Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 64


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        ICT Spending in UAE to Reach US$23 Billion by 2024

        ICT spending in the United Arab Emirates   solutions, customer data  analysis,  stock   reality apps,  as well as smart sensors
        (UAE) will reach US$23bn in 2024, according   trading and asset management platforms,"   and 3D printing, to enhance  productivity,
        to new research  from GlobalData. The   Sharma says.  "Demand for smart  mining   improve  quality  control  and ensure  safer
        figure  represents  a  compound  annual   solutions is  expected  to  rise  as  oil  and   workplaces. Similarly, the  travel and
        growth  rate  (CAGR) of  8%  during the   gas  companies strive to enhance  their   leisure  industry  is  expected  to  increase
        period  2019-2024.  GlobalData says  the   operational  efficiency.  On  the  other   investments in big data  technology  to
        results show that the UAE continues to be   hand,  the continued  threat of security   understand  travelers preferences and
        among the most attractive ICT markets in   breaches  will  maintain  demand for AI-  track their real-time information. "High
        the Middle East,  driven by  digitalization   based autonomous security technologies,"   demand  for data collection,  analysis  and
        initiatives and aided by the increased   he explains.  According  to GlobalData's   automation services to monitor production
        adoption  of leading technologies such   research,  ICT  investments  in  the  and  employee performance,  as  well  as
        as  cloud, big data  analytics, internet  of   construction  and  travel  &  leisure  sectors   investments in cyber security are expected
        things  (IoT)  and  artificial  intelligence   are also expected to increase significantly.   to  significantly  increase  over  the  next
        (AI).  "Digitization of the UAE  economy,   The construction industry  in  the UAE   few  years,"  Sharma  says.  "Additionally,
        economic  diversification  initiatives  by   continues to incline towards the adoption   increased  investments  in  emerging
        the government,  growing adoption of  IoT   of advanced technologies such as building   technologies  such as  AI  and block-chain
        technologies and rising demand from the   information  modeling  (BIM)  software,   solutions will act as catalysts for the ICT
        enterprise, retail and construction sectors   drones,  virtual  reality  and augmented   spending market in the UAE."
        are the major  factors driving the growth
        of the ICT  market," says  Rohit  Sharma,
        senior  analyst  at  Global Data.  According
        to  the research,  the services  segment
        accounted  for around  58%  of  the overall
        ICT  spending  in 2019  and is  forecast to
        retain the largest share by  the end  of
        2024.  However, the  software/application
        segment is projected to record the highest
        CAGR of  11% during  the forecast  (2020-
        24) period. "Strong  demand  for PCs  and
        servers by consumers and businesses,
        as  well  as  continued  investment by
        companies in IT infrastructure, will boost
        the sales of the hardware segment in the
        forecast period," says Sharma. "The overall
        revenue  from hardware/infrastructure is
        estimated to reach US$6bn by 2024." The
        research shows ICT spending  across the
        banking, financial services and insurance
        (BFSI)  and energy verticals  will  account
        for a major share (43%) of the overall ICT
        spend  in the country by 2024.  "Financial
        services  firms  will  continue  to  maintain
        spending  on IT  products  related to
        banking such as mobile banking, payment

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