stored digitally due to the     framework and has embedded fundamental security capabilities
        large number of  transactions carried out online  by  companies,   within each offering to comply with the highest security standards.
        individuals as well as government departments. The importance
        and impact of cyber security has increased with more and more   Digital security in a connected world
        businesses adopting digital services and platforms.    Digital  security  spans across  securing  customers’  assets,
                                                               infrastructure, identity in a connected world. With its SMB focused
        Every customer who interacts on the internet is in a way or another   digital security  propositions,  Etisalat  is helping  its customers
        already using the cloud (i.e. infrastructure outside its office). While   secure their networks and connectivity, data and applications, and
        sending an email or browsing the web, they are accessing data on   user devices and platform with various type of solutions,
        the cloud.  Cloud-based  security  solutions  or using  intelligence   •  Cloud firewall: Etisalat’s Business Edge internet bundles come
        from the cloud,  which  has become  integral to protecting  daily   with  an  in-built  cloud  firewall  that  ensures  your  network  is
        activities.                                              protected and users only have access to sites approved by the
                                                                 company’s management.
        Therefore digital  security spans across securing  customers’   •  Endpoint security: All broadband services have one or several
        assets, infrastructure, identity in a connected world. While most   Windows/Mac endpoint  security antiviruses bundled  without
        SMBs are aware of the cyber-security risks, the biggest challenge   extra fees.
        they face is the rising number of targeted attacks with increased   •  Mobile security: All business users can download the Etisalat
        complexity.                                              application  on Android where Etisalat  has embedded  mobile
                                                                 antivirus by default or free of cost.
        In this scenario, Etisalat plays a role of a trusted service partner   •  Email security: Etisalat has stand-alone email security for mail
        that  provides them access to  the best-of-breed security   server owners or Office 365 subscribers to ensure there is no
        technologies ‘as a service’.                             malware and users have less spam.

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