Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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                         stated the regulator. According to think tank, Blue Europe,   for offering some of the most affordable fixed internet
                         Romania’s internet penetration rate is one of the highest   services. Climbing three positions in the global ranking,
                         in  Europe,  surpassing  even  some  of  the  continent’s   Romania  now  boasts  an  average  monthly  broadband
                         wealthiest countries like France, Belgium, Finland, and   cost of RON 35 (USD 7.57), marking a decrease from
                         Austria.  In  January  2023,  Romania  had  17.82  million   the previous year. The range of internet packages varies
                         internet users, indicating an 88.9% internet penetration   significantly, with the cheapest subscription at RON 6
                         rate of the total population. Blue Europe points out that   (USD  1.30)  and  the  most  expensive  at  RON  45  (USD
                         Romania stands out in the European Union and globally   9.73). (May 15, 2024)

                         SA’s telecom regulator is looking to increase access to   The  Independent  Communications  Authority  of  South
                         5G communication services by releasing a new batch of   Africa  (Icasa)  has  announced  the  allocation  of  the
                         radio frequency spectrum that can be shared between   IMT2300  frequency  band  solely  for  use  in  cellular
                         operators,  signaling  a  major  shift  from  present  local   networks.  As  a  result,  all  non-International  Mobile
        South Africa     market  deployment  practices.  After  investigating  the   Communications (IMT) must be cleared from the band
                         future trajectory of the telecom market, the Independent
                                                                        by 31 May 2024, with one aeronautical exception. Icasa
                         Communications  Authority  of  SA  (Icasa)  is  preparing   published the radio frequency assignment plan for the
                         to  introduce  dynamic  spectrum  access  (DSA)  and  an   IMT2300 band in the Government Gazette on 15 May
                         opportunistic spectrum management framework. This   2024. The IMT2300 band ranges between 2300MHz and
                         will be for two 5G frequency bands: 3,800 to 4,200MHz   2400MHz and will be used for IMT-Time Division Duplex
                         and 5,925 to 6,425MHz, Icasa said in the Government   (TDD).  Telkom  is  currently  assigned  the  first  60MHz
                         Gazette  recently.  DSA  is  a  technique  to  improve   of the band, so the remaining 40MHz will be assigned
                         efficiency in using radio frequencies on which data is   by  prospective  licensees  being  invited  to  apply.  The
                         transmitted.                                   spectrum will be assigned for 3G, 4G, 5G, and other IMT
                         To  use  an  analogy,  radio  waves  can  be  visualized  as   use. However, South Africa is phasing out 3G services,
                         lanes  on  a  highway.  In  the  conventional  spectrum   so it is unclear whether the older technology will feature
                         allocation, specific frequencies, or lanes, are designated   in this band. Because it is a TDD network, adjacent TDD
                         for specific uses such as TV or radio broadcasting and   networks should be synchronized with the uplink and
                         cellphone calls. The problem is that some frequencies   downlink frames aligned in time to avoid interference.
                         are not constantly in use, such as TV channels at night.   This  also  ensures  the  efficient  use  of  the  spectrum
                         DSA  allows  other  devices  to  use  temporarily  unused   resources. The Gazette states that systems seeking an
                         lanes,  allowing  for  sharing  of  spectrum  assets.  The   assignment of the spectrum need to promote spectral
                         technology works to find underutilized frequencies and   efficiency. Therefore, Icasa encourages using capacity-
                         lets devices use them without interfering with existing   enhancing  digital  techniques  to  promote  efficient
                         users. In SA, the issue of clogged spectrum bands is   spectrum use. Icasa said that all non-IMT services are
                         especially pertinent. In  March  2022, Icasa  achieved  a   to be cleared from the spectrum, except Aeronautical
                         milestone  in  finalizing  a  spectrum  auction  generating   Mobile Flight Testing in the FAR147 area, as the band
                         R14bn for the government.                      will  be  strictly  used  for  IMT  purposes.  Prospective
                         However, some of the spectrum sold is still occupied   spectrum licensees must note that if their radio system
                         by  broadcasters,  which  still  need  to  transition  from   causes  harmful  interference  to  other  radio  stations
                         analogue to digital TV as part of the digital migration   or  systems,  they  will  be  responsible  for  modifying  it.
                         process.  The  authority  has  invited  players  in  the   The  spectrum  will  be  coordinated  according  to  the
                         sector  to  make  written  submissions  on  the  technical   Harmonized  Calculation  Method  for  Africa  (HCM4A)
                         information  of  stations  operating  in  the  earmarked   Agreement to ensure no interference with the spectra
                         frequency ranges.                              of other Sub-Saharan countries.
                         (June 25, 2024)         (May 17, 2024)

                         The  South  Korean  Science  Ministry  has  announced  it   million) that was due last month. The ministry has since
                         will revoke the license of new mobile carrier, Stage X, for   requested  additional  reasoning  and  compliance  from
                         failing to meet the legal requirements to run its business.    the  company  but  the  problems  are  still  unresolved.
                         Stage X is the country’s fourth mobile operator (after SK   Therefore,  the  ministry  will  launch  proceedings  to
        South            Telecom, LG U+, and KT), and is owned by a consortium   revoke the company’s license before formally cancelling
                                                                        it.   “We concluded the capital raising claimed by Stage
                         led  by  tech  giant  Kakao  Corp.  and  other  unnamed
        Korea            partners. It has not met set requirements, which include   X could not be trusted and that it would be difficult to
                         paying  the  paid-in  capital  of  KRW  205  billion  ($149   properly carry out the business if the capital specified

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